VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • edited December 2023

    💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks

  • LMAO
    This is the worst score I have ever seen on Trustpilot

  • Virtual Machine Solutions LLC used to list a street address on Google Maps.
    Now its entry says simply "United States".
    I wonder how many rotten eggs landing on the office window resulted in the removal of street address.

    No hostname left!

  • edited December 2023

    @treesmokah said: LMAO
    This is the worst score I have ever seen on Trustpilot

    Those reviews are worth nothing unless those posting them are verified. One person can generate hundreds of those. We know how motivated MJJs are.

  • msattmsatt OG
    edited December 2023

    @yoursunny said:
    Virtual Machine Solutions LLC used to list a street address on Google Maps.
    Now its entry says simply "United States".
    I wonder how many rotten eggs landing on the office window resulted in the removal of street address.

    It shows the address in every invoice......

    No invoice - no address. Thought I would catch you :3

    edit (to protect the innocent......)

  • AdvinAdvin Hosting Provider

    @treesmokah said:

    This is the worst score I have ever seen on Trustpilot

    I am a representative of Advin Servers

  • @Advin said:

    @treesmokah said:

    This is the worst score I have ever seen on Trustpilot

    If Virmach(never used it) is as "good" as PayPal, then I understand its reviews

  • @treesmokah said:

    @Advin said:

    @treesmokah said:

    This is the worst score I have ever seen on Trustpilot

    If Virmach(never used it) is as "good" as PayPal, then I understand its reviews

    It's better than Paypal ... Some people actually like Virmach - everybody hates PayPal.

  • The Alibaba 47.87.x.y ranges got yanked back by them, right? I have a machine that the control panel still shows as being on that range and it doesn't work is why I'm asking.

  • @msatt said:

    @yoursunny said:
    Virtual Machine Solutions LLC used to list a street address on Google Maps.

    It shows the address in every invoice......

    It's quite close to Culver Citybus route 6, so I'll have a chance to visit worship there during my next trip to Los Angeles.

    No hostname left!

  • @skorous said:
    The Alibaba 47.87.x.y ranges got yanked back by them, right? I have a machine that the control panel still shows as being on that range and it doesn't work is why I'm asking.

    Yeah, these are probably servers affected by the dedipath deadpool drama (DALZ04 and 07).

  • @DanSummer said:

    @skorous said:
    The Alibaba 47.87.x.y ranges got yanked back by them, right? I have a machine that the control panel still shows as being on that range and it doesn't work is why I'm asking.

    Yeah, these are probably servers affected by the dedipath deadpool drama (DALZ04 and 07).

    This one's in Chicago but as long as I know I'm not to bother troubleshooting I'm good. TY sir.

  • @VirMach said:

    @cgs3238 said:

    @VirMach said:
    Also a reminder that this wasn't just like "oh, multi-account." They were related to the core smaller number of accounts that also had PayPal chargebacks, and other flags. As I mentioned this all started with about a dozen people but ballooned into large clusters and then after the other guy charged back some more a few other points were also added.

    I don't remember exactly but four out of these five people are somehow connected to eachother so they should discuss with themselves how they're related. Maybe in clusters of two or three in some way.

    @Franzkafka @nightcat @j0rmo @KuYeHQ @cgs3238

    Figure out who had what originally how it was sold, blah blah, map it all out and have one of you guys send it to me since no one seems to want to actually pay for the support work involved in sorting it out. Make sure you remember all the accounts and include them on there and complete the entire chain. and label who was responsible for creating them. If you all got it from the same point at any point in time, mention that. I'll look at one message from all of you collectively for free, so don't waste it I guess?

    Have been with VirMach 7 years +.

    There was a lot of fun long long time ago. Have even bought 70+ vps in the same time and renewed them 2 or 3 times as I remember. Whether you believe it or not, I'm not a scalper.

    It's now full of disappointment.

    Bye, VirMach.

    It would be interesting if anyone actually provided the full story of how they ended up being so intermingled. Because it was never my intention for 12 accounts to lead to so many and then interlink with eachother.

    Hi @VirMach,

    I will try to explain my story here for your kind reference. Actually today only I went through your page and found this "where service is purchased on a secondary account, per household." where you restrict one account per household and I respect your terms. But this condition is not common and truly speaking I have seen this condition first time in any online shop. In year 2016 I have created four accounts at your website one for me and rest for friend and family. Really I was not aware of your strange household condition as somewhere in April you said my account is flagged as multi-account in this thread so I send you PM that all four accounts are of real persons so please check PM from me but you could not get time to reply on that.

    Otherwise all four accounts were for real persons and not purchased from anywhere and never had any paypal etc dispute with you. Now you blocked two accounts which is fine with me as they violate your terms so I respect your decision.

    But I am not sure if your this special condition fall in EU's "Unfair contract terms directive" as it create unfair situations within household where everyone is adult and one can destroy other's right to buy. But I am not legal expert so leave this point here.

    I have nothing to complain about closure of two accounts as indeed they were violating your terms & conditions but still I have two accounts in household and will PM you to close one of them.


  • @davi said: four accounts at your website one for me and rest for friend and family

    Suppose the key bit of information is why did you do this?
    Why did each person need an individual account ?

    This was the start of the problem and the results / repercussions followed.
    As to legality IANAL either but what is meant is really one account, if it is a family then the family must all accept the actions of any individual.

    As to blocking accounts, how is Virmach supposed to know which is the 'main' account.
    Saying you sent a PM, I have said this before an account on LES can be created by anyone and there is no 'interconnection' between LES and Virmach. So anything sent via PM should really be up to Virmach to reject or accept depending upon how they feel.

    So as you have admitted, you broke the TOS and suffered the consequences, sorry but that is life.

  • @msatt said: you broke the TOS

    As I have already said I am not legal expert and I accept in very humble way decision by virmach. Only thing which looks to me bit strange is household clause in TOS which I have not seen in any other TOS. It will be great if you please share some more TOS with this clause as that will be new learning for me to take care in future.

  • Again I Am Not A Lawyer (IANAL) however a TOS could say anything e.g. 'A VM will always be called a chicken'.
    It is up to YOU to decide if you accept that.
    There are often consumer rights legal terms for example - 'this does not waive your statutory rights' which I suspect is what you are thinking about.
    As to finding other references from other suppliers there is no point looking, Virmach decides TOS and you either accept or decline.
    However going back to my questions which you failed to answer apart from with another question (not polite).

  • @davi said: your this special condition fall in EU's "Unfair contract terms directive"

    btw. How does this matters if you buy from USA company? :D

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • edited December 2023

    @msatt said: I Am Not A Lawyer (IANAL) however a TOS could say anything
    @Jab said: btw. How does this matters if you buy from USA company?

    Both EU and USA safe guard consumer against unfair contract terms in TOS but as I said I am not expert in this. Quick search on google with "unfair contract terms act [EU,USA]" give both laws on top. To me household clause in TOS is unusual and I will be interested to see more examples of similar clause in other TOS .

  • None of this discussion would explain how you gotta linked to these other people though. If you created four accounts and all of them only bought direct from Virmach you likely wouldn't have had accounts closed. So did you do the sketchy stuff or one of your "family" accounts?

  • edited December 2023

    @skorous said:
    None of this discussion would explain how you gotta linked to these other people though. If you created four accounts and all of them only bought direct from Virmach you likely wouldn't have had accounts closed. So did you do the sketchy stuff or one of your "family" accounts?

    This is interesting question. All these four accounts are directly purchased from VirMach and never had any dispute or any sketchy stuff etc on any account. Always do payment from my paypal account. Actually I just check all four accounts are still active but in two family accounts VPS are suspended. Anyway I was not using those VPS so fine with me. I just posted as @VirMach asked "It would be interesting if anyone actually provided the full story of how they ended up being so intermingled. Because it was never my intention for 12 accounts to lead to so many and then interlink with eachother." So i posted my story so that @VirMach can check how come actually my accounts get linked to these 12 accounts. As in my case it is not so important but in case of @cgs3238 this was quite important and @VirMach want to know one full story so that he can trace at his level.

    Sorry If I have hurt anyone and will stop any further posting on this. If any other information @VirMach you need please free to ask or create ticket in your portal.

  • can you really just id dem dupes account by IP? because if it is, that would be funny for everyone behind CGNAT.

    I know in the whmcs affiliate at bare minimum there are things that involve browser fingerprinting, this thing says a lot about you really.

    at some point virmach had to take their head out of their arse to answer honest questions from time to time, if you automated it at some point, it will make mistake at some point too. just because you have a lot of white knight simp in LES doesn't means your system or decision is perfect.

    for everyone lurking in this thread: someday your account will get caught in one of these shenanigans, virmach won't provide you a clear explanation, you have to pay them again to open tickets (that high likely cost more than your service lol), and then they get automated with some bullshit response a-la "muh big corpo" word soup. you vill own nothing and you vill be happy.

    to someone who says virmach is masochist club: you sir are goddamn right

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @Encoders said:
    can you really just id dem dupes account by IP? because if it is, that would be funny for everyone behind CGNAT.

    I know in the whmcs affiliate at bare minimum there are things that involve browser fingerprinting, this thing says a lot about you really.

    at some point virmach had to take their head out of their arse to answer honest questions from time to time, if you automated it at some point, it will make mistake at some point too. just because you have a lot of white knight simp in LES doesn't means your system or decision is perfect.

    for everyone lurking in this thread: someday your account will get caught in one of these shenanigans, virmach won't provide you a clear explanation, you have to pay them again to open tickets (that high likely cost more than your service lol), and then they get automated with some bullshit response a-la "muh big corpo" word soup. you vill own nothing and you vill be happy.

    to someone who says virmach is masochist club: you sir are goddamn right

    this guy here is getting anxious I wonder why?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @cybertech said: this guy here is getting anxious I wonder why?

    I am more wondering how the fuck he figured out it's "IP only" :-D

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @cybertech said:

    @Encoders said:
    can you really just id dem dupes account by IP? because if it is, that would be funny for everyone behind CGNAT.

    I know in the whmcs affiliate at bare minimum there are things that involve browser fingerprinting, this thing says a lot about you really.

    at some point virmach had to take their head out of their arse to answer honest questions from time to time, if you automated it at some point, it will make mistake at some point too. just because you have a lot of white knight simp in LES doesn't means your system or decision is perfect.

    for everyone lurking in this thread: someday your account will get caught in one of these shenanigans, virmach won't provide you a clear explanation, you have to pay them again to open tickets (that high likely cost more than your service lol), and then they get automated with some bullshit response a-la "muh big corpo" word soup. you vill own nothing and you vill be happy.

    to someone who says virmach is masochist club: you sir are goddamn right

    this guy here is getting anxious I wonder why?

    just in the mood to throw some spice really. damn i guess i was that bored to the point i have to post in this green javanese sandals enthusiast forum.

    as for question above, eh, you could say i have experience running business that rely on whmcs. I never bothered by dupes account before (not a thing in my country, we also rangeban china from ordering), but i have to deal with a lot of affiliation fraud which is whmcs helps identifying the validity of each affiliation usage. If you ever wrote a plugin for whmcs I'm sure you know you can fork that fraud detection for modules that handle account creation.

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • @VirMach not sure if this is the right place to vent, I have two 2 instances. Out of which I was in SEA05 went offline for more than 3-4 months (after being intermittently offline for almost 6 months) came back online in LAX with 1 ip out of 3, got 2 added after a ticket and now went offline again for more than a week. It was rock solid for about 2 years. At this point I would be glad if you can move the server to anywhere with good uptime or just tell us that these may be not sustainable and cancel, I don't want to let it go but if that is what going to happen ultimately rip the bandage now. @FrankZ

  • @Virmach can you please look at NYC-B034X, its so slow and its one of your highest spec servers (5950x) so it doesn't make any sense. Reinstalling an OS template takes forever on this server, when its a few minutes on any other server. (and when I had an OS installed i would get massive amounts of steal.) I went into your ticket system and have no interest in fighting with the AI to get a ticket in.

  • @DanSummer said: Those reviews are worth nothing unless those posting them are verified.

    Yea, like if you look at Vultr's reviews some will say that Vultr is garbage, use Linode instead. If you look at Linode's reviews, you can find ones recommending Vultr. Trustpilot is almost useless. I'm not a virmach customer, and it would appear they have some problems, but that doesn't mean untrustworthy Trustpilot needs to be relevant.

  • @JoeMerit said:
    @Virmach can you please look at NYC-B034X, its so slow and its one of your highest spec servers (5950x) so it doesn't make any sense. Reinstalling an OS template takes forever on this server, when its a few minutes on any other server. (and when I had an OS installed i would get massive amounts of steal.) I went into your ticket system and have no interest in fighting with the AI to get a ticket in.

    Fwiw, I already have a ticket in for this.

  • @skorous said:

    @JoeMerit said:
    @Virmach can you please look at NYC-B034X, its so slow and its one of your highest spec servers (5950x) so it doesn't make any sense. Reinstalling an OS template takes forever on this server, when its a few minutes on any other server. (and when I had an OS installed i would get massive amounts of steal.) I went into your ticket system and have no interest in fighting with the AI to get a ticket in.

    Fwiw, I already have a ticket in for this.

    Thanks --- mine is up for renewal soon and its one I was going to renew until the server started messing up.

    Thanked by (1)skorous
  • @skorous said: Fwiw, I already have a ticket in for this.

    Does your VPS on this server reboot every few minutes ? I get a reboot every 5-10 minutes and running anything gets 50-70 steal.

    also, corrupt data --- this server is very ill!

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