A reseller's dubious machinations and my behaviour

AGXLAGXL Hosting Provider

Hello everyone,

I manage the website for a number of clubs, local pharmacies and doctors' surgeries. I also do the accounts for some of them. I noticed that they were spending a lot of money on web hosting. Then I looked up how much money one club was spending per month on web hosting for a static website that was not even 100MB in size, and I was almost blindsided: this club was paying €99 per month for a dedicated root server. I investigated further and found out that the customers are all on one server, but the whole server is charged for each one. I can also prove that the same IP address but supposedly different servers. More interestingly, the server is only purchased as a reseller and costs less than €49 per month. According to my documentation, my admin customers alone transfer around €1000 per month to the reseller company.

Now comes the dilemma I find myself in. The hosting company that runs the servers used to be a good friend and colleague of mine.

The question is what should I do with the information, should I inform the customers or should I make it public by naming names or should I just stay out of it? I spoke to the host, my ex-colleague, yesterday and he said you have to exploit people's stupidity to maximise your profit. He pointed to his Porsche. He also subtly threatened me that my hosting company could get into trouble if I said anything.

Maybe you can help me or give me some advice? Thank you so much!


  • You can run dedicated VMs on a single server. Maybe go build your own business instead for wishing for someone else’s. That’s all I hear.

    Go look at WPEngine and more. They make your friend look cheap.

    Thanked by (2)AGXL imok

    Insert signature here, $5 tip required

  • @AGXL said: He pointed to his Porsche. He also subtly threatened me that my hosting company could get into trouble if I said anything.

    He wouldn't ram his Porsche into your server room, would he?

    @AGXL said: you have to exploit people's stupidity

    Luckily enough, those innocent people hired you to cover their lack of acumen in this regard. Do you get paid for your services? Could your task be described as "manage the website and give advice in that regard"? How much management does a static site involve, anyway?

    I'd say 100 euro per month is negligible for a good running business, but for a club that is in my experience mostly run by volunteers, a saving of 1100 euro per year makes for a nice dinner at the end of the season.

    With the pharmacist and the doctor I'm in limbo: health care is expensive enough without additional parasites, but would your customers return savings to their patients or to their pockets?

    Your customers probably have a contract with their provider; in a free market, customers are free to look for the best deal they can get.

    @DrNutella said:

    Go look at WPEngine and more. They make your friend look cheap.

    You seem to imply that WPEngine is more expensive. They don't offer a "dedicated root server" for 99 euro per month, but their smallest managed plan, at 25 euro, offers far more space than the 100 MB needed.

    Whichever solution they may go with, "someone" will have to manage the migration.

    Thanked by (1)AGXL
  • AGXLAGXL Hosting Provider

    Thanks for your reply.

    @wankel said:
    He wouldn't ram his Porsche into your server room, would he?

    Wouldn't work as I have my server room on the fourth floor :)

    @wankel said:
    Luckily enough, those innocent people hired you to cover their lack of acumen in this regard. Do you get paid for your services? Could your task be described as "manage the website and give advice in that regard"? How much management does a static site involve, anyway?

    No, I do not get paid for this work. The effort is relatively small; design adjustments, content adjustments, etc.

  • A machinations? Please listen to legendary Kain and Raziel dialogue.

  • @AGXL said:
    ... I also do the accounts for some of them. I noticed that they were spending a lot of money on web hosting. ...
    Now comes the dilemma I find myself in. The hosting company that runs the servers used to be a good friend and colleague of mine.
    The question is what should I do with the information, should I inform the customers or should I make it public by naming names or should I just stay out of it?

    In your role as acting as their accountants, you could just say that they can probably get a much cheaper deal elsewhere. However, taking that business yourself could very well be seen as being a conflict of interest, and if you can't easily find a migration path to the cheaper alternative, then them knowing that information might just make the situation worse. If you can recommend something they can do easily, that's the best option

    I spoke to the host, my ex-colleague, yesterday and he said you have to exploit people's stupidity to maximise your profit. He pointed to his Porsche.

    The amount of profit he's making seems a bit excessive, especially as if he got the contracts through friends - which I'm guessing at if you share the same social circle. If it's just that his business is local and they organically found him through advertising, and they were offered a price for a service and they accepted it, he's not really done anything wrong. They wanted something and he's providing it at a price they're happy to pay.

    He also subtly threatened me that my hosting company could get into trouble if I said anything.

    I think that's true if your company takes the work. Although if he was causing the trouble, I'd recategorise him as an ex-friend.

    TLDR: tell them they can probably save money, but only if you can recommend a neutral 3rd party company that you're not connected with in any way. Alternatively, offer to take the work but stand down from any decision making or accounting role with those societies. Or alternatively, offer to host it for free.

    The other thing is ethically, it's not your place to nosey into the transactions beyond making sure they're in the accounts correctly unless they specifically ask. It's kind of OK to say "for the kind of website you have, this seems like a lot of money", but to investigate the margin their supplier is making and then speak to the supplier about it seems to be overstepping. You also know that if they leave their current supplier for any reason, even if you don't say anything, the supplier will think you put them up to it. If they all leave and he looses a big chunk of easy profit, there's definitely a chance he'll try to cause you problems.

  • @AGXL said:

    @wankel said:
    He wouldn't ram his Porsche into your server room, would he?

    Wouldn't work as I have my server room on the fourth floor :)

    That is only a matter of angle and enough speed.

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai
    edited January 21

    Google AI describes a Dedicated Root Server as "A dedicated root server is a server that is not virtualized and is exclusively assigned to a single user or task. It's also known as a bare metal server." If they are paying for a Dedicated Root Server and are not receiving a Dedicated Root Server then surely you can inform them that they are being scammed.

    Thanked by (3)wankel yoursunny skorous
  • JabJab Senpai

    except you have no idea what they pay for. SLA? Support? Content management?

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • HostSlickHostSlick Hosting Provider
    edited January 21

    Advice is just dont give a shit about anyone elses Business. Move on make money yourself.

    And Trouble? What Trouble? It sounds like fun for me
    If i was you i would chase him for threaten me and make sure the customers will move to me. Just for the fun and make some competition. In a way he cant do anything. (Be silent ..)

    He threaten you. He is not your friend.
    You shouldnt have talked to him anyway regarding this.

    But thats just me. I took Off 30 bare Metal Servers from competition just last week. And thats not a cheapskate customer as well. I rip off the competition all The time. Because same its what happen everywhere. Business means competition.

    Just do it.

    Just dont talk. Keep it for yourself.

    Business is Business. Sometimes its done a hard way.

    Thanked by (1)host_c
  • HostSlickHostSlick Hosting Provider

    @ralf said:

    @AGXL said:
    ... I also do the accounts for some of them. I noticed that they were spending a lot of money on web hosting. ...
    Now comes the dilemma I find myself in. The hosting company that runs the servers used to be a good friend and colleague of mine.
    The question is what should I do with the information, should I inform the customers or should I make it public by naming names or should I just stay out of it?

    In your role as acting as their accountants, you could just say that they can probably get a much cheaper deal elsewhere. However, taking that business yourself could very well be seen as being a conflict of interest, and if you can't easily find a migration path to the cheaper alternative, then them knowing that information might just make the situation worse. If you can recommend something they can do easily, that's the best option

    I spoke to the host, my ex-colleague, yesterday and he said you have to exploit people's stupidity to maximise your profit. He pointed to his Porsche.

    The amount of profit he's making seems a bit excessive, especially as if he got the contracts through friends - which I'm guessing at if you share the same social circle. If it's just that his business is local and they organically found him through advertising, and they were offered a price for a service and they accepted it, he's not really done anything wrong. They wanted something and he's providing it at a price they're happy to pay.

    He also subtly threatened me that my hosting company could get into trouble if I said anything.

    I think that's true if your company takes the work. Although if he was causing the trouble, I'd recategorise him as an ex-friend.

    TLDR: tell them they can probably save money, but only if you can recommend a neutral 3rd party company that you're not connected with in any way. Alternatively, offer to take the work but stand down from any decision making or accounting role with those societies. Or alternatively, offer to host it for free.

    The other thing is ethically, it's not your place to nosey into the transactions beyond making sure they're in the accounts correctly unless they specifically ask. It's kind of OK to say "for the kind of website you have, this seems like a lot of money", but to investigate the margin their supplier is making and then speak to the supplier about it seems to be overstepping. You also know that if they leave their current supplier for any reason, even if you don't say anything, the supplier will think you put them up to it. If they all leave and he looses a big chunk of easy profit, there's definitely a chance he'll try to cause you problems.


  • host_chost_c Hosting Provider
    edited January 21

    @AGXL said: The question is what should I do with the information, should I inform the customers or should I make it public by naming names or should I just stay out of it? I spoke to the host, my ex-colleague, yesterday and he said you have to exploit people's stupidity to maximise your profit. He pointed to his Porsche. He also subtly threatened me that my hosting company could get into trouble if I said anything.

    Listen to your own advice - should I just stay out of it - yes, not your problem to solve.

    fact that he managed to invoice a large $$ on some folks and spend little as a few $ on infrastructure - it is called business now days. Your "friend" managed to sell he's product with low expense and high profit, I will not debate if this is moral or not, this is done since the dawn of ages.

    The only thing you can do, if you wish, is to report your "friend" to the IRS if the transactions are done off the books - as this outposts morality here, other then this, just stay out of it, not your fight, regardless of how much you do not like it moraly.

    Other then the moral problem here, I see no harm done. MSFT, Google or AWS will charge you insane amounts for a High Spec KVM that you can get from a Premium Hosting company 10x-20x cheaper, it is up to the customer to inform himself if the value he pays is the right one or not, but again, if the customers are pleased with what they get, it is called "a legitimate deal".

    One will build your house for 100K, other for 500k ( we assume the same quality and specs ), should we bully the one that asks 500k and has a Porsche?

    There is a saying in RO ( sure it is in other countries also ) - Foolish is not the one who asks, foolish is the one who gives.

    I am pretty sure the above might not be the answer you are looking for, but sincerely, if the fella's business is legit, not your problem to solve.


    You could follow his approach and offer lower prices and compete fairly to attract his customers.

    Thanked by (2)HostSlick AGXL

    Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462

    "If there is no struggle there is no progress"

  • @DrNutella said:

    Go look at WPEngine and more. They make your friend look cheap.

    You seem to imply that WPEngine is more expensive. They don't offer a "dedicated root server" for 99 euro per month, but their smallest managed plan, at 25 euro, offers far more space than the 100 MB needed.

    Whichever solution they may go with, "someone" will have to manage the migration.

    Give them a call and ask for custom quote. Don’t assume. They want your money

    Insert signature here, $5 tip required

  • @host_c said: Other then the moral problem here, I see no harm done. MSFT, Google or AWS will charge you insane amounts for a High Spec KVM (...)

    They will indeed, and you can let it idle at your own peril, but you get what you pay for.

    In this case, the offer seems to be "dedicated root server", while the product seems to be "shared hosting". If I rented a cabrio sports car (make it a Porsche, to not go off-topic too much) to go on a trip with my friends, and got delivered a bus ride with stops at every vilage, I may arrive at the destination but I did not get what I paid for.

    I don't have a hosting company, but when a customer of mine tells they spent 100+ euro per month on a simple website with a couple of domain names, I'm sure to tell them that they can probably save on that amount and that I can make a comparison of costs and benefits if they like me to.

    Thanked by (1)webcraft
  • Kneecap their bandwidth?

  • edited January 26

    @wankel said:

    @host_c said: Other then the moral problem here, I see no harm done. MSFT, Google or AWS will charge you insane amounts for a High Spec KVM (...)

    They will indeed, and you can let it idle at your own peril, but you get what you pay for.

    In this case, the offer seems to be "dedicated root server", while the product seems to be "shared hosting". If I rented a cabrio sports car (make it a Porsche, to not go off-topic too much) to go on a trip with my friends, and got delivered a bus ride with stops at every vilage, I may arrive at the destination but I did not get what I paid for.

    I don't have a hosting company, but when a customer of mine tells they spent 100+ euro per month on a simple website with a couple of domain names, I'm sure to tell them that they can probably save on that amount and that I can make a comparison of costs and benefits if they like me to.

    I see it like you. If the customer is not in the hosting business/staff lacking technical skills to notice this but you notice the customer is getting scammed, I'd let him know. Ignoring that doesn't mean you're minding somebody else business, it just makes you part of that scam imo. If you inform him that he’s sitting on a bus rather than a Porsche, but he’s too comfortable to switch vehicles or pay a fair price for the same, then that’s your customer’s decision, though he should be made aware of it. In fact, from your customer’s perspective, I’d view it as a poor job on your part if I trusted you with the maintenance of my website and you failed to mention something so obvious to someone with your level of expertise.

    Thanked by (1)AGXL
  • @AGXL said: exploit people's stupidity to maximise your profit. He pointed to his Porsche.

    I self host projects on Hetzner instead of Azure and AWS. Environments that would cost hundreds of dollars on the "cloud" are replaced by a couple of EUR Hetzner Cloud instance.
    Whenever people are curious about my business practices, i am pointing to my sack of potatoes.
    "Do you know how much is this worth? It is exactly 5 euros." :relieved:

  • cserverscservers Hosting Provider

    @Jab said:
    except you have no idea what they pay for. SLA? Support? Content management?

    Exactly. Those 99 euros are a high amount, and they may be paying for the convenience of someone managing content, ensuring first-response SLAs... we don't know what's in that offer.

    Customers analyze before buying. They test, they check the service quality before purchase, etc. It's very high, no doubt about it, but surely there's something to show up for that.

    Simply knowing the technical specifics isn't enough - there may be some extras you are not counting, and then you got yourself problems for no reason. Of course, nothing prevents you from politely presenting other services or simply talk with them, and attempt to understand better what is going on.

    One thing's for sure, it's somewhat of a maze. It's one of those things you potentially get into more problems exploring then staying where you are. If you want to tread, do it carefully.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    so, how about $7

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @cybertech said:
    so, how about $7

    A dubious 7 is better than 14.

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