HOST-C, Chat, Updates, Stuff

host_chost_c Hosting Provider
edited December 2024 in General

Hy fellas,

Started this as it was time we had 1 thread for all HOST-C stuff related.

Welcome all, trolling, memes or whatever is allowed, heck, even welcomed =) . All in the limits of LES Rules :p

We managed to clear most of the Tickets from the BF Sale, still have to fix some and to provision the 20 TB deals


I will start with a thank you for choosing HOST-C.

Here is an insight for the first part of 2025:

  • Another Payment Gateway ( no crypto, at least for the first part of 2025 )
  • Captcha - a more normal version then the one currently used
  • rDNS in User Panel
  • A new location for IPV6 only deals + a new location for higher speeds
  • TOS will get some updates - these will be sent out via e-mail to all customers
  • A decent website
  • A lot of tweeks in products, pricing and product flexibility
  • Dyson Sphere will be made a always available product ( well, as much as possible / location )

Now, for the rest of 2024, we will do some minor tweaks to server performance, might have to take a few nodes offline for a few minutes, as CPU or RAM is not hot-swap capable, at least not on the DELL's we use.

I wish to underline to everyone that we are no DMCA ignore, that term is pretty widely interpreted as PORN, Shady Stuff over the internet and other, some might got this idea as I am from Romania and some of my fella providers endorsed this type of activity in the past or still do, I will gladly disappoint some in this statement. Whatever you publish must follow this rule, whatever you store, that is not our business.

Short version of TOS can be found here, each subject has a revision number and date when it was published, as we update it, version number changes so is the date.

I wish to thank those that trusted/trust us with whatever data they have ( regardless of the type =) ) .

Get your self prepared, more to come.

As usual, if you have any questions, shoot.


Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

"If there is no struggle there is no progress"



  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai


    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • Managed to miss all the storage BF deals; I think I must have been in the wrong timezone / distracted by kittens.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    Pre orders for 2025 ftw !!

    Thanked by (1)host_c
  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @ahnlak said: Managed to miss all the storage BF deals; I think I must have been in the wrong timezone / distracted by kittens.

    You are excused, we love kittens, all types. ;)

    Thanked by (2)ahnlak admax

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • I'm still looking forward to host-c's $7 deal. :p

    Thanked by (2)DataRecovery yoursunny
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    i finally became a host-c customer with an amazing value 2TB deal on LES exclusively, so


    Thanked by (2)host_c admax

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • 666666 <3

    Thanked by (1)host_c
  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @gritty said:
    I'm still looking forward to host-c's $7 deal. :p

    I will have to think something up, as accounting and taxes is ~3 USD on a sale, and @7USD / year, well, you know, dead-pool if abused to much.

    @cybertech said: i finally became a host-c customer with an amazing value 2TB deal on LES exclusively, so

    Happy to have you onboard.

    What I can promise to all after big sales, is that your neighbors will be noisy for the first couple of days, and they will deplete the IO available for storage 24/7, same story, every time.... =)

    Things settle in a few days.

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • @host_c wonder if custom ISOs is support? i cannot check it myself atm.(I got kick out to login page for the third time now 😂)

  • I'd like to suggest that Host-C consider a new IPv6-only storage deal at a competitive price. some people need large-capacity storage for backup purposes, so IPv4 isn't a necessity. Could you consider removing IPv4 to offer more competitive storage solutions?

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @vyas said: Pre orders for 2025 ftw !!

    I am not a fan, we tried it on OGF, it wen ok-ish, but I was too stressed for parts to arrive on time.

    We had the go from LES admins to do it here, but rather waited to do the normal sale. I do not feel comfortable not "putting my money where my moth is".

    Satisfaction is always higher if you get what you payed for instantly, or in a few minutes. =) =) =)

    This is a good tool for expansion, but it can go very wrong very fast, this forum and others are full of examples, I wish not to repeat what I read a bunch of times. Slowly but surely is better, altho, the opening of next location got delayed 12 months, not proud, as some say, it is what it is. :)

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • @host_c said: Captcha - a more normal version then the one currently used


    @host_c said: rDNS in User Panel

    Also nice! For all subnets (because for example has no rDNS currently)?

    @host_c said: A decent website


    @host_c said: Now, for the rest of 2024, we will do some minor tweaks to server performance, might have to take a few nodes offline for a few minutes, as CPU or RAM is not hot-swap capable, at least not on the DELL's we use.

    Maybe you can take a few photos from the servers/your rack if you're there anyway?

    @Blembim said:
    @host_c wonder if custom ISOs is support? i cannot check it myself atm.(I got kick out to login page for the third time now 😂)

    Doesn't seem to be available in the panel, but is available.

    Thanked by (2)Blembim host_c

    cpu_logger | Recommended providers: Layer7, dataforest (Avoro/PHP-Friends), @host_c

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    @gritty said: I'd like to suggest that Host-C consider a new IPv6-only storage deal at a competitive price. some people need large-capacity storage for backup purposes, so IPv4 isn't a necessity. Could you consider removing IPv4 to offer more competitive storage solutions?

    that will take off too little in my opinion, I had this talk with other providers, most of them agreed, in today pricing, IPV4 is the last of my concern.

    Fees and other expenses on cheap products eat all profit, let me give you an example on a cash-back we did today ( well not 1, but just to have a general idea )

    45.00 USD
    Transaction Fee
    2.73 USD
    Merchant Amount
    42.27 USD

    so that cost me 2.73 USD + other expanses, not that bad on a 45 USD right?

    14.00 USD
    Transaction Fee
    1.05 USD
    Merchant Amount
    12.95 USD

    1.05 USD on a 14 USD sale? that is .... outrageous might I say

    I can understand other providers being reluctant on cheap deals, it is not that we do not wish to do them, heck, on IPV6 we can do 1C/1G/5GB NVME/1TB transfer each minute of the day 24/7/365, but that will actually cost the provider, not the user, hence no benefit, provider dead-pools and user is frustrated hat another went to dust...

    We are ok owning that, as it is grate for the community and rather giving $ to google better spend the $ as credit, but only in limited numbers, otherwise........ RIP. =)

    @lukast__ said: Doesn't seem to be available in the panel, but is available.

    Open a tiket, giv us the link, we will put it up.

    Thanked by (3)gritty lukast__ Blembim

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @lukast__ said: Maybe you can take a few photos from the servers/your rack if you're there anyway?

    Hmm, tomorrow will be the day, but I think I have something on my phone, little out date ( 1 month ). Give me a sec

    Thanked by (2)lukast__ admax

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    here you go:

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • @host_c said:
    here you go:

    Shouldn't there be rows of cabinets? B)

  • edited December 2024

    @host_c said:
    Here is an insight for the first part of 2025:

    • Another Payment Gateway ( no crypto, at least for the first part of 2025 )

    Could you consider accepting Skrill?
    Very few providers support it unfortunately.

    @ahnlak said:
    Managed to miss all the storage BF deals; I think I must have been in the wrong timezone / distracted by kittens.

    You're not alone in this pain.
    I also didn't add any storage VPS to my collection.
    With the only difference that I was (permanently) distracted by work.

    @gritty said:
    I'm still looking forward to host-c's $7 deal. :p

    Should you manage to snag that $7 storage, please grab another for me as well — the connection speed I have at the moment prevents any quick BF/CM purchase very effectively.

    Thanked by (2)host_c gritty

    StorageAMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    @host_c said:
    here you go:

    This is I125?

    Thanked by (2)host_c Wonder_Woman

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @host_c said: A new location for IPV6 only deals + a new location for higher speeds

    Hopefully some "Asia Optimization" too ;)

    Thanked by (1)host_c
  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    Shit, wrong one =) =) =)

    These were during the time we moved all servers to another part of the DC, as we secured the next rack also for 2025

    These are from the old rack, will post updates tomorrow.

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @NullSir said: Shouldn't there be rows of cabinets? B)

    and more servers right?? =) =)

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • I was curious why DNS is not allowed? Don't want to anyway, just wondering.

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @FAT32 said: This is I125?

    it is not Yle ( ROW ) 125

    I wanted to do a quiz on that, but I would have to divulge information that might be useful for an attacker on the infrastructure.

    Thanked by (1)FAT32

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    @averell said: I was curious why DNS is not allowed? Don't want to anyway, just wondering.

    DNS Hijack or being part in a DNS amplification attack.

    Happened, oh boy, not once.

    Some ( almost all ) forget to set up DNS server correctly so a ton ended up being part of a shit attack a few years back.

    I can limit the PPS reply on TCP/UDP 53 via the Firewall, but sincerely, why bother?

    Thanked by (3)lukast__ Shot² averell

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    I am more interested in pics of the basement

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @host_c Don't run off you gots works to do dammit!!!

    Thanked by (3)admax host_c Wonder_Woman
  • _MS__MS_ OGSenpai

    Thanked by (3)ariq01 host_c Calin
  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    That is actually Fucking Awesome, Thank you
    =) =) =)

    @AuroraZero said: @host_c Don't run off you gots works to do dammit!!!

    YEah, we are fixing stuff in the dc, I have no words how the creation of VM's went...... =) =) =) poor servers......

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider

    just realised, forgot something that will happen in first few days of 2025

    WE will change e-mail hosting to Google, so we get rid of the MSFT no love. =)

    Thanked by (2)admax _MS_

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @host_c said:
    That is actually Fucking Awesome, Thank you
    =) =) =)

    @AuroraZero said: @host_c Don't run off you gots works to do dammit!!!

    YEah, we are fixing stuff in the dc, I have no words how the creation of VM's went...... =) =) =) poor servers......

    Hey it is that kind of SNAFU = Situation Normal ALL F***edup

    Thanked by (1)admax
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