a simple ansible script to pull updates from git{hub/lab}

cloudpapcloudpap Hosting Provider
edited September 2023 in Technical

I needed to pull some updates from a script saved in gitlab and deploy it on 36 servers! Well, ansible came to my rescue and below, is the simple script i created to help me with the task.

The script pulls updates from a private repo in gitlab. It will prompt the user for gitlab credentials once then proceed to deploy.

Hope it helps someone!

- hosts: my-servers
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo

  - name: "githubuser" 
    prompt: "Enter your github username" 
    private: no 
  - name: "githubpassword" 
    prompt: "Enter your github password" 
    private: yes

  - name: Pull updates from gitlab
      repo: "https://{{ githubuser | urlencode }}:{{ githubpassword | urlencode }}@gitlab.com/gitlabuser/scripts.git"
      dest: /home/ubuntu/scripts
      update: yes
      version: main 
Thanked by (2)sh97 ehab


  • My dude asks for GitHub username and password to login into GitLab.com

  • use user access token, do not the password

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • cloudpapcloudpap Hosting Provider

    @ZuckZwing said:
    My dude asks for GitHub username and password to login into GitLab.com

    hehe. year, needed to change that. it was initally used for github but i changed the endpoint to gitlab. that should be changed.

  • cloudpapcloudpap Hosting Provider

    @Encoders said:
    use user access token, do not the password

    true. its more secure. will try update this script when i get some time

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