Reasonable CPU use revisited

Over at the OGF, I found a topic discussing reasonable CPU usage, where the AUPs of different providers are reviewed. However, the topic and it's replies date back from 2016. As we all know, 5 years is a long time in IT, so perhaps it's time to revisit this discussion.

Apart from fair usage limits in percentages, there are also differences between CPU types used by providers, which makes this discussion even more complex or 'subjective'(?). 1 vCPU at provider X might be just half or double the computing power at provider Y.

How do you guys deal with these differences in both fair usage limits and CPU types when shopping for a new VPS?


  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    Can't see the topic about AUP reviews? Link?

    Honestly I don't particularly mind if it ends up at something like 20% sustained, 100% peak.

    Core largely meaningless imo, though in this context having 5 vcpu makes it easier to cap something at 20% so that's useful

    I know at least one cloud provider uses a "reference" CPU. i.e. they want the experience to be consistent across machine types so they split it so that one core always has kinda the same meaning (within their product range)

  • havochavoc OGContent WriterSenpai

    2016 vintage thread haha

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