Looking for a hosting buddy to help my web hosting business

Hello everyone.

I don't know if this is the right place, but I'm looking for a hosting buddy (m/f/x), it would be an advantage if he/she could speak German.

Brief background: I run a web hosting company since 2015. I currently have a total of 27 server locations worldwide. These include reseller accounts, vServers (VPS), root servers and dedicated servers. The web control panels currently used are DirectAdmin, plesk and FASTPANEL.

Unfortunately, somehow it's not working, I've only made losses in the last few years.

I would be very happy if someone could help me to achieve some success. Unfortunately I can't pay a salary, but I would offer a profit share of up to 50%.

If you are interested, please send me a private message to discuss the details.

I would be delighted if someone could help me.

Greetings Andy


  • This sounds like a serious case of throwing good money after bad.

    For your client's sake, you should be looking for someone to buy you out and take your losses.

  • If you started in 2015, so almost 10 years ago, and didn't manage to become profitable during this time, I'd stop and drop out too. The hosting market you mentioned is highly oversaturated. There isn't really anything somebody could do.

  • I think that it has been 10 years that the business would have had to take a good direction but in this type of sector there is a lot of competition, look at your good and bad points, do your calculations if it is better to continue or perhaps take a step to the side that is given over time He says it was the best decision.

    If you believe in your business and you are doing things, put more effort into it and you will see the light in the tunnel.

    Thanked by (1)AGXL

    NohaVPS - www.nohavps.com

    AMD Ryzen 7950x | 4,5 GHz | RAM DDR5 - Datacenter Location Dallas, TX, USA

  • @SMARTHOST buys unprofitable AGXL.

    Thanked by (1)DigiRDP

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • cserverscservers Hosting Provider

    I can see this question with you and give some help, yes - but I must warn... things can't stay the same.

    Send me a private message with the relevant details and a contact and we'll talk from there.


    Thanked by (1)AGXL
  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider

    From personal experience, my assumption would be the issue is with quantity. If you focused on one location at a time, filled out capacity, became profitable (and not just one good month, stable reoccurring profit) before expanding to another location, things might be better.

    I have been there when I got too excited and I expanded to a handful of locations across the globe without really thinking it through.

    Maybe you need to scale down and focus your energies on your most profitable (or most likely to be profitable) business sections until you have a bunch of cash saved up to fully plan growth.

    Thanked by (2)skhron AGXL
  • HostSlickHostSlick Hosting Provider
    edited May 19

    Der Fehler liegt Wahrscheinlich in den 27 Server Locations. Ohne groß dein Business zu analysieren.

    Nur so meine Meinung.

    Im Endeffekt gibt's da dann Standorte die häufiger gekauft werden als andere. Die anderen wiederum weniger. Und man kann nur sagen, dass man nicht immer jede art von Clientel richtig und profitabel abdecken kann. Deswegen hab ich auch keine anderen Standorte als meinen Cage in den Niederlanden. Evtl. kommen in den nächsten Jahren paar Racks in Deutschland die ich dann mit der NL Location über IX oder so koppel aber ansonsten.
    Aber dafür richtig großgezogen. Wir migrieren demnächst auf einen Juniper MX 960 mit mehreren hundert Gbit Kapazität.

    Ein Standort bringt keinen Gewinn. Der andere wiederum schon und im Endeffekt gleicht sich das dann nur so aus.

    Die root Server die für VPS hosting verwendet werden musste mal schauen ob du die nicht auf eigene Hardware/Colocation migrierst. Meiner Meinung nach lohnt sich VPS hosting einfach nicht mit gemieteten Servern. Das ist fast so wie mit re-selling.

    Wahrscheinlich musst du da irgendwo was absägen. Ich zumindest würde es schwer finden 27 Standorte gewinnbringend zu verwalten.

    PS Ich startete 2011 auch mit einem nur einem CPanel Reseller Account.
    Jetzt habe ich Kunden wie dich. Etliche hosting Firmen sind Kunden bei mir. Einige haben 50 Server oder mehr. Ich vermiete auch vps nodes. Hier mache ich auch immer ziemlich aggressive Deals. Hohe Leistung, viel RAM, viel Speicher für wenig Geld.
    Damit die Kunden selbst noch gewinn machen können. Denn wie gesagt. Dedicated Server mieten und damit vps anbieten lohnt sich kaum. Schaff dir lieber eigene Hardware an.


    Thanked by (3)MichaelCee treesmokah AGXL
  • English only?

  • Hello , i'm write message on you PM



    Thanked by (1)AGXL
  • @MichaelCee said: Maybe you need to scale down and focus your energies on your most profitable (or most likely to be profitable) business sections until you have a bunch of cash saved up to fully plan growth.


    True , my i'm make similar thing aprox 6 months ago , i'm canceled lot of old DDr2/DDr3 servers and lot of very very non-profitable customers


  • @Calin said: DDr2

    You had DDR2 servers? What the fuck. I thought the lowest you can buy on current hosting market is DDR3, but I guess basements have their own rules.

  • @treesmokah said: You had DDR2 servers? What the fuck. I thought the lowest you can buy on current hosting market is DDR3, but I guess basements have their own rules.

    Yes , dell poweredge 2950 and 1950, very great models , just a funny thing , single servers from all 80 what i m have , never any erros / fan broken / power supplies / etc...

    New brand servers start broken more fast....


    Thanked by (1)treesmokah
  • InfraCharmInfraCharm Services Provider

    We don't do web hosting, but we build custom servers and spec out things you might need to get started. A used $500 server from FB Marketplace or Craigslist is all you'll need. Main bottlenecks you'll have in Web Hosting is disk space and sometimes even memory. Make sure you have a good network provider and a decent uplink (1Gbit/s or more). Let me know if you might need anything :)

    Thanked by (1)AGXL
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