Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv4
ISP : Alibaba.com LLC
ASN : AS8100 QuadraNet Enterprises LLC
Host : Zenlayer Inc
Location : Miami, Florida (FL)
Country : United States
Location Latency Download Speed Upload Speed Server
ISP: QuadraNet
Nearest 31.03 ms 857.42 Mbps 764.84 Mbps Wayne Highlands School District - Honesdale, PA
Cochin, IN 251.31 ms 405.14 Mbps 246.36 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 240.23 ms 410.97 Mbps 332.19 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 242.51 ms 549.25 Mbps 233.69 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 273.47 ms 460.68 Mbps 252.67 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 237.87 ms 472.49 Mbps 301.26 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 64.00 ms 725.39 Mbps 554.24 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 33.43 ms 729.73 Mbps 779.79 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 25.82 ms 817.69 Mbps 733.94 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 69.77 ms 820.24 Mbps 565.56 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 7.88 ms 870.25 Mbps 863.52 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA FAILED
Paris, FR 105.00 ms 702.90 Mbps 560.45 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 111.59 ms 788.75 Mbps 455.36 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 126.69 ms 541.41 Mbps 366.22 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 94.77 ms 782.46 Mbps 462.79 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 105.67 ms 615.40 Mbps 457.01 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 217.53 ms 613.63 Mbps 366.63 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 256.55 ms 383.06 Mbps 212.44 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 163.49 ms 660.72 Mbps 372.91 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 271.16 ms 1.20 Mbps 3.36 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 234.45 ms 147.06 Mbps 0.65 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 229.98 ms 553.70 Mbps 383.23 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 228.05 ms 437.29 Mbps 305.26 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 286.40 ms 455.92 Mbps 4.21 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv4
ISP : Alibaba.com LLC
ASN : AS3214 xTom GmbH
Host : Zenlayer Inc
Location : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
Country : Netherlands
Location Latency Download Speed Upload Speed Server
ISP: xTom GmbH
Nearest 1.13 ms 927.11 Mbps 1799.44 Mbps T-Mobile Netherlands B.V. - Amsterdam
Cochin, IN 156.77 ms 415.72 Mbps 73.80 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 195.14 ms 667.68 Mbps 666.34 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 153.94 ms 575.86 Mbps 57.85 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 123.23 ms 739.21 Mbps 674.05 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 144.56 ms 625.21 Mbps 581.57 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 150.29 ms 436.67 Mbps 190.04 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 110.29 ms 1335.59 Mbps 713.56 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 74.65 ms 1072.59 Mbps 1041.48 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 155.20 ms 865.80 Mbps 570.68 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 113.97 ms 803.85 Mbps 712.48 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA 111.48 ms 1027.49 Mbps 766.72 Mbps Rogers Wireless - Montréal, QC
Paris, FR 16.51 ms 1741.00 Mbps 1704.75 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 0.57 ms 924.26 Mbps 876.38 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 22.70 ms 1642.55 Mbps 1682.56 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 6.71 ms 1854.14 Mbps 1772.10 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 7.76 ms 1675.11 Mbps 1759.73 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 136.38 ms 751.47 Mbps 636.48 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 118.43 ms 436.62 Mbps 741.76 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 69.41 ms 1235.24 Mbps 1137.13 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 176.43 ms 422.26 Mbps 445.62 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 260.94 ms 238.57 Mbps 2.88 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 233.35 ms 480.93 Mbps 315.00 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 154.16 ms 600.25 Mbps 563.10 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 212.43 ms 281.17 Mbps 331.20 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
How much $?
You will have to talk to them. The deal we have is between us.
Basic Network Info
Primary Network : IPv6
ISP : Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.
ASN : AS133296 Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.
Host : Hostgoi Technologies Private Limited
Location : Haldībāri, West Bengal (WB)
Country : India
Location Latency Loss DL Speed UP Speed Server
ISP: Web Werks India Pvt.
Nearest 13.16 ms 0.0% 623.78 Mbps 934.18 Mbps RailTel Corporation of India, Ltd - Nagpur
Cochin, IN 27.33 ms N/A 524.69 Mbps 930.40 Mbps Jio - Kochi
Bangalore, IN 23.98 ms 0.0% 645.06 Mbps 918.14 Mbps Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
Chennai, IN 19.77 ms N/A 649.04 Mbps 926.37 Mbps Jio - Chennai
Mumbai, IN 1.45 ms 0.0% 877.55 Mbps 911.33 Mbps i3D.net - Mumbai
Delhi, IN 22.38 ms 0.0% 556.19 Mbps 926.95 Mbps Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi
Los Angeles, US 247.40 ms 0.0% 290.49 Mbps 347.79 Mbps DediPath - Los Angeles, CA
Dallas, US 283.96 ms 0.0% 666.93 Mbps 328.36 Mbps Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
New York, US 192.41 ms 0.0% 351.48 Mbps 382.50 Mbps Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
Seattle, US 255.14 ms N/A 366.22 Mbps 349.54 Mbps Comcast - Seattle, WA
Miami, US 215.35 ms 0.0% 427.76 Mbps 405.21 Mbps AT&T - Miami, FL
Montreal, CA 201.98 ms 0.0% 412.43 Mbps 439.18 Mbps Rogers Wireless - Montréal, QC
Paris, FR 110.61 ms 0.0% 448.88 Mbps 756.28 Mbps ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
Amsterdam, NL 131.41 ms 0.0% 803.56 Mbps 615.41 Mbps Hivelocity - Amsterdam
Warsaw, PL 138.04 ms 0.0% 440.89 Mbps 636.78 Mbps UPC Polska - Warszawa
London, UK 130.92 ms 0.0% 676.20 Mbps 692.15 Mbps VeloxServ Communications - London
Frankfurt, DE 139.48 ms 0.0% 496.13 Mbps 601.47 Mbps Deutsche Telekom - Frankfurt Am Main
Dubai, AE 225.93 ms 0.0% 483.46 Mbps 201.78 Mbps du - Dubai
Fujairah, AE 113.61 ms 0.0% 478.13 Mbps 694.54 Mbps i3D.net - Dubai
Jeddah, KSA 127.47 ms 0.0% 628.31 Mbps 674.74 Mbps Saudi Telecom Company
Shanghai, CN 262.15 ms 0.0% 441.84 Mbps 345.30 Mbps China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
Guangzhou, CN 417.69 ms 0.3% 19.18 Mbps 38.08 Mbps ChinaTelecom 5G - Guangzhou
Hong Kong, SAR 91.28 ms N/A 443.02 Mbps 858.67 Mbps STC - Hong Kong
Singapore, SG 244.23 ms 0.0% 310.29 Mbps 360.43 Mbps i3D.net - Singapore
Tokyo, JP 133.37 ms 17.8% 691.99 Mbps 147.68 Mbps GSL Networks - Tokyo
Avg DL Speed : 510.14 Mbps
Avg UL Speed : 576.93 Mbps
Total DL Data : 18.13 GB (18569 MB)
Total UL Data : 18.64 GB (19091.6 MB)
Total Data : 36.78 GB (37660.6 MB)
Finished in : 13 min 18 sec
Timestamp : 12-02-2023 12:11:26 CET
My home server
✨🎁 Low end deals Telegram tracker: https://t.me/lowendweb
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
v6node, after @iandk fixes
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GreenCloud Budget KVM Sale VN-2: Ho Chi Minh City, VN Location
https://dttech.top - Personal Site.
This is a recent KTS24 special: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/127349/#Comment_127349
(I dropped the network test because several of the sites were busy)
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
GreenCloud EPYCDE-2.5
This gonna replace WebHorizon LXC in NL because Hybula tunnel is pissing me off with flapping here and there.
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AlibabaCloud Tokyo 1G 6M
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LittleCreek Custom Package
Basic System Information:
Uptime : 5 days, 10 hours, 39 minutes
Processor : Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS)
CPU cores : 12 @ 2499.998 MHz
AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM : 11.5 GiB
Swap : 12.0 GiB
Disk : 224.3 GiB
Distro : Rocky Linux 8.7 (Green Obsidian)
Kernel : 4.18.0-425.10.1.el8_7.x86_64
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 567
Multi Core | 4372
Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/20333804
YABS completed in 10 min 10 sec
Sick of pissing with the code function. Does not want to work and I have been at it for 5 minutes. Yes I know how it is supposed to work but it just doesn't for some reason.
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you can use < pre > and < /pre >
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Yeah didn't work either. No idea wtf went on just didn't want to work I guess. I will as Mason about it later.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Hetzner EX100 in Helsinki
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
@Not_Oles nice beast in helsinki
How much $?
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
You will have to talk to them. The deal we have is between us.
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Linode Frankfurt (5$/month)
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One of our dedicated seedboxes. 24 EUR/m
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One more seedbox
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!
root@Debian-1103-bullseye-arm64-base ~ # curl -sL yabs.sh | bash
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
Wed Feb 8 19:12:19 CET 2023
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
ARM compatibility is considered experimental
Basic System Information:
Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
Processor : Neoverse-N1
CPU cores : 80 @ 3000.0000 MHz
AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM : 125.1 GiB
Swap : 4.0 GiB
Disk : 1.7 TiB
Distro : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel : 5.10.0-16-arm64
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 901
Multi Core | 37591
Full Test | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/20405581
YABS completed in 9 min 26 sec
Cloudfanatic Standard Plan 1GB Ram (30$/year)
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NVME-KVM-4GB (Singapore) , from a full node
@stromonic BF Deal in Mumbai, India. INR 857 (~ $10) first year.
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InternetPort, SE | 20 SEK/m | Random deal I found on LEB
1fire.de in 23M datacenter | 2.99 EUR/m | Recently, They introduce DDOS-Protection for all customers through Voxility
Advin Servers, Micro VPS 4GB Blackfriday, NL virtual location | 2 USD/m | Currently singhle-homed to physick network
WebHorizon OVZ, PL | 10 USD/YR | MyPersonalVPN deal from March 2022 | After migrated from OVH, FR to Mevspace, PL. due to IP Prices surge in Dec 2022
GreenHost, NL | 3.5 EUR/m for this configure | Claimed to support Internet freedom. Spin a new instance just for YABS.
Spaceberg.cc - Your favorite Seedbox provider!