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  • I noticed Linveo VirtFusion panel had changed its appearance, so I was wondering if a newer version was installed with potentially better support, but booting NetBSD and OpenBSD ISOs failed the same old way.
  • I have had one VirMach VM since 2018 and with mixed feelings I have to say that it has one of the highest uptimes I have ever had. Based on everything I have read over here it shouldn't be possible, but it is.
  • (Quote) Sorry I forgot to reply to this earlier. It should be past the initial kernel loading as it shows the progress and ends at 18482656+671680+1425472 [871029+1254864+897200]=0x16e2aa0. I believe after the core kernel loading it should start l…
  • FreeBSD works great on the Linveo instance and I'm very happy with its performance. Network is snappy and the node doesn't feel like it is crowded at all. Disk I/O is superfast. With both Root-on-ZFS and swap encryptions there's no noticeable perfor…
  • @Not_Oles Just saying as a friend, you might find more peacefulness for example by going fishing. Perhaps it would be time for you to take a day or two off instead of trying to deep deeper meaning in file listings.
  • I was able to get a screenshot of 9.4 just before the reboot and it was showing WARNING: couldn't open /var/db/entropy-file Loading /stand/amd64/9.4/modules/cd9660/cd9660.kmod just before it crashes. Perhaps the kernel is not able to load the modu…
  • (Quote) Interesting, that made it work! It has worked well elsewhere for me just by using rc.conf and without any manual route setting, so it didn't even cross my mind. I was automatically expecting something to be wrong in the environment. Thanks f…
  • (Quote) It is the same thing in TX, /64 doesn't work even though the panel tells you that. 48 will make the default router pingable, but traffic doesn't seem to go further than that though.
  • OpenBSD 7.2 i386 - boots OpenBSD 7.3 i386 - boots OpenBSD 7.4 i386 - boots OpenBSD 7.5 i386 - boots OpenBSD 7.2 amd64 - boot hangs late OpenBSD 7.3 amd64 - boot hangs late OpenBSD 7.4 amd64 - boot hangs late OpenBSD 7.5 amd64 - boot hangs late OpenB…
  • OpenBSD 7.2 i386 actually did boot. Let me do some more testing here.
  • (Quote) Interesting...I tried booting OpenBSD with netboot.xyz and it hangs when scanning the scsibus (or after it). The behavior is the same when using a regular ISO boot. My VM is in TX and I believe yours is in AZ, correct? I'm wondering whether …
  • (Quote) FreeBSD just works.
  • (Quote) Get that BSD rockin'!
  • I went through the latest OpenBSD and NetBSD ISOs and i just couldn't get them booting up despite of whatever boot options I used, so it is a big bummer. Hopefully VF support can give some pointers on how to get this stuff working. I'd really like t…
  • FreeBSD 14.1 ISO installation worked well too. i need to spend some more time with NetBSD and OpenBSD templates and ISOs over the weekend. Hopefully we'll get everything working.
  • (Quote) Yes I see the same problem myself and OpenBSD is also failing to boot after fresh installation from the template. It is stuck at "Switching console to com0" @linveo you might want to check these out. FreeBSD templates do seem to w…
  • You could setup X and things to create a nice remote desktop for you.
  • (Quote) PM sent, thank you for your offer!
  • (Quote) I'm second in line!
  • It is very nice to see a lot of comments already on this thread! Thank you @FrankCastle and @Not_Oles for putting such a strong effort into this and making the thread happen! I personally started with FreeBSD many years ago when I had issues gettin…
  • (Quote) There should be also an option for $1/TB.
  • Crunchbits absolutely. Very solid service, good prices and fast support. Premium provider.
  • Interesting, that's the same price as their 1GB RAM/25GB SSD. I was expecting it to be less. Thank you for confirming though!
  • Can anybody confirm what's the price if you decide to keep it beyond the first 12 months?
  • (Quote) The main two limitations were that a single VM can only have 8 cores and it couldn't be connected to vSphere for additional failover functionality. For a home lab / standalone virtualization it was working great, so it is a bummer to lose it.
  • (Quote) pkg install py39-fail2ban :lol: Running it on every single box I have, works like a charm with pf or ipfw.
  • Your sshd, cron and syslogd have consumed some cpu time according to the info you provided, so I'm guessing there are bunch of script kiddies knocking on your door ... ehm ssh port trying to get in :lol: It could also be caused by just disk I/O, sys…
  • Give MetalVPS a try.