[AnyDomain.email] Email Hosting - Valentine's Day - 14gb $14/year

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There is something in the air. Love? Yes, you're going to <3 this offer especially for Valentine's Day!

To celebrate Valentine's Day this year I am going to present to you a special offer for email hosting.

No, not just any email hosting. I am a reseller of MXroute, so this is amazing email hosting!

At an amazing price through the end of the month - just $14 per year recurring. Save even more if paid for 2 or 3 years in advance.

Order here: AnyDomain.email - Valentine's Day Special 14gb $14/year offer

In case you are not familiar with MXroute, they take the pain of deliverability off the table by offering a low cost, highly deliverable email service. You can create an unlimited number of email users on an unlimited number of domains – limited only by the amount of storage space you have. MXroute supports all standard email protocols such as IMAP/POP3/SMTP and we also have several webmail options available.

Just a few terms to mention:

Absolutely no spam, or marketing email of any kind allowed.
A limit of 400 outbound emails per hour.
You MUST use our SPF record in DNS. 

Additionally the Server Abuse, Valid DNS Records, Forbidden Services, Intended for Human Consumption, Spoofing Senders, Sending Limits, Spam Reports, and Damaging IP Reputation sections of the MXroute Terms of Service apply by reference.

Offer good through: February 28, 2025

Recommended providers: BuyVM - MXroute - LunaNode - Forpsi - IntoVPS
Contact me for all of your Mail-in-a-Box email hosting needs at AnyDomain. I am also a proud reseller of MXroute email.

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