Dynadot Security Issue

edited June 2022 in General

For those that aren't aware, Dynadot "noticed irregular activity" during a "routine security check" and reset everyone's passwords. They then announced that their management team would be getting in touch with the accounts that were affected.

I was just wondering if anyone was contacted or happened to know a little more about what happened?


  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    No, fortunately.

  • I got this the other day - but they didn't mention any security issue:

    Our website will be down for maintenance until approximately 06:00 am PST. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will be making updates on the maintenance progress on our social media channels during the outage.

    Please note your domain names and websites will remain online.

    Best Regards,
    Dynadot Support Team

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