Empty /etc

Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

Something really interesting for me recently has been reading the Fedora Developer mailing list every day just to keep up on the Rawhide changes. What I have seen tells me that the changes seen in Fedora seem more than I had imagined.

I'm not advocating for any particular view. What I can say is that upgrading Rawhide to the extent of hundreds of packages and a new kernel on many, many days has worked for me 100%. Of course, tomorrow will be the day that my server will blow up. Whatever happens, it has been a lot of fun to follow some of what's been going on in the Linux world from a different perspective than those with which I have used and to which I probably will return.

  • Empty /etc

Of course there has been a lot of talk for years about systemd taking over the old ways. Today I learned about Empty /etc.

"There is a long-term goal of moving packaged files out of /etc, so that only actual local configuration remains in /etc."

  • Modern C

Another topic I have seen mentioned recently on the mailing list is moving Fedora to modern C. See also Redhat bug 2142177.

  • Meta frameworks

Everywhere I look there seem to be meta frameworks for building and organizing things. For example, there is Koji.

I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

Thanked by (2)host_c skhron


  • @Not_Oles said: Empty /etc

    this 'long term goal' won't finish in your lifetime

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • @Encoders said:

    @Not_Oles said: Empty /etc

    this 'long term goal' won't finish in your lifetime

    Give the old guy a break! We all know it wont finish in the next 10 years. So in this case, you should say it wont finish in his grandkids lifetime :p

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @somik said:

    @Encoders said:

    @Not_Oles said: Empty /etc

    this 'long term goal' won't finish in your lifetime

    Give the old guy a break! We all know it wont finish in the next 10 years. So in this case, you should say it wont finish in his grandkids lifetime :p

    I'm not even sure if i have to be impressed or disappointed with how stubborn the 'linux' community is.
    but yeah, if it's not broken just fix it until it is :trollface:

    Thanked by (1)bikegremlin

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • somiksomik OG
    edited December 2023

    @Encoders said:

    @somik said:

    @Encoders said:

    @Not_Oles said: Empty /etc

    this 'long term goal' won't finish in your lifetime

    Give the old guy a break! We all know it wont finish in the next 10 years. So in this case, you should say it wont finish in his grandkids lifetime :p

    I'm not even sure if i have to be impressed or disappointed with how stubborn the 'linux' community is.
    but yeah, if it's not broken just fix it until it is :trollface:

    Well, what made me sad was the systemctl "fix"... Previously when we ran system apache restart we used to get a few lines of messages to show if it succeeded or failed and if failed, what happened. Now it's just empty response...

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @somik said:

    @Encoders said:

    @somik said:

    @Encoders said:

    @Not_Oles said: Empty /etc

    this 'long term goal' won't finish in your lifetime

    Give the old guy a break! We all know it wont finish in the next 10 years. So in this case, you should say it wont finish in his grandkids lifetime :p

    I'm not even sure if i have to be impressed or disappointed with how stubborn the 'linux' community is.
    but yeah, if it's not broken just fix it until it is :trollface:

    Well, what made me sad was the systemctl "fix"... Previously when we ran system apache restart we used to get a few lines of messages to show if it succeeded or failed and if failed, what happened. Now it's just empty response...

    Ahh, I know what you mean. What also annoys me every time is that the start/stop/restart/enable is now in the middle of the command, rather than at the end. It was so easy to just use backspace to change stop to start for example.

    Although I prefer systemctl which I seem to be a minority.

    Thanked by (1)quicksilver03

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  • If it works, don't fix it!

    Stop the planet! I wish to get off!

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @root said:
    If it works, don't fix it!

  • @SharedGrid said:

    @somik said:
    Well, what made me sad was the systemctl "fix"... Previously when we ran system apache restart we used to get a few lines of messages to show if it succeeded or failed and if failed, what happened. Now it's just empty response...

    Ahh, I know what you mean. What also annoys me every time is that the start/stop/restart/enable is now in the middle of the command, rather than at the end. It was so easy to just use backspace to change stop to start for example.

    Although I prefer systemctl which I seem to be a minority.

    Well, systemctl is good for paired services like samba where you can just do sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd or for php/nginx combos where you need to restart both sudo systemctl restart php8.1-fpm nginx

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

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