1fichier.com offer from €10/year

1fichier.com is currently running a promo on the premium subscription:
60€/5yr (12€/yr)
100€/10yr (10€/yr)

I think 1fichier.com is well known around here. The most important features from my point of view are the 2TB cold storage included with the premium subscription and the rclone support for it.

Thanked by (1)willie


  • Hardly 10eur/year if we have to bet on whether they'll be around in 10 years.

    Thanked by (1)FreeBSD
  • @Ympker has been using it for years w/o problem. I think it stays for long.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @sonic said:
    @Ympker has been using it for years w/o problem. I think it stays for long.

    1Fichier has been around for many years. Wouldn't assume they are going anywhere soon.

    Thanked by (1)sonic
  • iandkiandk Hosting ProviderOG

    Which ways do they offer to upload a file?
    I assume it's not possible to mount it directly?

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  • @iandk said:
    Which ways do they offer to upload a file?
    I assume it's not possible to mount it directly?

    Rclone supports it, so Yes.

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