[Crunchbits] Halt Hunger Hoard Hardware -- Happy Thanksgiving!

crunchbitscrunchbits Hosting Provider
edited November 2023 in Offers

Crunchbits' Halt Hunger Hoard Hardware VPS event in Spokane, WA

Must read! What these plans may/may not include:

  • Special fair use CPU limitations, the same as our last yearly deal.
  • No modifications/combining of the plans.
  • Already have a yearly and want to add on another year or three? Great! Open a ticket and we'll get you squared away so you can take advantage of this promotion.
  • This is our looking glass. Use it! There shouldn't be any surprise "network ping bad" tickets. We will consider these a low priority during the holiday sales surge. 使用我们的观察镜!


  • 1 vCPU (E5 v4)
  • 1.5GB DDR4 RAM
  • 40GB RAID-10 SSD
  • 1 IPv4 & /64 IPv6
  • 2TB @ 1Gbps
  • All OSes except Windows
  • Backup slot included
  • $11.69 per year -- ORDER
  • Only $9.99 per year ($29.97) with triennial payment!


  • 3 vCPU (E5 v4)
  • 4.5GB DDR4 RAM
  • 125GB RAID-10 SSD
  • 1 IPv4 & /64 IPv6
  • 5TB @ 1Gbps
  • All OSes
  • Backup slot included
  • $22.69/year -- ORDER
  • Only $19.56 per year ($58.69) with triennial payment


We're doing a one-time cryptocurrency payment bonus of 20%--on any product, any order, any term length we sell. Only for Yearly plans and only for a single payment. The payment can be any term length (annual, triennial) and for any amount of servers ordered.

Example: Buy The Master of Baiting for $58.69 and we'll deposit an additional $11.74 into your account credit! Unfortunately, this is not an automated process at this time so you will have to open a ticket with the following subject: "Cryptocurrency Bonus Deposit!"

How about a entirely free extra year of service?

We're going to be doing an event: Crunchbits' Feed Someone For A Day, We'll Feed Your Idling Addiction For A Year Promotion.

The idea is to have people donate (with proof) a few cans of food (~$5 worth or more that is actually edible) to a local food bank. Proof will always be subjective, so err on the side of "too much". Additionally, you can donate to our preferred local food bank a minimum of $5 (or more) and we'll give you a free year added onto any paid order. We'll still need to see proof--but this can be via DM. To make it fun, I'd love it if you still pinged us here after your donation to share the love. This is only during Black Friday events (11/23 to 11/27 Midnight PST). Bought a yearly on a previous sale? Existing Yearly customers can also take advantage of this!

edit: this thread supersedes the (slightly incorrect) offer in the black friday promo thread. someone didn't update @FrankZ (likely @Zigi forgot)



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