?? Store-Host.com 1 Week Test out.

XenicXenic OG
edited January 2021 in Reviews

Hey LES,
Today i want to tell you my personal experience with ?? store-host.com.
I tested now Store-Host.com for over one week and the performance and the pricing is really good for an Swiss Provider, btw: if you don't know it in ?? are normally VPS more expensive than in other parts of the European continent.
The Store-Host.com VPSs Servers are based on vmWare EXSI, which is really awesome. The Servers are based in the Kanton Zurich ??
I Tested now since a week there "vmWare Medium" Package and the performance is good, but there is one thing which was not so nice but its soon fixed.
They are using HDDs right now but i know that they are soon replaced through SSDs.
So i think the performance should be better then.
You get also a 1GBIT Port with Fair Usable Traffic inclusive in each package.
They are offering also Storage Based VPS Packages.
The Support is fast, and good (They are offering 24/7 also), i know the owner since a while and he is really a good guy he is really kind.
The Packages prices are starting at 3€/$3,69USD.
There Servers are based on Intel Xeon E5 Processors and clock at 3Ghz.
IPv6 is also included. (I don't understand the Providers which don't offer in the year 2021 no IPv6 Addresses)
And they have a nice iso installing system which is based on IPXE.
Here a screenshot:

I love really this type of installation because it's not template based.
I would say its one of the best providers which i ever tried.
They are accepting the following Payment Methods: PayPal and the good old classic bank transfer.

Network Details:
They have announced their own IP Space under AS59891 (FSIT AG) (The Network is really awesome)
1GB Test File: https://dl.store-host.com/1GB.bin

Here are some benchmarks:


Best regards,

Thanked by (2)InceptionHosting Dream


  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai
    Thanked by (1)Dream
  • I will wait for your second review in 10 years.

    10 year review matters.

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