VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    conspiracy theory proven

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    Sounds like it is time for a Giveaway ?

    Thanked by (3)yoursunny sh97 admax

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    VirMach's FrankZ's Save a Node GiveAway

    Guess which node the VM I am setting up now is on before I finish and you win the VM.
    VM is paid for until November 28th, 2025

    *I'll be setting up Arch Linux which I have not done before to give everyone ample time.

    It's up to you guys to save the node, as Frank is on a rampage

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • JabJab Senpai

    @FrankZ said: Guess which node the VM I am setting up now is on

    working node

    @FrankZ said: I finish

    broken node

    EZ AF


    On the serious note: As we have no freaking idea I decided to go to status.virm.ach to randomly copy-paste one node name.

    status website is broken you even broken the status page FrankZ while not having any node there!

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ localhost admax

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    Setup finished. Now in the interest of being a better neighbor I'll shut the VM down.
    For those of you on ATLZ006 you can breath again.

    @Jab status page has been down. I did that quite a while ago.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    Affecting System - NYCB032
    01/16/2025 11:18 Last Updated 01/18/2025 17:17

    Update -- the node has been stabilized enough to begin attempting migrations. These will be performed individually/slowly to ensure the node remains stable. The first batch of migrations will receive a notification ticket once completed.

    That was fast. :+1: 🤞

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • KrisKris Content Writer
    edited January 19

    Let me check if I have any I have yet to setup on NYCB032, like a reverse lotto. If so, I get to post about the millions per hour lost ;)

    EDIT: 1 of my baker's dozen of wireguard instances is in migration mode. I am financially ruined.

  • @VirMach :

    I sent in a ticket, but maybe should've posted here first. The shared services seem like they're back online, but the name server address sent in the original email is no longer functional. What are the name servers? Second, are there any plans to migrate away from cPanel?

  • TYO-C030 is down, or is it just me?

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    Affecting System - TYOC030
    01/18/2025 20:32 Last Updated 01/18/2025 20:32
    We're investigating an overloading/outage on TYOC030.

    Thanked by (2)Encoders admax

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said:

    Affecting System - TYOC030
    01/18/2025 20:32 Last Updated 01/18/2025 20:32
    We're investigating an overloading/outage on TYOC030.

    bless you, hopefully it can get back up soon

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    any deals?

    Thanked by (2)admax ariq01

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Arch Linux iso updated =)
    Can you update SystemRescue iso as well and if possible add grml iso so we dont have to deal with solusvm scuffed rescue mode Thanks.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    61% OFF*
    OFFER #2354
    $14.31 PER YEAR
    RYZEN SKU# V01-D3
    1024MB DDR4 RAM
    1 Core CPU vCORE
    20GB SSD (NVMe)
    2h 26m 2s

    hurry get one before the migration

    Thanked by (1)ariq01

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 22

    @FrankZ said:

    Affecting System - NYCB032
    01/16/2025 11:18 Last Updated 01/18/2025 17:17

    Update -- the node has been stabilized enough to begin attempting migrations. These will be performed individually/slowly to ensure the node remains stable. The first batch of migrations will receive a notification ticket once completed.

    That was fast. :+1: 🤞

    It hasn't been going very well. Just to paint a picture of what that means, I've been attempting various different ways to migrate since then. I've landed on a method that works but it's going at around 5MB/s and while that's going on I'm preparing for some hardware replacements instead. Only problem is it hasn't been narrowed down and could very likely be the motherboard and I'm pretty much as far away as I could possibly be from NYC right now or I was planning on driving up there anyway (didn't due to winter weather.)

    I've just finally got it to transfer without crashing for several hours now and that means 5MB/s. I don't even want to do the math on how long it's going to take for it to complete at 5MB/s. Nevermind it still crashed as I was writing that but it definitely was stable for a while. Okay back to the drawing board.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 22

    We heard back from xTom by the way, we're being moved either on the 23rd or 24th at 8AM to 8PM local (Tokyo) time.

    I've decided against sending a detailed email, and made a network status update instead. Email was going to end up being too confusing and would have raised too many questions so I'll just answer those here instead of inviting hundreds of individual tickets to basically be created by sending the email. I believe I already explained everything here to a good degree.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited January 22

    Good thing that I have 0 Tokyo servers and I can just watch this forum burn by MJJ attack.

    (into) Thu, 23 Jan 2025 17:00:00 -0800 On either January 23rd or January 24th, there will be a timeslot between 8AM and 8PM local Tokyo time where a physical migration of servers will occur. Your service's IP address will not immediately change after this maintenance, however, networking should improve for this location. Your service will remain on the same physical server after this maintenance. There may be another round of maintenance occurring afterward (likely in February) but we'll provide more information on that when available.

    Thanked by (3)VirMach AlwaysSkint FrankZ

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @VirMach said:
    We heard back from xTom by the way, we're being moved either on the 23rd or 24th at 8AM to 8PM local (Tokyo) time.

    I've decided against sending a detailed email, and made a network status update instead. Email was going to end up being too confusing and would have raised too many questions so I'll just answer those here instead of inviting hundreds of individual tickets to basically be created by sending the email. I believe I already explained everything here to a good degree.

    isn't whmcs can send batch announce email without open massive tickets

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 22

    New strategy has been deployed for NYCB032. It's going to just go as fast as it can and do it in partial chunks one at a time, and auto resume after reboots. I don't know how well it'll go but we'll see. This way we can count on it crashing and just make sure we do it in a way where it'll still eventually complete and instead of throttling to avoid crashes we just move as much as we can as quickly as possible. Best part is I can reuse this later and I don't have to babysit it as much anymore.

    If all goes well (it doesn't get worse than just constantly crashing) we should have everyone moved off soon.

    Update -- seems to be working well, I'm going to test a couple of the ones that completed partially before and after a reboot to see if the data's clean/usable and other than that I think we're good.

    @taizi said:

    @VirMach said:
    We heard back from xTom by the way, we're being moved either on the 23rd or 24th at 8AM to 8PM local (Tokyo) time.

    I've decided against sending a detailed email, and made a network status update instead. Email was going to end up being too confusing and would have raised too many questions so I'll just answer those here instead of inviting hundreds of individual tickets to basically be created by sending the email. I believe I already explained everything here to a good degree.

    isn't whmcs can send batch announce email without open massive tickets

    Tokyo customers usually make a lot of tickets any time an email goes out, way more than other locations. So we could send an email that says anything and based on previous experiences we end up getting a couple dozen tickets per server with people asking questions or asking we do it some other way for them, or completely unrelated questions/additions like "yeah but I still have this other issue" or "IPv6?"

    This situation is already kind of vague, I don't know the exact times, I don't know what else is going to happen/go wrong, I don't know if the network improving is going to set off another round of people breaking ToS to sell their accounts and so on, so I'm going to just provide an update for those who see it and potentially send out an update AFTER it's complete with more information if I find it necessary and once I have time to go through the influx of tickets after sending it out. Now is not a convenient time for lots of tickets to appear, it would just create a backlog. And an email would also not be super helpful since I do not have exact times and would have to update the status page anyway.

    The only thing we're prepared for right now are people making tickets anyway after they go offline, in which case I'll flag all of them to check the network status page with a canned reply. And do our best to update the status page.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ taizi
  • Good afternoon

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @imok said:
    Good afternoon

    Thanked by (1)localhost

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • Oh... oh no... They're all in LAX...

    You probably saw me somewhere...

  • LA Has Fallen.

    Or affected by the mountain fires?

    Have the honor of being the crybaby who pays $20 for a 128MB VPS at VirMach in 2023.

  • Los Angeles has lost

  • edited January 23

    Looks to be some networking issue, its not reachable from 99.99% places, but surprisingly Multacom Network can access it.

    2. AS35916 0.0% 10 1.5 2.9 0.7 17.3 5.1 3. AS??? 0.0% 10 6.3 1.2 0.3 6.3 1.8 4. AS8100 0.0% 10 2.0 1.3 0.8 3.9 1.0 5. AS8100 0.0% 10 1.1 3.9 1.1 28.7 8.7 6. AS8100 0.0% 10 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.8 0.2 7. AS8100 x.x.x.x 0.0% 10 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.7 0.2

    EDIT: it looks like some networks that peer on Any2IX can access. Definitely some borked announcement.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • @sh97 said:
    Looks to be some networking issue, its not reachable from 99.99% places, but surprisingly Multacom Network can access it.

      2. AS35916              0.0%    10    1.5   2.9   0.7  17.3   5.1
      3. AS???              0.0%    10    6.3   1.2   0.3   6.3   1.8
      4. AS8100        0.0%    10    2.0   1.3   0.8   3.9   1.0
      5. AS8100                            0.0%    10    1.1   3.9   1.1  28.7   8.7
      6. AS8100      0.0%    10    1.7   1.5   1.3   1.8   0.2
      7. AS8100   x.x.x.x                                 0.0%    10    1.5   1.4   1.1   1.7   0.2

    EDIT: it looks like some networks that peer on Any2IX can access. Definitely some borked announcement.

    QuadraNet and Multacom (including CloudCone, which uses it) have been acquired by the same company (Edge Centres) and there are rumours that QuadraNet and Multacom are going to merge, so that might make sense!

    Also the quality of service from QuadraNet and CloudCone has dropped significantly since the acquisition, you can see complaints in a number of places and personally I'm worried about what will happen to QuadraNet afterwards..

    Thanked by (2)sh97 FrankZ
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