Looking For OVH Transfers

edited January 4 in Requests

Require multiple OVH servers from the KS-LE range, need SSD & HDD specifications with Upgraded RAM or CPU, and ideally a 1g+ network.

I understand these are not common, and often users keep hold of them purely for the value and I'm willing to cover the cost, please name your premium and DM me with your offer I am buying both CA and EU servers.

Can pay Revolut, Paypal & Crypto, - Prefer crypto can pay a premium

Please I understand, I would be lucky to receive one but again I will happily pay the premium in your min that covers the hassle / time you have invested this is worthwhile for me as I intend to have these servers for as long as OVH allow me.


  • FalzoFalzo Senpai
    edited January 5

    While it is appreciated, that you took the time and effort to formulate a clear and friendly post, please do not start this kind of requests here.
    We don't need tons of postings or even discussions of people registering just to drop their OVH KS request.

    This is simply not the place and potential offers will anyway not go to random new-regs but some active community members. You are invited to become one, but please not by search requests ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • AK_KWHAK_KWH Hosting ProviderOG

    i have KS-LE-1 available for free if you would like to take it just dm me
    Intel Xeon E3-1245v2 - 4c/8t - 3.4 GHz/3.8 GHz
    32 GB 1333 MHz

    Data disks
    3ร—480 GB SSD SATA

    North America (Canada โ€“ East โ€“ Beauharnois)

    Thanked by (1)ariq01

    KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers

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