BuyShared Reseller Resource Allocation

LeeLee OG
edited August 2023 in Help

Can anyone remind me what the CPU/RAM allocation is with BuyShared (Reseller) and if it's the same across all plans or changes with a higher plan? Can't find anything, probably there and I am just not finding it.


  • It's listed at the bottom most on this page.

    Thanked by (1)Lee
  • Thanks, I knew it was there somewhere. I thought it increased to 2gb RAM on the higher plan, but clearly not , no idea where I thought that came from :)

    Thanked by (2)Ympker shamli
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Lee said:
    Thanks, I knew it was there somewhere. I thought it increased to 2gb RAM on the higher plan, but clearly not , no idea where I thought that came from :)

    Remember good old HostMantis Resource limits when they still had stellar performance, before the ship sunk? Oh, the memories.

    Thanked by (3)Lee bikegremlin webcraft
  • @Ympker said: Remember good old HostMantis Resource limits when they still had stellar performance, before the ship sunk? Oh, the memories.

    Indeed. They were good. I keep a couple of cheap resellers for family and friends freebies but I will need to find another that has higher resources on the ram.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    CherryVM is an MDDHosting "spinn-off" brand - with the same hardware, infrastructure (the super-fast Plaid platform) and people (so top class):

    It is shared only, $2 per month per a shared account.

    If you need more account separation, with that performance, Plaid reseller at $30 per month will probably end up cheaper (I run about 20 sites, with 2 GB RAM and 2vCPU each on it with no problems).

    Goes without saying I get my usual 10% cut out of every sale.

    Thanked by (1)Ympker

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