NanoKVM | Free NAT KVM | Multiple Locations

NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
edited January 2023 in Free Offers and Stuff


NanoKVM saga continues, now on new grounds.

Specifications of the KVM’s
- 1x Core (Shared)
- 256MB up to 2GB Memory
- 50/75 Mbit Port, unmetered (FairUse)
- 20x forwarded Ports v4
- /64 or /80 Subnet v6

The specifications depend on the location, you can find those here:

¹You can request an additional disk up to 100GB with justification if available.

The Requirements to get one
- Existing account since 3 months, here on LES Talk
Old LET accounts count also on LES Talk.
- At least 15 Posts in the recent 3 months, no old inactive accounts.
- You need to have 50 posts before you apply

Play nice! zero abuse tolerance.
No TOR, Torrent, VPN’s, email servers or any other ilegal stuff.
If we take notice, that a VM’s gets abused, the VM will be terminated.

How to get one

  • Go to:
  • Place an Request
  • Post the Token here, with an explanation, what you wanna do with it.
    At least 1 sentence
  • As soon the Request is accepted, you get your KVM details.
  • Keep in mind, that you need to Bookmark the page!

Thanks to our Sponsors to make this Project possible
- Sandefjord (NO), Sponsored by myWallet™
- Fremont (US), Sponsored by IntoVPS
- Eygelshoven (NL), Sponsored by KTS24
- Coeur d'Alene (US), Sponsored by Crunchbits
- Thanks to VMHaus for the Sponsored VPS

Things you should know:
- Keep in mind, the stock system has changed, a placed request is not longer reserved from the stock anymore.
- The Service is provided with no SLA , but we try out best to keep everything running smoothly.
- Support will be provided over LES Talk PM or via email.
- No Backups are done on our side, You are responsible for taking backups of your data.
- There is no term guarantee.

If you have any further questions, let me know.




  • @AnthonySmith Could this be moved to FREE OFFERS AND STUFF Category ?

  • @Rahul said:
    @AnthonySmith Could this be moved to FREE OFFERS AND STUFF Category ?

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    I'm too blur to know if I'm eligible or not :joy:

  • @Neoon said:
    The Requirements to get one
    - Existing account since 3 months, here on LES Talk

    Ouch. You don't ask much!

    Thanked by (1)kkrajk
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @uhu said:

    @Neoon said:
    The Requirements to get one
    - Existing account since 3 months, here on LES Talk

    Ouch. You don't ask much!

    That's why a existing LET account is also valid.
    I cannot remove this requirement, since the forum is new.

    Thanked by (1)uhu
  • TheDPTheDP OGSenpai

    Don't wanna be posting all over the place but I've posted my token there.

  • @thedp said:
    I'm too blur to know if I'm eligible or not :joy:

    It's Not Just You.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @Rahul said:

    @thedp said:
    I'm too blur to know if I'm eligible or not :joy:

    It's Not Just You.

    If you have an existing 3 month old LET account + the 2 other req. here on LES Talk = profit.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    DE + US restocked.

    Thanked by (1)willie
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited December 2019

    State of ze Nano.

    Just wanna publish a new update, regarding the new features + updates.

    Yesterday, I dropped a new update, which counts to the essential stuff, it was long overdue, so to speak.
    Enables the user to VNC into his machine + select a ISO of his choice and change the boot order.

    So, stuff like reinstall your OS can now be done anytime, by the user itself. has been added also on all nodes, which contains a large section of OS's you can install anytime + the already existing iso's.

    This also should, reduce the support requests, less work for me, nice.

    As you may or may not know, the nodes are running Proxmox.
    Currently still Proxmox 5.x with Debian 9.11.

    The plan will be, to update these in the following months to Proxmox 6.x and Debian 10.
    So far, no major API changes, everything works as expected, so there should not be a big downtime to be expected.

    Upgrades will be announced, a few weeks in advance.

    That's it for now.

    Thanked by (2)flips uptime
  • private vpn ok?
    Rationale: I connect all my vps to one backplane VPN so I don't have to configure firewalls to open specific ports.

    Also I would like to BGP if it is allowable.

    The all seeing eye sees everything...

  • RahulRahul OG
    edited December 2019


    Is a reset password option on coming soon ? I am having trouble

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @terrorgen said:
    private vpn ok?
    Rationale: I connect all my vps to one backplane VPN so I don't have to configure firewalls to open specific ports.

    Also I would like to BGP if it is allowable.

    No, in general no vpn's.
    BGP is not awailable.

    @Rahul said:

    Is a reset password option on coming soon ? I am having trouble

    Simplified: no.

    To make it possible, that you can manage your vm with your account, you need also a account on the proxmox node.
    Which is created automatically and just a user account with limited privileges, for security reasons, limited to your kvm on the node.

    That means, we have to encrypt it, since I wont store that in plain.
    The data is encrypted with a private key, which is encrypted with your password.

    So, if you loose your password, there is technically no way, to restore it by yourself.
    But, I will try to simplify the process, in the next weeks, without backdoor the encryption.

    If you lost your password, send me a PM and I will help you on that.

  • AsimAsim OGServices Provider

    @Neoon when will Nuremberg be restocked?

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited December 2019

    @Asim said:
    @Neoon when will Nuremberg be restocked?

    In theory there is still a bit capacity but network is not configured for more vm's.
    No ETA when it will be extended, yet.

    Since the plan was to get the NL node up, sadly no /64 subnet yet allocated.

    Thanked by (1)Asim
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited December 2019

    NL is now up & running, thanks to
    Spec's are the same, up to 1GB Memory, except SSD and /80 IPv6.

    DE, NO still OOS, FM has 2 slots left.

    Thanked by (2)flips poisson
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    Thanks for your feedback, regarding the updated control panel.
    I deployed a new patch, which addresses the problems which have been reported.

    If you have further suggestions, lemme know.

    Thanked by (1)flips
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    Proxmox released a new security kernel update, I will apply this kernel update about midnight (22:00 GMT) today.
    The impact should be about 5 minutes of downtime in total.

    Thanked by (3)sonic flips Ganonk
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    A quicky about the incident today at NO (Terrahost)

    IPv4 was down for about 45 minutes and IPv6 was down for about 96 minutes.
    Terrahost suspended the machine at 12:36 (GMT) without any reason given, at first.

    According to Terrahost the issue was, that the assigned /48 IPv6 Subnet was not routed to the server which caused issues for the switch that the server is connected to.
    After they took notice, they pulled the plug, without any warning.

    However, they did apologize, routed the subnet + gave us 2 months of free service.
    IPv6 is running fine again, but if still face any issues lemme know.

    Thanked by (3)flips benj0x bdl
  • Token: ed66f3e4fe0bb74b51c560d6a0601cc9276c570f
    purpose: k3s worker.
    Thank you.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @ehab said:
    Token: ed66f3e4fe0bb74b51c560d6a0601cc9276c570f
    purpose: k3s worker.
    Thank you.


    Thanked by (1)ehab
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    The upgrades for NO and CA are done.
    DE has been scheduled for next week, 20.06 20:30 GMT

    Thanked by (3)bdl flips Ganonk
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited June 2020

    @Neoon said:
    The upgrades for NO and CA are done.
    DE has been scheduled for next week, 20.06 20:30 GMT

    This haz been done, with a bit of delay, welcome to Kernel 5.4.

  • Token: 3df09b205cb3b4c97da461b057caa9193c179812
    Purpose: Learning Ansible (hope to use nanokvm as 1 of the managed host)
    My LES account is new but I got LET account same nick.
    Thank you.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @bustersg said:
    Token: 3df09b205cb3b4c97da461b057caa9193c179812
    Purpose: Learning Ansible (hope to use nanokvm as 1 of the managed host)
    My LES account is new but I got LET account same nick.
    Thank you.

    Then apply via LET instead, makes no sense here.

  • SagnikSSagnikS Hosting ProviderOG

    Token: 68eb1de858ae196d3aa09c147b7dbc73f0417a48
    Purpose: Wanted to play around with the control panel as it looks very interesting, and a small monitoring probe.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai

    @SagnikS said:
    Token: 68eb1de858ae196d3aa09c147b7dbc73f0417a48
    Purpose: Wanted to play around with the control panel as it looks very interesting, and a small monitoring probe.


    Thanked by (1)SagnikS
  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited July 2020

    NL will be down today between 2pm and 4pm for about 20 minutes.
    The Memory of the machine will be upgraded to 32gig for more capacity.

  • NeoonNeoon OGContent WriterSenpai
    edited July 2020

    NL has been restocked, plus will do some idle KVM cleanup.
    So a few more slots in other locations should be available this week.

    Thanked by (1)Ganonk
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