[KTS24.com] SSD vServer in NL from 2,99 € per month

RapToNRapToN Hosting ProviderOG
edited November 2020 in Offers

Hi Guys,

for a long time now it has been rather quiet around us. After a whole bunch of updates for our conrol panel and finding a new team member, we think it is realistic to be able to rent out more servers at the best prices without compromising quality.

I have been offering hosting services since 2013 and during this time I have done everything possible to solve problems as quickly as possible.
Christmas Eve to the data centre because a PDU has failed? Getting up at 3 in the morning because a system has failed? Spending family celebrations on a laptop to help a customer?
Everything has already happened. Everything quite normal for me!

At the Skylink data centre on the German/Dutch border, we have been operating our systems for more than 2 years on our own hardware and data centre independent IP addresses.

We have already prepared a number of offers for November, which we will adapt at irregular intervals.
Permanently, until the end of November, the following offer is available:

BF Special small SSD Offer
1 shared Xeon E5 Core
4 GB ECC Arbeitsspeicher
40 GB SSD Speicher
1 IPv4 inklusive

for 2,99 € / month or 29,99 € / year

From now on our current offers can always be found here:


  • highly recommend KTS24 ... and i must say RapTon is true by his words.

    Thanked by (2)RapToN vimalware
  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    IPv6? LG?

  • Hello,

    • What are your node hardware specifications?
    • What kind of control panel are you using?
    • What is BF Special small SSD Offer - year bandwidth?
    • Do you have any specific restriction? I don't really need much, but I had a recent BAD experience with another provider.
    • Do you have a looking glass or speedtest file?
    • Any benchmarks results please? ??????

    In every democracy, the people get the government they deserve.
    ~Alexis de Tocqueville

  • RapToNRapToN Hosting ProviderOG


    But no IPv6 support on LG I see :(
    Ipv6is possible and I will try to add on our LG server today.

  • RapToNRapToN Hosting ProviderOG

    @hide1hide said:

    • What are your node hardware specifications?

    For these offers we are using our old HP Gen8 Servers with Dual Intel Xeon E5 2430L V2 CPUs.

    • What kind of control panel are you using?

    Our own. You are missing a function? Create a feature request and we will try to add.

    • What is BF Special small SSD Offer - year bandwidth?

    Theoretically our fair use is based on the average consumption of all customers multiplied by 5.

    Currently this is very little, so there is a minimum of 2 TB of traffic that is included.

    • Do you have any specific restriction? I don't really need much, but I had a recent BAD experience with another provider.

    So far we have never throttled anyone. At most we contacted them to inform them that their CPU is permanently at maximum.

    If you do not use more than 50% of your CPU for more than 12 hours a day on average, the server will not show up in our monitoring. And even that does not mean that we will do anything.

    • Any benchmarks results please? ??????

    I won't be able to do that until this evening, but maybe someone else will do it.

    Thanked by (1)hide1hide
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited November 2020

    I had run some BMs a few
    Months ago (different offer, same CPu). Some images in my post, particularly panel are not loading. Seems to be CDN issue will fix tonight fixed

    KTS24 BM and review

  • Waiting for YABS bench

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    @RapToN said:

    But no IPv6 support on LG I see :(
    Ipv6is possible and I will try to add on our LG server today.

    What’s the IPv6 allocation for this deal?

  • RapToNRapToN Hosting ProviderOG

    Currently no ipv6 included, but 10 available as Addon for 1 € setup.

    We are already working on an update for IPv6 on every service and a /64 network as Addon for around 1 €.

  • Is this KVM?

    DOS = HIGH?!?
    I knew it was on something!

  • RapToNRapToN Hosting ProviderOG

    @Sova said:
    Is this KVM?


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