iHostART - 5.5$/yr 50 GB HDD & 512 MB & 1 vCore & Public Torrent allowed & DMCA Ignore & 1x IPv4 NAT



  • Hello , @R6gear it s possible leave you email on PM for check

    @jwhan99 for now don t have exactly time , but recommended you no bought if you are aiming to use IPv6


  • @Calin said: @jwhan99 for now don t have exactly time , but recommended you no bought if you are aiming to use IPv6

    Mate i think you can use route48 or HE for access ipv6.

  • @R6gear said:

    @Calin said: @jwhan99 for now don t have exactly time , but recommended you no bought if you are aiming to use IPv6

    Mate i think you can use route48 or HE for access ipv6.

    Calin has IPv6 but can't figure out how to get it into Virtualizor.
    He gave me a free KVM that has native IPv6 but no incoming IPv4 ports.
    With the magic of WireGuard, my LowEndSeedbox has both IPv4 and IPv6, and I'm already seeing IPv6 leechers.
    However, IPv6 latency is much higher than IPv4 because the KVM box is on a separate ISP line.

    sunny@box7:~$ ip addr
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state
    UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
        inet scope host lo
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 ::1/128 scope host
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    0 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
        inet scope host venet0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet brd scope global
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    disc mq state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
        inet scope global wg0
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 2a02:a58:832d:6700:c8d5:a0b7:105a:3333/128 scope global
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
        inet6 fe80::ded:2e15:ff78:3333/64 scope link stable-privacy
           valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

    Note: a few digits changed.

    Route48 or HE won't be DMCA ignored.
    Hence, if you want IPv6, ask for free KVM and establish tunnel.

    Thanked by (1)R6gear

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • edited December 2022

    @Calin sorry to ask again, how many days u need to be ready the vps? It's not urgent, just asking and why so long?

  • @R6gear said:
    why so long?

    Clueless administrator.

    Thanked by (1)localhost

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • feeling some realy hard diskspeeds now.

    Thanked by (1)tarasis
  • Hello @R6gear sorry but i m have lot of working , coming soon VPS Delivery

    @karlo hello , please check now


  • Invoice #820 for more ram promotion. Thank you

  • @Calin
    How is that possible, runtime is going back to the past! Unfortunaly there is no recognizable difference in the speed of the disk

  • Hello @karlo please give me you invoice number for check problems and fixed , maybe you are limited

    About VPS @R6gear I m delivery now you vps please check , If there are some customers who have not delivered the VPS or what configuration mistake please tell me or open the ticket, I am very glad to help you!


  • @Calin
    My invoice is #784
    Thanks for your investigation.

  • @Calin said:
    Hello @R6gear sorry but i m have lot of working , coming soon VPS Delivery

    @karlo hello , please check now


    Invoice #826 can you add more 386 ram? if you have a little time to add it :D will be nice.

  • Hello @R6gear done you and for other with this tings

    About @karlo , I can confirm do not abuse, but it's an abuser on node, I have now limited this please confirm an improvement of performance, as I said in the future I will solve these things


    Thanked by (1)R6gear
  • @calin the last thing i want it's to enable TUN/TAP to add my self ipv6

  • Hello , done @R6gear

  • Service was down for exactly 13 minutes each yesterday and today


  • @yoursunny said:

    @R6gear said:
    why so long?

    Clueless administrator.

    That post has been already claimed by @Not_Oles ?

    On extended break from LES due to selective bias of mods
    blog | exploring visually |

  • edited December 2022

    @vyas said:

    @yoursunny said:

    @R6gear said:
    why so long?

    Clueless administrator.

    That post has been already claimed by @Not_Oles ?

    Not Oles. By brohost.


  • Hello @jmaxwell check uptime , node no problems only network problems


  • @Calin said:
    Hello @jmaxwell check uptime , node no problems only network problems


    Happened again, Network problems at your end ?


  • Server felt great for me initially and now seems to be capped at 500kb down which kinda sucks...

    Recommended hosts:
    Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner

  • Hello @james50a , please leave me you invoice number for check


  • @Calin said:
    Hello @james50a , please leave me you invoice number for check



    Recommended hosts:
    Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner

  • Hello , check now please and give me feedback

    Please limited you torrent on 5 MB/s constantly



    Thanked by (1)james50a
  • Working, thanks much. Have limited to 4MB to be safe.

    Recommended hosts:
    Letbox, Data ideas, Hetzner

  • edited December 2022

    Hello , who are interesed whit this specifications

    8 GB Ram ddr3 ecc
    KVM Virtualisation
    200 GB HDD with SSD cache and raid 6
    1 dedicated CPU @2.5+ GHz
    16 TB BW/month / 1 GBps port speed
    1x dedicated IPv4
    3 eur/month

    I'm trying to build a cluster of 6 servers with 256 GB ram per server, and I want to know who is interested in such specs , How many people would be interested in buying something like this? I want to say that it will be maximum 32 VM per node

    Thanked by (3)ehab contactwajeeh name
  • edited December 2022

    if you make 2 cores then its super sexy.

  • @Calin said:
    Hello , who are interesed whit this specifications

    8 GB Ram ddr3 ecc
    KVM Virtualisation
    200 GB HDD with SSD cache and raid 6
    1 dedicated CPU @2.5+ GHz
    16 TB BW/month / 1 GBps port speed
    1x dedicated IPv4
    3 eur/month

    I'm trying to build a cluster of 6 servers with 256 GB ram per server, and I want to know who is interested in such specs , How many people would be interested in buying something like this? I want to say that it will be maximum 32 VM per node

    Sounds good as mentioned by @ehab if you can bump the cpu to 2 that will be a sweet deal

  • @Calin said:
    Hello , who are interesed whit this specifications

    next month, sure. Right now, no.

  • if you make SSD then its super sexy.

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