VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • edited March 1

    @ususk said:

    @localhost said:

    @ususk said:
    LAX after migration

    Main IP pings: false
    Node Online: true
    Service online: online

    Both DHCP and static IP didn't work. Neighbor IPs are pingable.
    What's the problem here?

    What node? Even i m having trouble

    LAX1Z021 marked as complete

    Still, no dhcp nor manual works

  • @localhost said:

    @ususk said:

    @localhost said:

    @ususk said:
    LAX after migration

    Main IP pings: false
    Node Online: true
    Service online: online

    Both DHCP and static IP didn't work. Neighbor IPs are pingable.
    What's the problem here?

    What node? Even i m having trouble

    LAX1Z021 marked as complete

    Still, no dhcp nor manual works

    Another VPS on is also having weird issue

    Main IP pings: true
    Node Online: true
    Service online: offline

    I can connect but no matter how many times I click power on/boot , it's shown as offline on control panel
    A lot of packet losses to some network as well.

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • Guess things are not yet stable.
    I'll ride it out for some more time.

    The weird thing is. Until now it is was a pure idler. Had a use case, and bam...

    Thanked by (1)ususk
  • @VirMach, one of my vm is in LAX1Z021, vnc works, but can't connect outside.
    Aware this right?

  • @tenpera said:
    @VirMach, one of my vm is in LAX1Z021, vnc works, but can't connect outside.
    Aware this right?

    Vnc works
    Dhcp/ manual ip and gateway assignment doesn't work for me too

    I panicked and re installed it. Still no luck.

    My ip range is different though

  • @tenpera said: vnc works, but can't connect outside.

    same here

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited March 1

    For those of you who can VNC into your VM, but have network issues. I expect it would be best to not reinstall, or use the reconfigure network button. As VirMach said earlier if it worked before migration, don't change anything and it should work again as the networking is being set up the same.
    I had similar issues earlier and they worked themselves out. It was a big move. and a switch bork'd, so report it here and I expect it will get taken care of.

    @VirMach said:
    Adjusting some configurations on the switch to address it.

    Nothing to do with BGP or the servers or anything else in this case, I just fixed the remaining network issues too quickly and it cascaded into this.

    P.S. Hi @SpeedBus good to see you. :+1:

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VPS running without Internet but @VirMach > @localhost said:

    @tenpera said:
    @VirMach, one of my vm is in LAX1Z021, vnc works, but can't connect outside.
    Aware this right?

    Vnc works
    Dhcp/ manual ip and gateway assignment doesn't work for me too

    I panicked and re installed it. Still no luck.

    My ip range is different though

    @VirMach once said don't do anything, including installation and reconfiguration, but just waiting for him to replace the switches.

    Thanked by (1)localhost
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    Called it :sunglasses:

    @FrankZ said:

    VirMach said: Oh god are they actually founded in 2021 and they're just buying cheap facilities and ruining them and just buying more?

    Maybe vulture capitalism has made another appearance. I saw this going on up close in the '80s. Make a holding company, buy other companies, sell off all the parts, put off paying vendors for as long as you can, put the secondary companies into bankruptcy, profit.

    Thanked by (1)sh97

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @ususk said:

    @localhost said:

    @ususk said:

    @localhost said:

    @ususk said:
    LAX after migration

    Main IP pings: false
    Node Online: true
    Service online: online

    Both DHCP and static IP didn't work. Neighbor IPs are pingable.
    What's the problem here?

    What node? Even i m having trouble

    LAX1Z021 marked as complete

    Still, no dhcp nor manual works

    Another VPS on is also having weird issue

    Main IP pings: true
    Node Online: true
    Service online: offline

    I can connect but no matter how many times I click power on/boot , it's shown as offline on control panel
    A lot of packet losses to some network as well.

    Control issue on this one, fixing. As in everything's up, controls are down. You could have some secondary issue which you'll be able to see after I fix the controls.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ localhost
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited March 1

    LAX2Z021 being worked on, likely due to human error (me, I'm the human.)

    I'm going to be reviewing more recent tickets first, so if you guys put an important one in and the ticket is unanswered, close it and re-open in this case. Then auditing my work again since LAX2Z021 seems to have slipped, it obviously means I marked something off incorrectly so my checklist isn't very useful then.

  • LAX1Z021 came alive, thanks @VirMach, hope you clear Ticket #401962.
    Thanks again.

  • I registered this account just to ask about my Virmach service on LAX1Z017.VIRM.AC, since my ticket was closed with a generic response and I was not even able to reply to the ticket to re-open. Google brought me here and it seems there is a massive outage for all nodes in LAX (although I wasn't able to find any reference to tell me what happened to that particular node or when I should expect it to come up online after scrolling the last few pages).

    The node is showing online but the VM is only accessible via VNC, no outside connectivity at all and I can't even ping the gateway IP.
    Google brought me here and I just want to ask Virmach - I understand that this is a ultra-low-cost service and I can also understand you may not want to deal with 1000 tickets being sent at the same time asking you what happened, BUT in that case, what do you want us, as your customers, do? I know you are frustrated but it is also not our fault that the node is not working. Do you think just as some minimum professional courtesy, you should at least try to send out an email to the affected customers and let them know what's going on? If you are too busy to do that should you at least update your status page/make some announcement on your website? I've checked your status page, the node is showing green, solusVM it is showing green, I've explained to you in the tickets I've tried to troubleshoot many things myself before asking you.

    And no, I don't have a million dollar business tied to that VM, and I've had VPS with other providers who have longer downtime but yet I did not complain at all, simply because they were able to communicate with me either by a mass email or status page update, or even a 1 line reply to say: "we know there is a problem, we are working on it, ETA x hours". If I pay for something, even if it is 1 cent, I expect that, at the very minimum, to work, and for a virtual server I don't think it is excessive for me to consider able to access the Internet as "work".

    Apologies for the rant but this is not the first time this had happened and I just don't think this is the way a service business, even if it is a ultra-low cost business, should conduct itself.

    Thanked by (1)hobofl
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited March 2

    @spammy you're in the right place now. Six comments above you may notice this type of network issue was referred to. VirMach moved all their equipment from one DC to another, some issues are to be expected. I do remember LAX1Z017 being refereed to in a previous VirMach comment, let me see if I can find it for you.

    EDIT: Here you go.

    @VirMach said:

    Brayvin said:
    @VirMach is down/unreachable again. Posting here because network status asks that tickets not be opened (albeit lax2z017 is not listed there, so IDK what is expected).

    Hi, I'm aware. I listed it as webhosting specifically instead of mentioning the specific name, it still requires some additional work. I'm about 12 hours behind schedule right now with everything. Two servers still have major problems that's the webhosting one and LAX1Z017 (coincidentally the other 17.) Also it's not a coincidence that these two are having a problem, they happen to be next to eachother and related in networking. The naming schemes got messy as we kept the old one for LAX2Z017 to keep the URL the same, that's why I mentioned it as webhosting.

    Thanked by (1)spammy

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said:
    @spammy you're in the right place now. Six comments above you may notice this type of network issue was referred to. VirMach moved all their equipment from one DC to another, some issues are to be expected. I do remember LAX1Z017 being refereed to in a previous VirMach comment, let me see if I can find it for you.

    EDIT: Here you go.

    @VirMach said:

    Brayvin said:
    @VirMach is down/unreachable again. Posting here because network status asks that tickets not be opened (albeit lax2z017 is not listed there, so IDK what is expected).

    Hi, I'm aware. I listed it as webhosting specifically instead of mentioning the specific name, it still requires some additional work. I'm about 12 hours behind schedule right now with everything. Two servers still have major problems that's the webhosting one and LAX1Z017 (coincidentally the other 17.) Also it's not a coincidence that these two are having a problem, they happen to be next to eachother and related in networking. The naming schemes got messy as we kept the old one for LAX2Z017 to keep the URL the same, that's why I mentioned it as webhosting.

    Thanks, I appreciate your response and indeed I missed out on that post you quoted, appreciate you flagging it to me.

    However I think my point still stands. I honestly feel that a lot of the "unhappy" comments would not have been posted had Virmach could more actively communicate with the affected customers, and closing tickets with a generic response (and not allow the tickets to be re-opened) isn't what I would call the most helpful way to deal with the situation either, especially given creating tickets in their system is probably a bit more tedious and involves a few more steps vs other LE providers.

    Happy to wait and appreciate the work over the weekend to fix the node issues, but just thought going forward situations like this could be dealt with more professionally. If I am paying 10 bucks a year and expecting 5 9s that's my problem, but I do expect at least to be notified if there is a wide-spread problem like this happening and may be a line of "please check this LES thread for further update" with the URL to this thread would be a lot more helpful as well.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @spammy said: I honestly feel that a lot of the "unhappy" comments would not have been posted had Virmach could more actively communicate with the affected customers, and closing tickets with a generic response (and not allow the tickets to be re-opened)

    If it was closed like that it means there was high confidence it was already resolved. It'd be helpful if you show which generic response you received as they're not meant to be very generic and there's a good set of different ones used that would match what we would normally say. Then I can have a look and see if we can improve the message.

    It's also closed on purpose, in some cases where it's not supposed to be closed it won't closed. You should create a ticket if it's still not resolved, then we'll know you created the ticket AFTER a mass fix was applied and therefore the ticket is treated differently since we know you are now having a problem still and therefore the fix did not help. If we did not close the ticket, the title/information may have something in it to where it does not match the current state and delays resolution. In your case, it's possible that you originally for example may have had to create it under "Network Status" but now you should be able to run the troubleshooter as well and select a more relevant department, as we have a backlog of "Network Status" tickets and therefore response on them is delayed.

    The way we do things is never meant to have ill intentions so if you have any other feedback after my response, let me know and I'll consider making improvements to the process.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    LAX1Z017 is going to get decommissioned with a hammer right after I move customers off.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited March 2

    @VirMach said:
    LAX1Z017 is going to get decommissioned with a hammer right after I move customers off.

    Let me do it. I really want to.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @FrankZ said:

    @VirMach said:
    LAX1Z017 is going to get decommissioned with a hammer right after I move customers off.

    Let me do it. I really want to.

    watch out y'all

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    Last Updated 03/01/2025 23:34
    We're received reports of a partial outage on TYOC027. Controls will also be unavailable. 
    TYOC026 is overloading.
    Update -- TYOC026 has been brought back online and we are taking action to avoid it from re-occurring.
    Update -- TYOC033 will also be tracked here. We'll have another look soon and apologize for the extended outage.
    Update -- TYOC027 is still having a partial outage and controls issue but TYOC033 is going to be looked at first as it's a complete outage.
    Thanked by (2)localhost Caxen

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • MS said:

    Please post a review of your VirMach relay server here. :wink:

    suspension coming soon, then will post review =)

    Thanked by (2)localhost _MS_
  • @VirMach said:
    LAX1Z017 is going to get decommissioned with a hammer right after I move customers off.

    Hammer video or it didn't happen.

    No hostname left!

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