Anyone using Winget here? What's your experience been like?

YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

Afer hearing about Winget years ago, and recently hearing about it having improved a lot, I was wondering if anyone had any hands-on experience with Winget. I understand it is some sort of Windows package manager similiar to APT, which allows you to install and update/upgrade all apps easily. Since Windows 10/11 is still my daily driver and I will continue using it for various reasons, I was wondering if Winget is worth giving a shot?


  • @Ympker said: if Winget is worth giving a shot?

    It is. It makes provisioning new Windows systems a lot easier and you can upgrade all packages using a single command.

    I used to use chocolatey instead but ran into more and more outdated and unmaintained packages. Winget seems to be more active.

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  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited September 2023

    @Brueggus said:

    @Ympker said: if Winget is worth giving a shot?

    It is. It makes provisioning new Windows systems a lot easier and you can upgrade all packages using a single command.

    I used to use chocolatey instead but ran into more and more outdated and unmaintained packages. Winget seems to be more active.

    Found this site which seems to list available packages:
    Interesting. Will check it out :)
    You can also create packs and install various apps running a script/pack. Seems interesting indeed. Only recently I reinstalled Windows and had to setup all apps again. This could be way easier in the future :D

    Thanked by (1)TigersWay
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    Does it let you “scan” a PC offline, then connect to download the packages, and install them offline?

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  • At work, the Windows Store is blocked by GPO, so I just install anything I need from it via winget, it's a lot easier than reg hacking around the block :)

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    It's got a bit of a dark history

    Last week, Microsoft released its new Windows Package Manager, called WinGet. But as it turns out, they stole it: Keivan Beigi, the creator of a popular package manager called AppGet, describes how Microsoft wooed him last year and discussed employing him, only to later ghost him and release WinGet, which he says is basically identical to AppGet.

    Thanked by (3)_MS_ someTom bikegremlin
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