So... the freelancer tag did not work out :)
in General
Feel free to give me a "I told you so"
Freelancer tags being merged in to service provider.
perhaps in the future it will be worth looking at again.
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Thanked by (1)webmash
Sounds good - I don't think it's needed if we can still advertise freelancing, or, stuff we do?
Rules updated.
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Butts. We need a butts tag.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
You mean butts provider?
Action and Reaction in history
Talk about a race to the bottom..
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
Why did it not work out? Not enough people apply or was it abused?
No I told you so, but yeah didn't seem like a freelancer heavy crowd
No offers no requests.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
It's fine, we all know Mike had too many tags. That show off.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
Guess the lifetime tag wasn't..
My pronouns are like/subscribe.