Looking for KVM VPS Providers Who Support .iso Installer Mounts and Console Access

edited June 2023 in Requests

I am looking for KVM VPS providers who will mount a downloaded .iso installer for Linux upon user request. I am interested in the control panel user interfaces for their users. I know that it seems unusual, but I want to see how they mount and boot Linux .iso image files and provide console access for the Linux installers on them, etc.

Many providers use SolusVM 1. I have seen and used Racknerd's control panel and used their ticket system to request an .iso mount. My experience with KVM and .iso mounts is limited, and I assume that Racknerd's implementation is essentially "standard". My feeling is that all providers with SolusVM 1 have the same look and feel, or only minor differences.

-> So, can you recommend providers who support KVM, custom .iso mounts, and console access? The console would interface with the booted .iso on the KVM VPS with an unformatted drive. In addition, they must also have a user interface other than SolusVM 1, either a competitor or a custom control panel.

I want to be sure that instructions I may write can be easily applied in a generic way to most providers with those features. Does that answer the "why"?

Thanked by (1)FrankZ


  • ServerFactory aff (nonaff) supports ISO uploads and VNC console for all plans.
    There's only one location in Netherlands.
    4GB plan costs €5.50/month.

    Thanked by (2)xleet mxmla

    No hostname left!

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    We support custom ISO installation on all our KVM plans with VNC console access. 5 locations.
    Plans start at 2GB for $4.99/month.
    Using VirtFusion control panel :)

    Thanked by (1)xleet
  • @yoursunny said:
    ServerFactory aff (nonaff) supports ISO uploads and VNC console for all plans.
    There's only one location in Netherlands.
    4GB plan costs €5.50/month.

    Thanks for your recommendation ;)

    @xleet If you need a free 24 hour trial please open an account here: https://my.server-factory.com/signup/ and open a Ticket ;)

    Thanked by (1)xleet
  • one more recommendation for server-factory

    Thanked by (2)mxmla terrorgen
  • Hosthatch has that (custom panel + iso upload + vnc).
    BuyVM has that (custom panel + iso upload + vnc).
    Soooo many others have that, too.
    Not sure if I understand the request...

    Thanked by (1)xleet
  • @Shot² said:
    Hosthatch has that (custom panel + iso upload + vnc).
    BuyVM has that (custom panel + iso upload + vnc).
    Soooo many others have that, too.
    Not sure if I understand the request...

    I know the request seems unusual, but you do understand it. Your responses are helpful. Thank you!

    I do not need to see every control panel interface, but a representative sample would help. I want to be sure that instructions and procedures would be self-consistent and easily applied to different interfaces that perform the same functions (iso, console, etc.).

  • @mxmla said:

    Thanks for your recommendation ;)

    @xleet If you need a free 24 hour trial please open an account here: https://my.server-factory.com/signup/ and open a Ticket ;)

    Thank you for the generous offer. I will sign up and open the ticket sometime in the next two weeks. I will send a PM here so you can couple the request to the ticket.

    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions too. I am going to look at their websites to see if they have sufficient control panel examples, documents or whatever. They may show me enough to confirm that their users can follow along with my work, that's all.

    Even though my use is light and brief (a day or two at most), I had not planned to ask for a trial. I know better, and I am not one of the young people who annoy others here and other websites.

    **If others care to offer a one or two day trial, I would be grateful. ** The results of my work are intended to help the community as a whole. Network traffic would be limited to whatever a Linux installer might download from the internet, and I may not need to run any installation. I am focused on the .iso mount, the console, and seeing the control panel interfaces so that it applies generally, and not only to the SolusVM interface that I have seen many times.

    Finally, I do not want this to be overblown into something bigger than it actually is. I want to set reasonable expectations here. I am pursuing an interesting "corner case" that may have broader applicability to users who rely on mounted .iso images, that's all. It will not be earth shattering, I promise.

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