VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

  • JabJab Senpai

    Tokyo Maintenance (Scheduled)High
    Affecting System - Tokyo Datacenter

    07/21/2023 06:00 Last Updated 07/21/2023 03:17
    Network maintenance, up to 30 minute network interruption.

    10AM @ July 22nd, Tokyo Local Time.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • Thanked by (1)lesuser

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited July 2023
    Thanked by (2)Flying_Chinaman someTom

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    I always prefer this one because the bear is so cute but so obviously angry. :)

    Thanked by (2)Flying_Chinaman FrankZ
  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    A suggestion for @VirMach . When you're doing these IP migrations change the dhcp server early ( maybe a day before ) so it has time to renew to the new address. That way you won't have to do the extra work of converting those people to static addresses.

  • @VirMach why my ticket regarding adding ipv6 being open for 6 months, you said to add it to the list..when?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    IPv6 request button removed for now. For all official IPv6 related questions for now, refer to:

    Thanked by (1)Caxen
  • JabJab Senpai

    ColoCrossing is back! B)

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @VirMach said:
    IPv6 request button removed for now. For all official IPv6 related questions for now, refer to:

    "Officially" .... so assuming I don't need help setting it up where can I find the unofficial allocation ranges? ;-)

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @skorous said:

    @VirMach said:
    IPv6 request button removed for now. For all official IPv6 related questions for now, refer to:

    "Officially" .... so assuming I don't need help setting it up where can I find the unofficial allocation ranges? ;-)

    Unofficially it's still on my unofficial list. Just going to officially make sure we don't actually do IPv6. We might officially offer it for those with a higher support package.

  • @VirMach said: Unofficially it's still on my unofficial list.

    @VirMach said: We might officially offer it

    Ignore your victim's ticket for 6 months is a bad experience, no matter officially or not.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    Is your VPS up yet? Mine is in the same node and it's still offline.

  • edited July 2023

    @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    My FFME002 just woke up now. After a week figuring what's wrong.
    It's automagically woke up. Nice, very nice.

    @kheng86 said:

    @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    Is your VPS up yet? Mine is in the same node and it's still offline.

    Try all the buttons there, Boot, Reset, Off then Boot.
    Change boot order (even you never setup it), Reconfigure network. shows node online.

  • @Fritz said:

    @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    My FFME002 just woke up now. After a week figuring what's wrong.
    It's automagically woke up. Nice, very nice.

    Good for ya. I don't have such luck lol. @VirMach maybe you can help me with it ticket #536561 ;)

  • @kheng86 said:

    @Fritz said:

    @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    My FFME002 just woke up now. After a week figuring what's wrong.
    It's automagically woke up. Nice, very nice.

    Good for ya. I don't have such luck lol. @VirMach maybe you can help me with it ticket #536561 ;)

    Trust me, you need to access boot order, unmount, set boot order then Boot.

    I never touch boot order setting but hey, this is Virmach, anything can happen even if you didn't ask for it.

  • @Fritz said:

    @kheng86 said:

    @Fritz said:

    @Fritz said:
    Any news on FFME002? @VirMach
    I might miss some news here. shows online but VPS off.

    My FFME002 just woke up now. After a week figuring what's wrong.
    It's automagically woke up. Nice, very nice.

    Good for ya. I don't have such luck lol. @VirMach maybe you can help me with it ticket #536561 ;)

    Trust me, you need to access boot order, unmount, set boot order then Boot.

    I never touch boot order setting but hey, this is Virmach, anything can happen even if you didn't ask for it.

    Just tried all these but didn't work lol

  • @VirMach said:

    @skorous said:

    @VirMach said:
    IPv6 request button removed for now. For all official IPv6 related questions for now, refer to:

    "Officially" .... so assuming I don't need help setting it up where can I find the unofficial allocation ranges? ;-)

    Unofficially it's still on my unofficial list. Just going to officially make sure we don't actually do IPv6. We might officially offer it for those with a higher support package.

    sir, can you unofficially assign an ipv6 for me?

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @ripeapple said:

    @VirMach said:

    @skorous said:

    @VirMach said:
    IPv6 request button removed for now. For all official IPv6 related questions for now, refer to:

    "Officially" .... so assuming I don't need help setting it up where can I find the unofficial allocation ranges? ;-)

    Unofficially it's still on my unofficial list. Just going to officially make sure we don't actually do IPv6. We might officially offer it for those with a higher support package.

    sir, can you unofficially assign an ipv6 for me?


  • @skorous said:

    @ripeapple said:

    sir, can you unofficially assign an ipv6 for me?


    But... the poor lad has even properly addressed VirmAch as SIR

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    Ontario Dildo Inspector


    node timeout, looks like is datacentar or network issue there

  • Is NYCB027 node still locked?

  • The coupon code "RYZEN" only works on NVMe2G (as correctly stated on special offers page) but still says "Receive 40% off your first order, recurring discount, on 2GB or larger package." and tries to add it to NVMe4G and above too.


  • Wanted to reinstall my OS on Node: FFME004
    Can't reinstall OS: "Total Re-installs: 1 of 1 (0 free) - If you run out, please use the control panel directly."
    I can't access Full VPS Control Panel. Reason: "Invalid vserverid or username"

    What should I do? I didn't create a ticket, not sure if it's still full or not.

  • @julensm said:
    Wanted to reinstall my OS on Node: FFME004
    Can't reinstall OS: "Total Re-installs: 1 of 1 (0 free) - If you run out, please use the control panel directly."
    I can't access Full VPS Control Panel. Reason: "Invalid vserverid or username"

    What should I do? I didn't create a ticket, not sure if it's still full or not.

    mount, install custom OS via VNC

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • Yo @VirMach, have ya made use of your bought deadpool domain?

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Flying_Chinaman said:
    Yo @VirMach, have ya made use of your bought deadpool domain?

    Let me check, which one?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @MallocVoidstar said: The coupon code "RYZEN" only works on NVMe2G (as correctly stated on special offers page) but still says "Receive 40% off your first order, recurring discount, on 2GB or larger package." and tries to add it to NVMe4G and above too.

    Fixed earlier yesterday.

    Yeah I'm trying to avoid remembering this exists right now.

    Thanked by (1)MallocVoidstar
  • JabJab Senpai
    edited July 2023

    How long does the "I'll leave this in a queue for repair." for Missing LVM last for?
    I was pretty sure you had scripts for that and this will be semi-automatic? if yes, can you kick the script on FFME02 because it seems it didn't run for last 6 days? :D
    If there is no script and this shit is manual then I will wait, zenbleed > my cheap idle VM :D

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    ISO are getting resynced, if there's still issues tomorrow let me know, for any servers. They're also being updated to latest.

    @Jab said:
    How long does the "I'll leave this in a queue for repair." for Missing LVM last for?
    I was pretty sure you had scripts for that and this will be semi-automatic? if yes, can you kick the script on FFME02 because it seems it didn't run for last 6 days? :D
    If there is no script and this shit is manual then I will wait, zenbleed > my cheap idle VM :D

    Auto script is still being worked on, it's not done yet. Well not actively being worked on, but it was some time ago (a week or two?)

    FFME002, they're being tracked on tickets so whenever I get to them in the ticket queue. It's not too long but also not too short, just the right length for them to get stuck there for a week. Only like 3 to 5 people affected so it wasn't prioritized but also not that many so it's easy to manually fix. Just has to hit my queue, should actually maybe be done today. Maybe.


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