Determining domain history

havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

I know there are pricey tools to determine backlink profiles like hrefs but is there a cheaper way to determine this on a high level?

Trying to decide what domain to use for a blog and obviously would be better if it isn't severely tainted

Tried's free tool but that doesn't have anything on the domains in question. Same for way back machine. Anybody know anything else I can try?


  • I don't know. Nowadays, a domain feels super overrated. A domain name (URL) is rarely, if ever nowadays, typed manually.

    In fact, I don't recall every typing in a domain name manually for the past decade. Taking that experience, I no longer care whether a domain name is long or short and always choose a new domain, ex petersfuckedupplace, havocisfraud, etc.

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  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    Hm, for free, don't think so.

    But what about these?

  • @havoc said:
    Trying to decide what domain to use for a blog and obviously would be better if it isn't severely tainted

    I guess you could try seeing if there are any pages in and see if they look like they'd cause you an issue.

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    @ralf said:

    @havoc said:
    Trying to decide what domain to use for a blog and obviously would be better if it isn't severely tainted

    I guess you could try seeing if there are any pages in and see if they look like they'd cause you an issue.

    Yeah you could use WBM too.

    I mean, if it's "clean" on WBM then you can take that as a good sign :smiley:

  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    Thanks all - helpful

  • For backlinks, you can use this method -
    It shows popular backlinks atleast.

    For history, is the best option.

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