Who needs consoles for gaming anymore?



  • @serv_ee said:

    @somik said:

    @deank said:
    Just avoid EA games and you will avoid about half of bad games on the market.

    You remember NFS Underground 2? That was probably the last good EA game...

    @serv_ee said:
    I used to PC game hardcore. Like hours on end every day but...as you get older you are more prone to come home from work sit down on your couch and maybe play an hour or two with your friends on PS4. I can't be arsed to really bother anymore with all the different gaming apps on PC, exclusive this exclusive that (looking at you Epic and Origin).

    To me personally it's just more easier to play on a console these days. Even tho I use a keyboard and mouse when ever the game allows.

    I got steam and epic installed on my gaming PC. I disable auto start and only start them up when planning to game. Works out pretty good.

    I see why you would switch to consoles. Planning to upgrade to PS5 this year?

    Probably not before the first refresh comes out of it. I'm not that much in a hurry to buy the first iteration usually.

    Almost always a good choice. First iteration may have bugs. First batch almost always have bugs. So those waiting in for first bath of first generation usually gets a bad deal.

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

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