- manage NAT port forwarding for Proxmox VMs and containers

The following code and its documentation were generated using ChatGPT model (o1-preview). I had considered writing this code myself some time ago but hadn’t found the time to do so. Here is the code along with an overview written by ChatGPT. I would appreciate any feedback on how it can be further improved or if there are any mistakes.

Code available at: Quick Start Guide is a Python script designed to manage NAT (Network Address Translation) and port forwarding rules for VMs and containers in a Proxmox environment. The script utilizes iptables to configure NAT rules and allows for easy addition, removal, listing, updating, exporting, and importing of port mappings.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the network, using the script, and provides examples for common operations.

Network Setup in Proxmox

To use effectively, you need to set up a bridge network (vmbr1) on your Proxmox server. This bridge will use a private IP range and manage the NAT and port forwarding for your VMs and containers.

1. Configure the Bridge Network (vmbr1)

Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file to configure the bridge network interface vmbr1:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Add the following configuration:

auto vmbr1
iface vmbr1 inet static
    bridge-ports none
    bridge-stp off
    bridge-fd 0

    post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o <YOUR_PUBLIC_INTERFACE> -j MASQUERADE
    post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o <YOUR_PUBLIC_INTERFACE> -j MASQUERADE

  • <YOUR_PUBLIC_INTERFACE>: Replace this with your network interface that has a public IP (e.g., enp0s3).

2. Enable IP Forwarding

To ensure IP forwarding is enabled permanently, add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Apply the changes:

sudo sysctl -p

3. Restart Networking Service

Restart the networking service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart networking

4. Install Required Packages

To ensure iptables rules persist across reboots, install iptables-persistent and other required packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent python3 python3-pip sqlite3 -y

  • iptables-persistent: Allows iptables rules to be saved and restored on boot.
  • python3 and sqlite3: Required for running the script.


Run using Python3. Below are the various usage instructions for managing NAT and port forwarding rules for your VMs and containers.

python3 -h
usage: [-h]

NAT Manager Script

positional arguments:
                        Available actions
    add                 Add port mappings for a container
    remove              Remove port mappings for a container
    list                List port mappings
    update              Update port mappings for a container
    reserve             Reserve ports for the host machine
    unreserve           Unreserve ports
    list-reserved       List reserved ports
    export              Export port mappings to a JSON file
    import              Import port mappings from a JSON file
    backup              Backup current configuration
    restore             Restore configuration from backup
    rebuild-db          Rebuild the database from existing iptables rules

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

1. Add Port Mappings

To add NAT port forwarding rules for a VM or container with an internal IP address (e.g.,

sudo python3 add <container_ip> --mode <automatic|manual> --num-ports <N>

  • Parameters:
    • <container_ip>: Internal IP address of the VM/container (e.g.,
    • --mode: Mode for adding ports, automatic (default) or manual.
    • --num-ports <N>: Number of ports to forward (default: 6).


  • Automatic Mode:

    sudo python3 add --mode automatic --num-ports 4

    This command automatically assigns 4 external ports (starting from 50000) to forward traffic to standard internal ports (e.g., 22, 80, 443, 8080) on

  • Manual Mode:

    sudo python3 add --mode manual --external-ports 50000 50001 --internal-ports 22 80 --protocols tcp udp

    This command manually assigns external ports 50000 (TCP) and 50001 (UDP) to forward to internal ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) on

2. Remove Port Mappings

To remove all port forwarding rules associated with a specific container IP:

sudo python3 remove <container_ip>

  • Example:

    sudo python3 remove

    This command removes all port mappings associated with the IP

3. List Current Port Mappings

To list all current port mappings or those for a specific container IP:

sudo python3 list [container_ip]

  • Examples:

    • List All Mappings:
    sudo python3 list

    Lists all port mappings currently configured on the Proxmox server.

    • List Mappings for a Specific Container:
    sudo python3 list

    Lists the port mappings for the container with IP

4. Update Port Mappings

To update existing port mappings for a VM or container:

sudo python3 update <container_ip>

  • Examples:

    • Interactive Mode:
    sudo python3 update

    This command will prompt you to update the internal ports or protocols for each external port currently mapped to Leave input blank to keep the current mapping.

    • Non-Interactive Mode:
    sudo python3 update --external-ports 50000 50001 --internal-ports 2222 8081 --protocols tcp udp

    This command updates the external port 50000 to forward to internal port 2222 (TCP) and 50001 to forward to 8081 (UDP) on

5. Export and Import Port Mappings

You can export current port mappings to a JSON file for backup purposes or import them from a JSON file.

  • Export Port Mappings:

    sudo python3 export /path/to/export.json

    This command exports the current port mappings to export.json.

  • Import Port Mappings:

    sudo python3 import /path/to/export.json

    This command imports port mappings from export.json.

6. Backup and Restore Configuration

You can backup the current configuration of iptables and port mappings or restore from a backup.

  • Backup Current Configuration:

    sudo python3 backup

    This creates a backup of the current iptables rules and port mappings database.

  • Restore Configuration from Backup:

    sudo python3 restore <timestamp>

    Replace <timestamp> with the desired backup timestamp (e.g., backup_20230917123045).

7. Rebuild the Database from Existing iptables Rules

If the SQLite database is lost or out of sync with iptables rules, you can rebuild it:

sudo python3 rebuild-db

This command scans existing iptables rules and reconstructs the database for consistency.

Important Notes

  • IP Forwarding: Ensure IP forwarding is enabled by adding net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 to /etc/sysctl.conf and running sudo sysctl -p.
  • Save iptables Rules: To ensure the rules persist after reboot, use iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4.
  • Check iptables-persistent: Ensure iptables-persistent is installed and enabled to manage rule persistence:

    sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent -y
    sudo netfilter-persistent save

Network Configuration for VM/Container in Proxmox

When creating a VM or container in Proxmox that will use NAT:

  1. Assign an Internal IP Address:

    • Assign an IP within the vmbr1 subnet, such as
    • This IP will be used for internal communication and NAT port forwarding.
  2. Connect to vmbr1 Network Bridge:

    • Ensure the VM/container network interface is attached to vmbr1 to use the internal network managed by NAT.
    • In Proxmox, select vmbr1 as the network bridge when creating or configuring the VM/container.
  3. Configure Gateway (Optional):

    • Set the gateway to (the vmbr1 address) to route all outbound traffic through the Proxmox host.

This setup allows VMs/containers to communicate internally using 10.0.0.x IPs and be accessed externally via port forwarding rules defined by

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