Setting up Seafile file sharing and sync with an s3 backend and Collabora Office integration
Hi everyone, I wrote a blog post about Seafile. If you are not familiar with it it's a more reliable and faster file syncing/sharing solution than Nextcloud, which you can self host. In the post I describe how to set it up with object storage (so you don't need to worry about how much disk space you need) and Collabora Online, to be able to work on office documents alone or with other people in realtime, in the browser. I had some road bumps to figure out some bits since the documentation isn't great, so I hope it can save somone some time The post:
Lead Platform Architect at the day job, Ethical Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter on the side
Can this be used for other S3 compatible service?
Lead Platform Architect at the day job, Ethical Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter on the side
Interesting will try it!
Right now I'm using
either Filerun or caddy+webdav plugin for simple file sharing.
Then try Seafile, it's A LOT better! I just discovered it even does delta sync, which means it only uploads the parts of a file which have changed, not the entire file. So I am syncing even virtual machines now. I love it!
Lead Platform Architect at the day job, Ethical Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter on the side
On your Blog, what do you mean by the files cannot be read directly?
Does it mean I can't stream files directly from the server?
Yes, you can stream videos, I checked that. What I meant is that if you look at the filesystem at how the files are stored, they are not stored as the original files. They are stored in "chunks", similar to how git stores versioned files in the .git directory. In fact, Seafile works pretty much like git
Lead Platform Architect at the day job, Ethical Hacker/Bug Bounty Hunter on the side