I got one of these in Manassas, VA. Or . . . maybe I did. The order is pending review.
There was a $5 coupon that I got a week or so ago, and the coupon was accepted. Yes, 5 US dollar coupon but price is in Euros. So the coupon, as redeemed, was a little less than 5 Euros.
Finally I am getting my Black Friday stuff, quite late!
I did the same. It says Germany guaranteed but allows US to be selected. Also my order is pending and the price was €0
I received multiple emails from Netcup acknowledging my order for an ARM VPS in Manassas, providing panel login details, providing a bill, and asking for identity verification. I did the identity verification by "advance payment" of the balance due. I received an email from my credit card issuer saying that payment had been made.
Then. . . .
I've seen mention that Netcup has so many new orders and that provisioning can take awhile.
And it's Saturday, post-BF, pre-Christmas. . . .
Does anyone here have an idea how long Netcup ARM VPS provisioning in Manassas takes nowadays?
I am out my business is linked to my SS number and no provider is getting that info!!!
FWIW, Netcup seems to offer two methods of verification. One is called "advance payment" and the other is called "verification."
I selected and used the "advance payment" method, which, in my case involved paying my small statement balance by credit card via Stripe. They asked only the usual Stripe questions, like address, card number, expiration date, PIN, etc. They did not ask for SS number. Besides credit card, Paypal and direct bank transfer also were available. Maybe additional payment methods, I don't remember.
I don't know what the alternative "verification" method entails. One of the Netcup emails suggested that I use a device with a camera for verification. So I guess the alternative "verification" method might involve uploading photos of IDs.
Overall, the Netcup BF discount coupon/new customer account process has been complicated and disproportionately time consuming. It took a long time -- multiple tries on different days with different devices -- to get the discount coupon. Once I finally got the coupon, I kept checking to try to get the specific VPS offer that I wanted, but the offers switch around. It seems like there are many offers, which are repeated from time to time, but it seems like individual offers are not continuously available. Actually -- after again multiple days -- I had given up, but then @Blembim posted his link, which worked for me.
Even with Blembim's link, getting the order completed and my new account set up took a long time, and the multiple sets of click-to-agree Terms are over the top. I found myself frequently confused about what exactly I needed to do next and how and where to do it. There also were multiple emails spread across several days each for the coupon and for the account. And now, on top of everything else, the sauce seems to be still more waiting for the VPS to be provisioned.
I wanted the Netcup account to try their ARM VPS in Manassas because a friend in Germany uses Netcup for his business website and speaks well of them. But the Netcup BF onboarding process has been so time consuming and so troublesome that it's made even me a little angry and frustrated. People who know me probably think of me as positive and happy. So I have to say, all my other servers are working great, I love LES, the sun is shining brightly, and, yeah, things are generally going beautifully! <3<3
I am out my business is linked to my SS number and no provider is getting that info!!!
You do know right, there was SSN breach? Your smooth yeti assn is already being traded in some black market waiting for the right moment to... you know...
I am out my business is linked to my SS number and no provider is getting that info!!!
You do know right, there was SSN breach? Your smooth yeti assn is already being traded in some black market waiting for the right moment to... you know...
Yeah I know still don't want it out there further with someone I don't trust. I just can't make a breach like that for myself. As for the Govt me and them have already had some choice words.
Sadly arm based, not suitable for the purpose i'd have in mind for it.
Otherwise, nice specs from a decent and established provider.
What can be run in an ARM server?
Most normal stuff can run pretty much fine on ARM (linux at least), but my app is a closed-source thing compiled 20 or so years ago, for 32 bit x86
Depending on how heavy the app is resource usage wise and the ARM CPU being used, you could potentially use qemu to run x86 on ARM. The performance isn’t great compared to something like Apple Rosetta 2, but if the app is ~20 years old that may not be a factor.
What can be run in an ARM server?
I did the same. It says Germany guaranteed but allows US to be selected. Also my order is pending and the price was €0
Did anyone here has ARM vps from netcup that came with virtualization enabled? mine doesn't seem to have one.
I think netcup charges extra for nested virtualization (2€/mo/core IIRC).
cpu_logger | Recommended providers: Layer7, dataforest (Avoro/PHP-Friends), @host_c
could you point me exactly where is this from? I could not find this anywhere on their site.
Can't find a statement from netcup anymore, but in the (German) netcup forum (https://forum.netcup.de/administration-eines-server-vserver/vserver-server-kvm-server/17092-nested-virtualization-für-root-server/) someone says that option (for 2€/core/mo) was removed after netcup switched to AMD EPYC. But all this was for x86 CPUs, maybe it's different for ARM, I'd suggest that you simply ask the support (if you haven't already).
And I think netcup only offered this option via their support, and not on their website.
cpu_logger | Recommended providers: Layer7, dataforest (Avoro/PHP-Friends), @host_c
referred to recent reddit post from last year, they no longer support nest virt but better wait for their answer on monday
Most normal stuff can run pretty much fine on ARM (linux at least), but my app is a closed-source thing compiled 20 or so years ago, for 32 bit x86
Hey teamacc. You're a dick. (c) Jon Biloh, 2020.
I received multiple emails from Netcup acknowledging my order for an ARM VPS in Manassas, providing panel login details, providing a bill, and asking for identity verification. I did the identity verification by "advance payment" of the balance due. I received an email from my credit card issuer saying that payment had been made.
Then. . . .
I've seen mention that Netcup has so many new orders and that provisioning can take awhile.
And it's Saturday, post-BF, pre-Christmas. . . .
Does anyone here have an idea how long Netcup ARM VPS provisioning in Manassas takes nowadays?
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
I am out my business is linked to my SS number and no provider is getting that info!!!
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
FWIW, Netcup seems to offer two methods of verification. One is called "advance payment" and the other is called "verification."
I selected and used the "advance payment" method, which, in my case involved paying my small statement balance by credit card via Stripe. They asked only the usual Stripe questions, like address, card number, expiration date, PIN, etc. They did not ask for SS number. Besides credit card, Paypal and direct bank transfer also were available. Maybe additional payment methods, I don't remember.
I don't know what the alternative "verification" method entails. One of the Netcup emails suggested that I use a device with a camera for verification. So I guess the alternative "verification" method might involve uploading photos of IDs.
Overall, the Netcup BF discount coupon/new customer account process has been complicated and disproportionately time consuming. It took a long time -- multiple tries on different days with different devices -- to get the discount coupon. Once I finally got the coupon, I kept checking to try to get the specific VPS offer that I wanted, but the offers switch around. It seems like there are many offers, which are repeated from time to time, but it seems like individual offers are not continuously available. Actually -- after again multiple days -- I had given up, but then @Blembim posted his link, which worked for me.
Even with Blembim's link, getting the order completed and my new account set up took a long time, and the multiple sets of click-to-agree Terms are over the top. I found myself frequently confused about what exactly I needed to do next and how and where to do it. There also were multiple emails spread across several days each for the coupon and for the account. And now, on top of everything else, the sauce seems to be still more waiting for the VPS to be provisioned.
I wanted the Netcup account to try their ARM VPS in Manassas because a friend in Germany uses Netcup for his business website and speaks well of them. But the Netcup BF onboarding process has been so time consuming and so troublesome that it's made even me
a little angry and frustrated. People who know me probably think of me as positive and happy. So I have to say, all my other servers are working great, I love LES, the sun is shining brightly, and, yeah, things are generally going beautifully!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
You do know right, there was SSN breach? Your smooth yeti assn is already being traded in some black market waiting for the right moment to... you know...
Yeah I know still don't want it out there further with someone I don't trust. I just can't make a breach like that for myself. As for the Govt me and them have already had some choice words.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Kuroit: £6/yr 4GB KVM in Dallas Texas
£6/yr - https://my.kuroit.com/store/dallas-usa-vps-servers/tx-ava-3-50gb-disk-2vcore-4gb-ram
WebHorizon: $7.37/yr 4GB KVM in The Netherlands
$7.37/yr - https://clients.webhorizon.net/?cmd=module&module=41&cid=75
Host-C: $7.37/yr 4GB KVM in Romania
$7.37/yr - https://host-c.com/store/black-friday-deals-2024/bf-revuelto-nvme-vps
All annual.
Hope some of you is fast enough to grab one of these.
My connection is too slow at the moment
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Will @host_c offer exclusive deals for les?
VPS Nemesis IPV6 Only - Storage 2TB - I188
1 vCPU Xeon Scale Gen 1
2048 MB DDR4 RAM
10 GB NVME Boot Drive
2 TB HDD Storage Add-on (Raid 6), 3K IOPS @ 4K and up to 1 GBPS RW
1 Dedicated /64 IPV6
Port Speed 366 MBPS ( 45.75 MB/SEC )
4TB Internet Traffic, 50 MBPS after depletion
Price: 20 USD / year
Order Link: https://host-c.com/store/les-only-products/vps-nemesis-ipv6-only-storage-2tb-i188
Promo Code: shall-we-move-to-the-xmas-thread?
QT: 2
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Depending on how heavy the app is resource usage wise and the ARM CPU being used, you could potentially use qemu to run x86 on ARM. The performance isn’t great compared to something like Apple Rosetta 2, but if the app is ~20 years old that may not be a factor.
OH NO! I'm too late. Web-Horizon is my favourite.
MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V
VPS Triton - 500GB NVME - I188
8 USD Monthly / 20 USD Quarterly / 55 USD Yearly
Order Link: https://host-c.com/store/xmass-2024/vps-triton-500gb-nvme-i188
Promo Code:
QT: 4 for start
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
I think that's all the lurking I can do for now. Hopefully I'll snag a ~10TB storage deal from @host_c this Christmas .
I've been a dirty, dirty little LESbian, Santa.
I should probably bathe.
How stable is hostc with regards to uptime?
Hey teamacc. You're a dick. (c) Jon Biloh, 2020.
Since 1 year ago.
Free NAT KVM | Free NAT LXC | Bobr
EPYC-KVM-8GB (Malaysia/Singapore)
2 vCPU AMD EPYC 7003
80 GB NVMe (RAID10)
2 TB Bandwidth
DDoS Protected - Premium Inline DDoS mitigation by GSL
US $9 monthly (recurring)
Order → https://clients.webhorizon.net/?cmd=module&module=41&cid=77
Promo code:
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Fiat 500 IPV6 Only - NVME VPS - I188
1 vCPU Xeon CPU V4
20 GB NVME Storage
1 Dedicated /64 IPV6
Port Speed 200 Mbps
1TB Internet Traffic, 50 Mbps after depletion
Price: 4 USD / Year
Promo Code:
Order Link: https://host-c.com/store/xmass-2024/fiat-500-ipv6-only-nvme-vps
QT: 20
☰ Storage — AMD EPYC VDS (ref) up to 4TB NVMe & 10TB SAN disk / Big HDD VPS (ref) from $2.42/TB/month
Initially I read it as 500gb storage
Yes you should Santa Claws can smell you from here
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Pheromones, bby
Santa or Grinch?
This thread is closed.
Head over here https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/8840/les-christmas-mega-thread-santa-claws-edition instead
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg