2 vCPU Xeon Scale Gen 1 CPU
20 GB NVME Boot Drive
4 TB HDD Storage Add-on (Raid 60) 3K IOPS @ 4K and up to 1 GBPS RW
1 Dedicated IPV4 IP
1 Dedicated IPV6 IP, /64 upon request via ticket
Internet @ 700 MBPS
8TB Internet Traffic, 50 MBPS after depletion ( more can be bought at check out )
Order Link: Click_Me
Promo Code: i-really-do-not-need-another-storage
@host_c I accidentally deleted the PayPal subscription, but as one needs one to order something from you, and as it costs valuable seconds to set one up at purchase, is there any way to set it up in advance without ordering something?
And BTW, is the $1 IPv6-only cociu deal coming back?
Is it possible to have a deal with 5TB storage?
Lies all Lies!!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Yapp, heard good.
Just sold 2 plane tickets in search for Cociu
, ultra low cost.

Host-C - VPS Services Provider - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
Sultan Muda - Amazon Store
Welcome to visit
@host_c I accidentally deleted the PayPal subscription, but as one needs one to order something from you, and as it costs valuable seconds to set one up at purchase, is there any way to set it up in advance without ordering something?
And BTW, is the $1 IPv6-only cociu deal coming back?
cpu_logger | Recommended providers: Layer7, dataforest (Avoro/PHP-Friends), @host_c
@zizi is waiting host-c's next ticket
have to create that one also for LES, but I do not have time right now, will do it later - short answer is YES.
Will do it later as soon as I get home
An we will restart all promos here, in a limited QT, as @FAT32 pointed out, it would be nice not to dead-pool after these crazy promos

Tell you what guys, I will post another 4 plane tickets first thing, if you manage to get to page 30 by the time I get home. ( 3-4 hours at most )
Don't care how ( within the rules of LES BF Thread ) , but I have to see that this tread has 30 pages ( or more )
Host-C - VPS Services Provider - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
30 pages,gogogo
Let’s get to 30 pages, everyone! I want more $7 VPS deals! 🚀🔥
Come on, we can do this!
Feeling a bit tired, let's call it a day.
Waiting for this too!
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Don’t just lurk, everyone—come and leave a comment! Let’s hit 30 pages!

cpu_logger | Recommended providers: Layer7, dataforest (Avoro/PHP-Friends), @host_c
Feeling a bit tired, let's call it a day.
Never have I thought that I am doing my Round 2 here
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Ah comeon man, I only arrived home from the office just now... and I already left early! :c
BF is extended this year