A Nice Guy Here Was Talking With Me About Emacs, And . . .

Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
edited August 2 in General

Just maybe you might be interested in emacs-bedrock,

    Emacs Bedrock
    "An extremely minimal Emacs starter kit. . .  ."

which I found out about because I saw the author, ashton314's comment on HN at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41115907
which led to
which said

user: ashton314
created: August 30, 2017
karma: 4208
about: Programming languages researcher
GitHub: https://github.com/ashton314
Blog: https://lambdaland.org

And I think it was the Github repo which led me to Codeberg.

Anyway, here's the screenshot of ashton314's emacs-bedrock from Codeberg. As a guy who someday might try emacs again because (thanks to @cmeerw ) we know about ed for emacs, maybe emacs-bedrock also might be helpful.

Thanked by (2)vyas angstrom

I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

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