iHostART - Complain - Praise - Feedback - Meme - Chit Chat

edited June 2023 in Reviews

Hello my LESbians , be happy for post here any problems/questions/feedback

We will announce here all our updates about our company (iHostART.Com)

Our official contacts
Official website: https://ihostart.com
Mail contact: [email protected]
Discord: @ihostart
Telegram: @ihostart
Skype: live:.cid.e09478c64eb647ce
Whatsapp: +40799818190

Our official Discord server https://discord.gg/mG3Pv76rmB JOIN HERE , most probality in future make more giveaways

Here we are not so active, but to prevent fake accounts
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/calin-maniu-2203b3239/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ihostart

Thanked by (1)FrankZ


  • Moan???

    Thanked by (1)Janevski
  • Fixed @coo copyed directly from othet thread

  • Show DC pics.

  • edited May 2023

    @dosai said:
    Show DC pics.

    Show DC diks

    I hear the biggest diks are 22mm diameter and 110mm long.

    Thanked by (1)Calin

    No hostname left!

  • are you human ?

  • @ehab no , i'm a robot , bip bop

    Sorry (beep boop) , robot sound error

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • Still hosting in basement? Or DC?

  • @coo i m own 64 square meters facility , good luck for put approx 60 servers on you basement :)


  • edited May 2023

    my vps system no install,you tg no online

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    This thread needed a meme.

    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • @Shakespeare said: my vps system no install,you tg no online

    Hello , write on telegram and replay you no problem :) , I'm work approx 12-14 hours per day , well most probality no online because I'm sleep


  • @Calin said:

    @Shakespeare said: my vps system no install,you tg no online

    Hello , write on telegram and replay you no problem :) , I'm work approx 12-14 hours per day , well most probality no online because I'm sleep


    tg say more than 5 days,my ovz nat 512RAM ,Invoice #1343

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • What type of RAM are you guys using?

    Thanked by (1)ehab

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • any eta on reboot menu from client area?
    eveytime shits went down had to open a ticket for reboot

    Fuck this 24/7 internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit.

  • @somik said:
    Wow... Was there any degradation in performance with such heavily shared resources? How about the disk performance, as the drive seems to be the slowest performing hardware in a node...

    Yes, half of users will be shutdown randomly, when they tried reboot, other users will be shutdown :lol:
    It's like Roma amphitheatrum.

  • @Shakespeare said:
    my nat vps ram 512, you no increase,Invoice #1343

    Yeah me either, still waiting.

  • Please rearrange the system in the panel, centos7 centos8,debian10 debian11, ubuntu20 ubuntu22,Centos 8 stream ,Rockylinux 8,Almalinux 8,now debian and ubuntu, Installed system, no wget, no vi, there is no update, and there is no way to use the software,
    moreover, this panel does not support iso installation

    wait to buy a lonely

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • Hello @Shakespeare it's OpenVZ and lot of iso don't work

    About wget and no update problem check this

    ubuntu 20.04

    echo 'export PATH=/usr/sbin/:$PATH' >> /etc/profile
    systemctl reboot

    sed -i "/[Resolve]/a DNS=$custom_dns4" /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
    echo -e "\nDNS=${custom_dns4}" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
    systemctl restart systemd-resolved

    apt update
    apt install resolvconf -y

    echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
    resolvconf -u

  • any ETA for availability on Cheap Storage KVM VPS plans?

  • @ccc said:

    @somik said:
    Wow... Was there any degradation in performance with such heavily shared resources? How about the disk performance, as the drive seems to be the slowest performing hardware in a node...

    Yes, half of users will be shutdown randomly, when they tried reboot, other users will be shutdown :lol:
    It's like Roma amphitheatrum.

    Eh... that doesn't sound like a fun time....

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • @Calin said:
    Hello @Shakespeare it's OpenVZ and lot of iso don't work

    About wget and no update problem check this

    ubuntu 20.04

    echo 'export PATH=/usr/sbin/:$PATH' >> /etc/profile
    systemctl reboot

    sed -i "/[Resolve]/a DNS=$custom_dns4" /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
    echo -e "\nDNS=${custom_dns4}" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
    systemctl restart systemd-resolved

    apt update
    apt install resolvconf -y

    echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
    resolvconf -u

    i need centos7.x system

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • @Shakespeare said: i need centos7.x system

    Hello if don't work you wget& vi , try

    yum install epel-release
    yum update
    yum upgrade

    yum install wget vi


  • @Shakespeare said: no wget, no vi, there is no update, and there is no way to use the software

    Or what do you mean?

  • @Calin said:

    @Shakespeare said: i need centos7.x system

    Hello if don't work you wget& vi , try

    yum install epel-release
    yum update
    yum upgrade

    yum install wget vi


    panel system no centos7.x,only centos8 ctream 8,but i don't need centos8 ctream

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • @Calin said:

    @Shakespeare said: no wget, no vi, there is no update, and there is no way to use the software

    Or what do you mean?

    Too mini, debian and Ubuntu. there is no vi and apt update by default

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • @Calin said:

    @Shakespeare said: i need centos7.x system

    Hello if don't work you wget& vi , try

    yum install epel-release
    yum update
    yum upgrade

    yum install wget vi


    centos8 ctream have wget ,vi and update ,no problem,but,i need centos7.x

    debian and ubuntu,wget, vi and update,doesn't work at all, too stripped down

    i need cheap vps year payment .

  • @coo said:
    Still hosting in basement? Or DC?

    hosting in BC (Basement Center ) almost the same shit, just better !

    Thanked by (1)bruh21
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