Someone put in a request to changes for forwarders, i'll see what I can do.
sending to the email address that has the domain internally and the server set the an external server works now, but I am having issues with postfix using the servers as a relay, still trying to debug that, not sure what the issue is currently. just seems to be timing out.
ended up getting relaying working with
I had to modify the docker image to use SSL rather than TLS as it seems that namecrane is not accepting TLS on either 465 or 587 and it just timing out.
SSL works
# openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -servername
depth=2 C = US, O = Internet Security Research Group, CN = ISRG Root X1
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = E6
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =
verify return:1
This looks to be resolved
If you can confirm 100%, but our own tests/checks on both SMTP & webmail look to be clean.
It works
Thank you
ended up getting relaying working with
I had to modify the docker image to use SSL rather than TLS as it seems that namecrane is not accepting TLS on either 465 or 587 and it just timing out.
SSL works
StartTLS does not