VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @FrankZ said: @cyforex - NYCB043 is down,

    @lesuser said: Yeah cannot access NYCB043 on although VPS is working fine.

    That's been waiting on networking all week, it looks like a routing issue. It's online, just specific IP addresses and routes at specific times act wonky. So to some people it's online, to some it's offline, and to our panel it's responding sometimes and according to our monitoring it might be working about half the time.

  • @jtk said:
    NYCB027 has been unavailable for over 100 days. New record?

    Same here

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited August 2023

    FFME04 on fire, please dispatch someone to handle it (-:

    Load 1400, memory usage 98% - are we OOM?!


    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Jab said:
    FFME04 on fire, please dispatch someone to handle it (-:

    Load 1400, memory usage 98% - are we OOM?!


    Not OOM. Patch that went out didn't play well with this particular node, so more of the same old issue on this one. Might take a little longer to fix.

    Thanked by (1)Jab
  • @VirMach said:
    Patch that went out didn't play well with this particular node

    Standardize all nodes: exactly same hardware and software everywhere.
    You'll save a lot of troubles down the road.

    No hostname left!

  • JabJab Senpai

    @VirMach said:
    Might take a little longer to fix.

    How much is the fish? Aka how long is little longer than longer than usual longer? :cold_sweat:

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • somiksomik OG
    edited August 2023

    @Jab said:

    @VirMach said:
    Might take a little longer to fix.

    How much is the fish? Aka how long is little longer than longer than usual longer? :cold_sweat:

    It's between 3 and 3000 regular longers long. Any longer and it will be longer then little longer long.

    Thanked by (1)Jab

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @Jab said:

    @VirMach said:
    Might take a little longer to fix.

    How much is the fish? Aka how long is little longer than longer than usual longer? :cold_sweat:

    I was about to ask the same. Longer measured in hours or weeks? :P

  • JabJab Senpai

    @Mumbly said:
    I was about to ask the same. Longer measured in hours or weeks? :P

    Click start in panel, things online! I've seen load went from 0.05 to 1.89 so I assumed server was fixed just no VMs started and this seems true - my shit online after clicking start. Now need to figure out how to sync data back

    Thanked by (1)Mumbly

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Jab said:

    @Mumbly said:
    I was about to ask the same. Longer measured in hours or weeks? :P

    Click start in panel, things online! I've seen load went from 0.05 to 1.89 so I assumed server was fixed just no VMs started and this seems true - my shit online after clicking start. Now need to figure out how to sync data back

    It's back indeed. Thanks!

  • It is lucky I have moved site off NJ node.

  • JabJab Senpai

    I forgot to say thank you @VirMach for quick fix of FFFME!

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • FFME004 is still down.

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @tenpera said:
    FFME004 is still down.

    So everybody else is wrong?

  • @tenpera said:
    FFME004 is still down.

    Mine was down, but was able to boot it up

  • PHXZ002 is down

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @tenpera said:
    FFME004 is still down.

    Everyone I've seen have it still be offline have an old ISO mounted and either ignored the message on boot up to unmount ISO or not used the reset button.

  • It would be useful to see some kind of status message about what then plans/ETA are regarding your node when your node is locked, all that can be seen is "The node is currently locked" without rudimentary information like which node it even is (I only remember the datacenter). I have the option to cancel but it's not clear if this provides a refund based on the remaining time paid for since the platform advertises "No complicated hourly billing".

    Thanked by (1)jtk
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited August 2023

    @WhatTheFunction said:
    It would be useful to see some kind of status message about what then plans/ETA are regarding your node when your node is locked, all that can be seen is "The node is currently locked" without rudimentary information like which node it even is (I only remember the datacenter). I have the option to cancel but it's not clear if this provides a refund based on the remaining time paid for since the platform advertises "No complicated hourly billing".

    If you have a plan that shows as a "Special Offer" in the title then it does not normally qualify for a refund. Specials state at time of purchase "No Refunds". If you do not have a "Special Offer" then let us know the type of plan you have and we can give you more information.

    Thanked by (2)skorous DanSummer

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said:
    If you have a plan that shows as a "Special Offer" in the title then it does not normally qualify for a refund. Specials state at time of purchase "No Refunds". If you do not have a "Special Offer" then let us know the type of plan you have and we can give you more information.

    It's been a while so I don't remember most of the details but I don't think it was a special offer, it's called 'Legacy KVM Plans - SSD512' now. I understand 100% that it's cheap node and definitely didn't go in expecting any technical support if I messed something up or anything like an SLA guarantee, but sending a ticket in just to get some information about what's going on made an AI recite what I already told it back to me and the ticket was closed so I'm a bit in the dark about what to expect. Appreciate the response.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited August 2023

    I am not totally sure that the "Legacy KVM Plans" are eligible for partial refunds, so I would not want to steer you wrong and say it is. Regarding the "The node is currently locked" message:

    if you see a message "The node is currently locked" it means the node controls are temporarily locked off. This could mean an ongoing maintenance, so please check the network status page for more information.

    Also the status page is here so if you see anything that looks familiar to you ....

    Thanked by (1)WhatTheFunction

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said:
    I am not totally sure that the "Legacy KVM Plans" are eligible for partial refunds, so I would not want to steer you wrong and say it is. Regarding the "The node is currently locked" message:

    if you see a message "The node is currently locked" it means the node controls are temporarily locked off. This could mean an ongoing maintenance, so please check the network status page for more information.

    Also the status page is here so if you see anything that looks familiar to you ....

    Yeah, I can only assume it's one of the down NYC nodes since I can't view anything about the node but remember it was an NYC instance. The instance was extremely low traffic and I rarely touched it nor monitored it beyond an occasional package update, but I have a rough idea for how long it's been down because LetsEncrypt starts sending emails when certs fail to autorenew within 20 days of expiry and there's now 6 days remaining, giving a minimum 2 weeks the node has either been locked or down (I assume locked since I know it's been locked for the last week).

    I should probably consider the ~4 months remaining on the instance to be flushed and move on, for the price I understood/expected that service would be a "whatever's left" of available resources but it seems the resources have been zero for a while now. Appreciate your time though!

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @WhatTheFunction said:
    It would be useful to see some kind of status message about what then plans/ETA are regarding your node when your node is locked, all that can be seen is "The node is currently locked" without rudimentary information like which node it even is (I only remember the datacenter). I have the option to cancel but it's not clear if this provides a refund based on the remaining time paid for since the platform advertises "No complicated hourly billing".

    It's just not how the system works, not how we built it or want it in terms of not being able to see your node name. Luckily right now there are not that many outages posted, so you should be able to tell which one applies to you.

    One is for Tokyo.

    One is for NYCB043 but it's listed as an outage. I agree that I should put more information for this one to let everyone know it's a network routing issue and it's not locked.

    One is for NYCB011X --> NYCB035, NYCB020, and NYCB027 bundled in that has had previous updates posted. So if it's for a long long time, then you are on NYCB027. If it's for the past 1-2 weeks, then you were on NYCB011X and migrated to NYCB035 or NYCB020. I'll add in some more information on this one as well and moving forward I'll try to better label which is specifically locked.

  • I have a VPS from VIR JP, and it's currently quite stable. Although I haven't been using it for long, I hope it will remain stable.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • edited August 2023

    Sigh, another fanboy above...

    Ya chaps never learn

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • can you check my ticket #913893
    I waited another 4 months already, just want to grab my missing deposit funds(because I sent the wrong amount of coins) back to my main account
    should I buy 60$ extra support on an abandon-ready account to grab my 22.52$ back?

  • @taizi said:
    should I buy 60$ extra support on an abandon-ready account to grab my 22.52$ back?


    Thanked by (2)skorous taizi

    No hostname left!

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited August 2023

    @VirMach Just an FYI LAX2Z019 appears to be overloading.
    EDIT: Not overloading anymore.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • edited August 2023

    @yoursunny said:

    @taizi said:
    should I buy 60$ extra support on an abandon-ready account to grab my 22.52$ back?


    The more you buy, the more you save

    -- Jensen Huang

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • How about TYOC007, it had been offline dozens of days.

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