Sadface: Inception Hosting is ceasing operations as of 15th January 2025

This just came in. Sad to read, IH has been one of my first providers when I started going down the LowEndRabbithole.
We're writing to inform you that Inception Hosting services will cease on 15th January 2025. We want to thank you sincerely for being a valued Customer. After many years, this decision was not taken lightly.
Since Clouvider Limited acquired Inception Hosting Limited in 2021, the two brands have offered similar services; however, the Inception Hosting platform has both aged software and hardware, which would have been facing upgrades or replacement in 2025. With this in mind, we have made the decision that consolidating our offerings under Clouvider to provide you with an enhanced service is the best way forward.
Service Termination Date: All Inception Hosting services will end on 15th January 2025.
I wish Anthony all the best! Thanks for providing a flawless service for the last 100 years or so. - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
Also got it now. I think this is important:
Thanks for that!
Just got that email, too.
InceptionHosting was one of the first VPS hosting services I used, sad to see it going.
Thank you Anthony for all the years of flawless serivce.
Similar situation, no longer have services, but I used them for a long time - sad to see them go even if they are merging it. Searched through my emails and I seemed to have services going back 7 years now.
... and
is also very considerate.
... and never had a problem with any of them.
The (closed by now) NAT "mini" VPS in Japan was the first VPS I could afford, back then.
Thanks for all the fish, it has been a pleasure!
My most reliable VPS.
Up since 1309d 12hr
The discount means I'll get almost the same VPS/same cost as that one with Clouvider, so appreciate being taken care of.
But going to miss the 4-core 2xIPv4 one for 10 Euro/yr.
I paid for renewals a few hours before that email was sent out 🤦🏼♂️. I'm sure there'll be no refund issues though.
So sad to hear! My most reliable service so far running solid since 2017
EDIT: My apologies. I read that as refund issued.
Sad to hear, have been using them for over a decade, have been super reliable, most eggs in one basket for me.
Will likely migrate some to Clouvider, but they don't seem to offer storage oriented VPS's, any recommendations in London for ~500GB with similar reliability.
Not posting much here nowadays (hi guys! ❤️), but this made me come out of my cave. Thank you Ant for years of flawless service. I am sorry to read that the brand will not live on and wish you all the very best for everything you might be planning. Will miss my reliable small VPS with you...
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Welcome back
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
Thank you Anthony for many years' service and best wishes for any future plans.
Good while it lasted. Thanks, Anth!
Rip Inceptionhosting, VirtWire, Gestiondbi..
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
SecureDragon, if they're still around?
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
Noticed the Paypal email first and got confused and then the email from Inception.
Very pleased with how they worked and will be missed for sure!
The only low end VM I still have running. Because the price is right and it's seriously reliable.
Thanks for everything, Ant @InceptionHosting They're still around but seem to be US based only. Thanks anyway, might wait and dip in on BF and see what comes up.
Thanks too to @InceptionHosting for plenty of warning, and all the best for the future.
Thanks @InceptionHosting !! Loved the services
The only thing low end about Inception VPSs was the price.
For anyone planning to enter this segment, please look at Inception for the benchmark.
Thank you @InceptionHosting Ant for all the years of great service.
I hope we can see you around more often.
Thank you Anthony for your years of good services. Wish you all the best.
how are you?
last i recall you had a business issue in Canada or USA ! how did it turn out?
take care
Too bad.. one of my best server i have. I was just gonna pay for another year when this sad news came. All the best Ant, your service was rock solid for years.
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
They have always been US based. As far as I know, @Kujoe (not sure if that's his real account) has never used any location other than US DCs.
I canceled some decade old VPSes 2–3 years ago from Securedragon, and Weservit simply because the 128–250MB VPS packages I had were so damn outdated considering today's market.
But they were damn stable...
I had a VPS with them. I never faced any issues with InceptionHosting; it was like purchasing and forgetting about any worries about your VPS.
Dewlance - Affordable Shared/Reseller/Master Reseller Hosting
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SecureDragon was very famous back in the days, and seem to be still around. Maybe @KuJoe can help?
Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison,, Ympker's GitHub.
In 2019 I bought a minivps128 (nat), then in 2021 a kvm vps.
Anthony, thanks for the good work!
Be sure to back up all the idle load you generated over the years before that date
Yes, and still offer 128 MB OpenVZ VPSes.
With two cores, by the way.
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Time to migrate Directadmin users
after the closer why not @InceptionHosting "Ant" come back with no pants and hang around?