every year I am usually sad around year end , everyone around you is reminding you how the year is ending and all I can think of is how I wasted yet another beautiful year (you only have a limited number of those ) , but this year for some reason , its different maybe its not late enough yet for that sadness to sink in or I had a really wonderful year that I am proud of who knows , wish 2024 was similar for everyone also , and may we have even wonderful 2025
These are the 3 most-thanked users I've found so far:
7606 InceptionHosting
7590 VirMach
6068 FrankZ
Since VirMach and FrankZ have already been guessed, I'll guess InceptionHosting, just in case there are users I've missed who have been more thanked.
Does this included users whose profiles/accounts no longer exist (e.g. @AnthonySmith, unless his was renamed to InceptionHosting; I'm fuzzy on LowEnd historical details from 2019/2020)?
A few other honorable mentions from the ≥ 1000 club:
5069 Mason
4019 AuroraZero
4070 Advin
3545 Ympker
3472 ehab
3289 cybertech
2811 Not_Oles
2746 MichaelCee
2500 FAT32
2119 root
1818 host_c
1075 crunchbits
1000 MikeA
Not me that is for sure. I want to publicly thank @FrankZ for pulling my butt out of the fire this year. He is so much more than a pretty face.
@AuroraZero said: Not me that is for sure. I want to publicly thank @FrankZ for pulling my butt out of the fire this year. He is so much more than a pretty face.
You can create a ticket for the first one to get 4GB free RAM.
Put two more in stock of our Basically Dedicated 16G lineup here: Order Now. Coupon code "IREALLYREALLYWANTADEAL" makes it >$30/quarter. Ticket in for an extra 4GB of memory after order free!
Use GIVE-FAT32-A-DEAL on monthly on the 8-8-88 to get 4.88 a month, making it cheaper than yearly
Thank you @GreenBoi. This is very simple and transparent mostly. It did not give hard limits but sounds very discretionary. I hope you will talk to people when you see innocent sites and not clear abuse. i.e. what if you get a ton of traffic one month or your site takes off unex> @GreenBoi said:
Just FYI that only around ~11 hours left for this giveaway!
and for those who willing to participate in the giveaway and commented your 2025 resolutions with Tracking Keyword already, make sure to check if you Thanks the giveaway OP post yet. To be eligible per rules!
for references:
non eligible(no thank): ['Ark', 'imok', 'grasple(not thank but account age)', 'root', 'vyas', 'kheng86', 'sh97', 'Dazzle']
every year I am usually sad around year end , everyone around you is reminding you how the year is ending and all I can think of is how I wasted yet another beautiful year (you only have a limited number of those ) , but this year for some reason , its different maybe its not late enough yet for that sadness to sink in or I had a really wonderful year that I am proud of who knows , wish 2024 was similar for everyone also , and may we have even wonderful 2025
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GreenBoi | Founder & Owner
Aspire Hosting – Minecraft, VPS, Web, Reseller Web & Discord Bot Hosting
📧 [email protected] | 🌐 aspirehosting.in
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Need $3/year - 5GB Shared . . .
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With cPanel?.. Is that even possible?..
Not me that is for sure. I want to publicly thank @FrankZ for pulling my butt out of the fire this year. He is so much more than a pretty face.
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Anything, DA also OK.
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3$ yearly 5GB Shared Web Hosting? possible if you're interested in DirectAdmin germany. DM me.
GreenBoi | Founder & Owner
Aspire Hosting – Minecraft, VPS, Web, Reseller Web & Discord Bot Hosting
📧 [email protected] | 🌐 aspirehosting.in
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
UpCloud free $25 through this aff link - Akamai, DigitalOcean and Vultr alternative, multiple location, IPv6.
@DataRecovery posted one
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GreenBoi | Founder & Owner
Aspire Hosting – Minecraft, VPS, Web, Reseller Web & Discord Bot Hosting
📧 [email protected] | 🌐 aspirehosting.in
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
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Thank you, my boiii !
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Nice privacy terms you have there... :-)
Updatating sorry its new theme let me update
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Do you have terms on your site? I’m looking on my phone as I am traveling. Can’t find.
I want to know or at least “guesstimate” the limits at which you’ll ban to determine if my site is ok to host.
Also is the renewal rate $3/yr?
Insert signature here, $5 tip required
Finally pull up my Python skills to a less embarrassing level.
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Hi yes the renewal rate is at 3$/yearly for that package
the policies can be found here:
GreenBoi | Founder & Owner
Aspire Hosting – Minecraft, VPS, Web, Reseller Web & Discord Bot Hosting
📧 [email protected] | 🌐 aspirehosting.in
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You can create a ticket for the first one to get 4GB free RAM.
on monthly on the 8-8-88 to get 4.88 a month, making it cheaper than yearlyBest and friendliest hosts Host-C , Hostbrr aff.
Nice deal. Wallet empty
Reduce working hours and spend more time with my kids.
Thank you @GreenBoi. This is very simple and transparent mostly. It did not give hard limits but sounds very discretionary. I hope you will talk to people when you see innocent sites and not clear abuse. i.e. what if you get a ton of traffic one month or your site takes off unex> @GreenBoi said:
Thank you, this seems very simple and easy to read. I like it. I will DM you with a follow up.
Insert signature here, $5 tip required
Just FYI that only around ~11 hours left for this giveaway!
and for those who willing to participate in the giveaway and commented your 2025 resolutions with Tracking Keyword already, make sure to check if you Thanks the giveaway OP post yet. To be eligible per rules!
for references: