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- NotRealZeyad
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(Quote) Now I will quit metalvps due to I don't want to expose my identity to random people internet.
(Quote) and me AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBUp/JhS4fx3Ht9SSaZaeC/OGP9vGwZ31j+Kwakh VDxR
@Not_Oles Can you put back m account? AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBUp/JhS4fx3Ht9SSaZaeC/OGP9vGwZ31j+Kwakh VDxR
(Quote) Thanks
Why when I connect it says potential security breach
(Quote) Gm Oles am just asking when will the server come back?
(Quote) If you are confused about ssh you can install PuTTY As it is easy to use just install open the Putty key gen set the right configs and your ready to go when logging in open normal PuTTY and Click + on SSH And Auth paste in your private key a…
@Not_Oles Thank you so much for reinstating my account!
(Quote) 100
(Quote) I said for testing purposes in fact it actually ran good if I had that PC IRL I would get full 60 fps its just my internet
(Quote) Alright tell me when it is reinstated
(Quote) normally I wouldn't use it for gaming if it did have a GPU I wouldn't even try the gta v test was a just a testing purposes to see if it would run and it did it was not made for mainly to play I would use metalvps for projects I need a VM yo…
(Quote) Sorry if am not in touch but I really don't know what yqua said please quote it to me.
(Quote) I do need a personal but I will try not to use powerful resources it is very hard to find a server with such good specs as metalvps
@Not_Oles When will my account be reinstated?
(Quote) Should mine also be restored?
(Quote) Also learned a lot about ssh which was my goal!
(Quote) I didn't know that rdpwrapper was illegal, but I did learn how to operate qemu using my friends and a bit and port forwarding
(Quote) I can help people to get rdpwrapper working
Hi @Not_Oles so about the question "What the game I ran and how much people were playing" I was playing gta v the time you saw the graph was I installing it and it is true it takes a lot of CPU and ram to install once it finished I opened…
@Not_Oles Can you unsuspend my vm?
(Quote) Yeah you can get install rdpwrapper on ur qemu VM and invite your friends to it just don't have so many people there as it might take up some resources
(Quote) Hi Very sorry am using a lot of resources currently qemu vm which is the only thing I do in metalvps has 8 core and 8 GB ram the moment you captured was I probably running a heavy game on Qemu VM and I setted up rdpwrapper so I and my friend…
(Quote) It works thank you man!
(Quote) ok hopefully it now works
(Quote) Also am very sorry that this conversation is taking a bit of time am new to dealing with ssh
(Quote) Here is one without a password ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBUp/JhS4fx3Ht9SSaZaeC/OGP9vGwZ31j+KwakhVDxR and made sure its correct
(Quote) Also delete the other ones
(Quote) Can I re change the new ssh key to new one this time without password
(Quote) ssh keys can have passwords on it
@Yqua Try to make Password Authentication to true cuz I have password on it
(Quote) Still cant connect am using PuTTY btw (Image)