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  • Yes, https://my.openpanel.co/index.php?rp=/store/openpanel/enterprise-license * Monthly Plan: 14.95€ per month * Yearly Plan: 149.50€ per year (20% savings)
  • Project is active, you can follow the linkedin page or the changelog where we post new releases. Beta is complete! I thank everyone that took the time to test and report bugs, it really helped speed up the development! 🙌 I apologize if I don't res…
  • (Quote) Thank you for the feedback. 🙂
  • That is an example, you should define the disk space that you want to allocate for docker. But as I said, better leave as is. 🙌
  • (Quote) Yes, OpenLitespeed is on the To-do list for users, and LSWS for the server side: https://github.com/stefanpejcic/openpanel/issues/12
  • (Quote) I reproduced the problem on OpenAdmin > Settings > Firewall for the port range - fix is on the way. The Web Terminal operates independently of SSH and, as such, does not require deactivation alongside SSH. This is intentional. However…
  • (Quote) This is the admin interface (OpenAdmin) and is still work in progress since this is a beta release. OpenPanel (the end-user) interface it the complete product at this time. For admin section issues, please share errors on the forums or dis…
  • (Quote) No, the limitation you're encountering is specific to the devicemapper storage driver, and there's no workaround for it. If we remove the limit on openpanel, you would still receive error from the docker. We're in the process of migrating t…
  • (Quote) Hello, can you please join our discord and we'll get this sorted out there: https://discord.com/invite/7bNY8fANqF
  • (Quote) By default, Docker doesn't provide a built-in method to adjust the disk space allocation for a container while it's running. As a workaround, OpenPanel employs a different Docker storage driver to manage account usage and utilizes storage fi…
  • Will add caching for the ModSecurity build, thanks for the suggestion! The installation process includes creating two placeholder plans by default, which, according to the documentation, can be bypassed using the --skip-plans flag during installati…
  • (Quote) Thanks for the feedback, as I already mentioned, I rewrote the entire install script yesterday in order to fix some problems, but ended up creating others.. The script is now running perfectly fine.
  • (Quote) Yes, you can set any version that you want on per plan base, meaning that some of your users can have mysql 5.7, some mysql 8, other MariaDB.. I will make a howto tutorial soon.
  • (Quote) As noted in the install docs: minimum of 12GB, and we recommended at least 20GB Storage file can be set to 0 to have unlimited disk usage for the user account (i recommend this only for vps where you will be the only user).
  • For opencli please run: curl -o /usr/local/admin/core/users/hash https://gist.githubusercontent.com/stefanpejcic/cbe479c8d1ba4a29140a18282aa62c78/raw/3cff53f8c18f905eb86a76e17b1a56bf688c2d06/hash.py && sed -i 's/hash.py/hash/g' /usr/local…
  • (Quote) Agreed. Please run this script and it should fix the problem with shc: bash <(curl -sSL https://get.openpanel.co/downloads/fix.sh)
  • (Quote) Yup, will make it optional then 👍
  • (Quote) Yes. Even if you lost that info, just message me here years after, you will still have your license! :smile:
  • No, simply installing the panel is sufficient. I'll also simplify this information on the webpage for clarity.
  • Yes, the license can be transferred. The beta period is extended until July, thanks for the reminder, I'll update the site soon. Given that we don't gather any contact details, our plan is to display the unique license code in the admin panel to us…
  • Not yet. We've reached out to several firms and even shared our early code with one, but the only response we received was their lack of familiarity with Docker. Do you have any recommendations?
  • (Quote) Seems that some browsers are blocking the login cookie from the demo in the iframe.. please use these direct links instead: * admin demo * end-user demo
  • Hello everyone, I'm Stefan from the OpenPanel team. 👋 I fully agree with @bikegremlin on the matter that, given the regional dynamics, it's better for startups to establish a base abroad from an investor's standpoint. We're currently in the regist…