where is the cheapest nat vps?

aff are welcome



  • @cam Gullo

    Thanked by (1)cam

    "How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
    F. Battiato ---

  • Yo momma

  • Gullo Hosting, starting at $2 (128M) - hosting.gullo.me
    Webhorizon, starting $6.9 (256M) - my.webhorizon.net
    Natvpsuk, starting ~3GBP - natvps.uk

    Yearly, of course

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ zizi119
  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited May 2023
  • NekkiNekki OG
    edited May 2023

    @wagumaxida said:
    aff are welcome

    Surely you mean 'What is the best value for money NAT VPS', no?

  • edited May 2023

    Note: most of them are openvz

  • @sh97 said:
    Natvpsuk, starting ~3GBP - natvps.uk

    Tried. Wow, support responds within 1-2 MINUTES!!! 1-2 hours would be acceptable. You made my day.

  • @carlin0 said:

    Be warned: Gullo's Hosting has support only at Sundays. He disabled my server with no reason and without any notice. Highly not recommended.

  • @zizi119 said:

    @carlin0 said:

    Be warned: Gullo's Hosting has support only at Sundays. He disabled my server with no reason and without any notice. Highly not recommended.

    I have used Gullo for several years and had few problems, If he disabled your VPS, there’s a reason...
    Regarding support: for $2/year, you can't expect more than that.

    Thanked by (3)benz skorous sh97

    "How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
    F. Battiato ---

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @carlin0 said:

    I have used Gullo for several years and had few problems, If he disabled your VPS, there’s a reason...

    I read that post and thought to myself, "Oh there's a reason". Then saw you had it covered.... :)

  • @carlin0 said:

    @zizi119 said:

    @carlin0 said:

    Be warned: Gullo's Hosting has support only at Sundays. He disabled my server with no reason and without any notice. Highly not recommended.

    I have used Gullo for several years and had few problems, If he disabled your VPS, there’s a reason...
    Regarding support: for $2/year, you can't expect more than that.

    I've used Gullo for a year or so in the past. Had no issues. As long as you read the TOS and do not break any rules, your server will still be around.

    Although I feel that Gullo should implement a paid premium support for those who require urgent service.

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • edited May 2023

    @somik said:
    Although I feel that Gullo should implement a paid premium support for those who require urgent service.

    He can't do that and it's not just "support" - he's away from PC completely so in case server die in let's say monday (like it happened several times with both .FI nodes recently) there's no one to reboot it or check what's going on for whole week. Things are more or less on autopilot. He expect to be around more since August.

    Example from the last month (that's .FI node 2, node 1 was a bit worse until recently, but now it seems stable).

    Down for 34 h, 23 min
    The reason was No Response.
    Details:Ping Responded Unsuccessfully
    May 25, 2023, 12:00 GMT +02:00

    Down for 77 h, 53 min
    The reason was No Response.
    Details:Ping Responded Unsuccessfully
    May 16, 2023, 19:44 GMT +02:00

    Down for 11 h, 8 min
    The reason was No Response.
    Details:Ping Responded Unsuccessfully
    May 5, 2023, 13:02 GMT +02:00

    Down for 11 h, 48 min
    The reason was No Response.
    Details:Ping Responded Unsuccessfully
    May 4, 2023, 16:17 GMT +02:00

  • @Mumbly said:
    Details:Ping Responded Unsuccessfully

    Is it just me, or is that a weird way to say that something didn't work?

  • edited May 2023

    That's UptimeRobot response if you choose ping monitor so response may sound a bit strange, but generally still correct I think. You can use some other types of uptime monitoring with UptimeRobot (port, https, keyword, etc..) with the different response, I guess.
    With phpservermon I monitor service(s).
    Server was down nonetheless.

  • @Mumbly said:
    That's UptimeRobot response if you choose ping monitor so response may sound a bit strange, but generally still correct I think. You can use some other types of uptime monitoring with UptimeRobot (port, https, keyword, etc..) with the different response, I guess.
    With phpservermon I monitor service(s).
    Server was down nonetheless.

    I just thought it was a strange way to word it.
    Usually you say something like "ping failed" or "no reply". "Ping responded" infers that there was a reply, however unsuccessful. Anyway, no big deal, just sounded funny to me. :smile:

    Thanked by (1)Mumbly
  • @rcy026 said:

    @Mumbly said:
    That's UptimeRobot response if you choose ping monitor so response may sound a bit strange, but generally still correct I think. You can use some other types of uptime monitoring with UptimeRobot (port, https, keyword, etc..) with the different response, I guess.
    With phpservermon I monitor service(s).
    Server was down nonetheless.

    I just thought it was a strange way to word it.
    Usually you say something like "ping failed" or "no reply". "Ping responded" infers that there was a reply, however unsuccessful. Anyway, no big deal, just sounded funny to me. :smile:

    Ya, think the program writer has bad english. That is how you say in some non-english languages and literal word by word translation to english results in "Ping Responded Unsuccessfully".

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @carlin0 said:

    I have used Gullo for several years and had few problems,

    Up till he disabled my VPS, I had no problem either.

    If he disabled your VPS, there’s a reason...

    Was no reason. He claimed abuse. I did not abuse and there was no intruder.

    My main problem not was that he disabled VPS. Automatic systems sometimes make errors. 1. He disabled without any notice. 2. He was not available for 6 days to correct his mistake.

    I did not ask for unlocking, but he still unlocked the VPS, and yet it is on now. Although I told him to wipe, I don't need since it is highly unreliable service.

    Regarding support: for $2/year, you can't expect more than that.

    I expect to keep contract. If he says there is normal support, he can not change it during term even if I paid 0.000001 cents. He makes the offer, I accept it or not.

    If I sell you a car for 500 bucks, you would be happy with just a motor and four wheels? For $500 you can't expect more than that.

  • @zizi119 said:
    If I sell you a car for 500 bucks, you would be happy with just a motor and four wheels? For $500 you can't expect more than that.

    Erm, you can get a motor AND 4 wheels for 500 dollars? Here in Singapore, just 2 wheels costs over 500 dollars...

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

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