Multiple VPS in different locations around the world
Hi guys,
I'm in need of about 5 (or more for the right price) vps' in different locations around the world for the best speed for my clients, as users are routed to the nearest server via geodns.
My requirements are quite basic;
1x cpu core, ideally ryzen or anything in the past few years. Happy with more than 1 core but that's the minimum.
1gb ram
Less than 10gb storage, hdd or ssd is fine
1gbit network
Ideally unmetered network usage, or relatively high limits with speed reduction at overage.
Locations required are:
EU, multiple pops
US, two pops
Asia, one pop
Currently using Buyvm in NL, so similar offerings or cheaper would be ideal.
Webhosting24 aff has most of what you need.
1GB plan is $38/year.
non aff
No hostname left!
Hey, we currently have stock in our Frankfurt location. You can get your exact configuration for £2/month with the Ryzen 9.
we can offer in
US (kansas & texas)
UK Wolverhampton
Asia Turkey
1GB Ram
1TB bandwidth will costs you 35$/Year in our All the above locations
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