I use fly.io to host my instance for free
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@Wolveix said: I use fly.io to host my instance for free
You were smart to get an account when you did. According to their docs, they no longer offer a free plan
@jaden said: @Wolveix said: I use fly.io to host my instance for free You were smart to get an account when you did. According to their docs, they no longer offer a free plan
@jaden said:
Sigh another free solution shot down. It's all good though. Thanks for the suggestion @Wolveix
It's a bit of a hassle, but you can use Koyeb's free plan. It's in my signature.
- | Free Uptime Kuma | Best Web Hosting Deal
Oh man, that's a shame! Thanks for correcting me
@nikhm2n said: It's a bit of a hassle, but you can use Koyeb's free plan. It's in my signature.
@nikhm2n said:
I am trying this out. You wrote a nice post. I appreciate the clear instructions.
I thought about doing a monitoring page for my internal service too, but wasn't sure how or if I want to proxy in.
This is good for now for public facing service. Let's hope they don't boot me off.
Still welcome other ideas
The guide works fine but mine kept getting scaled to 0 / sleeping and afterwards most data was reset
@brauni said: @nikhm2n said: It's a bit of a hassle, but you can use Koyeb's free plan. It's in my signature. The guide works fine but mine kept getting scaled to 0 / sleeping and afterwards most data was reset
@brauni said:
You are right. I confirm that I have the same problem. @nikhm2n Do you have suggestion for us? Are we doing something wrong?
@brauni @short_dot Mine's working fine. I created my UptimeKuma instance while writing the post, so I didn't do anything different. I'll ask if anything's changed.
I use fly.io to host my instance for free
Other places you can find me
You were smart to get an account when you did. According to their docs, they no longer offer a free plan
Sigh another free solution shot down. It's all good though. Thanks for the suggestion @Wolveix
It's a bit of a hassle, but you can use Koyeb's free plan. It's in my signature.
- | Free Uptime Kuma | Best Web Hosting Deal
Oh man, that's a shame! Thanks for correcting me
Other places you can find me
I am trying this out. You wrote a nice post. I appreciate the clear instructions.
I thought about doing a monitoring page for my internal service too, but wasn't sure how or if I want to proxy in.
This is good for now for public facing service. Let's hope they don't boot me off.
Still welcome other ideas
The guide works fine but mine kept getting scaled to 0 / sleeping and afterwards most data was reset
You are right. I confirm that I have the same problem. @nikhm2n Do you have suggestion for us? Are we doing something wrong?
@brauni @short_dot Mine's working fine. I created my UptimeKuma instance while writing the post, so I didn't do anything different. I'll ask if anything's changed.
- | Free Uptime Kuma | Best Web Hosting Deal