@codelock said: deals were so legendary that even provider wants to buy them , anyways I will soon complete 1 year with host-c been so happy with my 5tb vps , even though I was never able to get a flash sale deal this year
Quite the opposite! We noticed that some customers weren’t using them, and we’d love to have more "active" customers enjoying our offerings. 😊
So rather then let them sit, we offer the possibility to get something that you might like more.
Additionally, all of our products can be exchanged for credit if they no longer meet your needs or if you wish to purchase something else. This ensures you can enjoy something you truly want, rather than letting an unwanted product expire unused.
can I then get the deals if someone converts them to credits? 😉
Missed Black Friday
can I then get the deals if someone converts them to credits? 😉
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
IPV4 lovers, we dropped a 1.5TB storage offer here: ( it has /64 ipv6 also )
Just letting you know.......
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
But I won't Idle
Is it technically idling if you use only 5% of your 4TB storage vps?
its like 95% idling
Is the data moving? At work I fill 95% of my chair, but as long as I'm not moving it's counted as 'idling'.
Good one
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
VPS Triton - 500GB NVME $8/m idling. Not needed anymore.
WHMCS can't connect to PVE so I have unlimited bandwidth?