IPv6 Only VPS - LA / SLC / NY / PDX - As low as $6 per year - Double BW and Free 10G Port Upgrade
Our Regular KVM and OpenVZ VPS with IPV4 are already available with 30% OFF at https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/149710
Location: Los Angeles, New York, Portland and Salt Lake City
But now we bring you IPV6 Only VPS as low as $6 per year along with Free DOUBLE BANDWIDTH And Free 10Gbps Port Upgrade
Network Looking Glass:
IPv6 - 512
XEON CPU Core (2.0 Ghz+): 1 vCore (Fair Share)
RAM: 512MB
RAID10 SSD Disk Space: 10 GB
OS: Linux
IPv6: 1 (/64 available on request)
BANDWIDTH: 512 GB @ 1Gbps - 1TB @ 10Gbps
Control Panel: YES
DDOS Protection: YES
Instant Activation: YES
Location: Los Angeles, New York, Portland and Salt Lake City
USD $9/yr USD 6/yr
Order Link - https://my.hosteons.com/store/gigabit-ipv6-only-vps/ipv6-512
IPv6 - 1GB
XEON CPU Core (2.0 Ghz+): 1 vCore (Fair Share)
RAID10 SSD Disk Space: 20 GB
OS: Linux
IPv6: 1 (/64 available on request)
BANDWIDTH: 1TB @ 1Gbps - 2TB @ 10Gbps
Control Panel: YES
DDOS Protection: YES
Instant Activation: YES
Location: Los Angeles, New York, Portland and Salt Lake City
USD $12/yr USD 8/yr
Order Link - https://my.hosteons.com/store/gigabit-ipv6-only-vps/ipv6-1gb
Just use the COUPON CODE: IPv6ONLY to get above pricing and reply to this ticket with your invoice or order number to get free Double Bandwidth and Free Port Upgrade to 10Gbps
These are OpenVZ 7 Based VPS
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
KVM would be nice.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
I would love to offer even KVM, but then this kind of aggressive pricing won't be possible
But still we have got a new RACK with Fiberstate in SLC, once it's setup, hopefully in next 2-3 days, i'll see if we can even do it with KVM, but for now i can't promise anything
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Sorry but veth is not available only venet though support for tun/tap, fuse, IPIP, IPGRE, NFS, PPP etc... are all available and can be enabled directly from VPS control panel
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
1) Is RDNS possible for all of /64 or just the 1?
2) Are you going to have RockyLinux or AlmaLinux 9?
Hi Zuck
How Many IPv6 do you want to use ? As sometimes RDNS Gives error with Virtualizor Control PAnel to set RDNS for more then 1 IPv6 IP in a single /64 we are working with Virtualizor team to resolve it, but you can always ask us to set them for you if needed
Please note you are allowed max 20 IPv6 per VPS as too many IP can cause ARP cache issues, hence this is the limit set per VPS
Currently Almalinux 9 is availalbe in VPS control panel, it may or may not be available in the order for, but you can install it from VPS control panel
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
I'm in. Triennially.
THX. My Order Number is: 2545977885.
@yoursunny asking what a provider does regarding IPv6 in an offer thread is one thing. Telling them how they should do IPv6 in an offer thread is another. If you have strong feeling about how IPv6 should be done within the LES provider community please start a thread on the subject in which all providers can participate instead of doing so in each of their offer threads.
EDIT: Oh wait, I'm a moderator I can do that for you.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
Done BW Doubled and Port upgraded to 10G
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
THX! BRO! KVM any schedule???
Actually right now i'm working on a very good deal for Ryzen KVM VPS, they will be somewhat even cheaper then our Regular OVZ VPS Packages (not IPv6Only VPS), just waiting for our new RACK to be completed by FiberState ... once it's done i'll have to check out how KVM IPV6 only vPS can be done, and if it works, will definitely bring them as well ..
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #128754
Welcome to hosteons ... done Bandwidth doubled and Port Speed also upgraded to 10G
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #129356
Welcome to Hosteons
Done Bandwidth has been doubled and Port Speed upgraded to 10G
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #129409,Thanks
Done Bandwidht doubled and Port upgraded
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #129423
Thank you.
Done Bandwidth doubled and Port upgraded
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Any promo plan with Free Directadmin ? (Though they will reject any new internal DC Plan next month).
I do have a couple of owned DA licenses, may be able to do it on on our Ryzen VPS1 or higher plans on annual billing cycles, though only valid till DA does not disables these legacy owned licenses
What is your exact requirements?
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #129440
Invoice #129403
Done Bandwidth doubled and Port upgraded
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Done Bandwidth doubled and Port upgraded
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Invoice #129403
Thank you.
this is already done, but right now we are experiencing some problem with our IPv6 network in NY, other locations are working fine, we are already working with the routing team of LimeStone Networks to fix it, so if you want i can move your VPS to LA for now ?
As such IPv6 is working but there is some latency issue, which is being worked on, only NY Location is affected
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Added one more location - Portland - Looking Glass: https://lg.pdx.hosteons.com
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
This is also now resolved
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas
Been procrastinating buying this since I have lots of servers already but damn that new Portland location ✅✅ Consider me sold I'll order xd
Good ping to the remaining of my servers with Crunchbits in Spokane as well.
Haha ... let me know once order is placed, to apply the promo
hostEONS.com - 9 Locations for VPS (US and EU).. Free Blesta License, Free Windows 2019 License and more. Shared DA Hosting. AS142036 .. Ryzen 7950X Based VDS in SLC, LA and Dallas