Discontinuation of the BuildYourHost Brand

MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider
edited August 2023 in Industry News


As with HelpMyIT I am saddened, yet pretty okay with announcing the discontinuation of BuildYourHost (buildyourhost.co.uk, buildyourhost.uk and buildyourhost.com) as I change my focus and trim the fat.

There are 4 active recurring services, which are my charity hosting plans, these will CONTINUE and be served under "michaelcee.com", which is where my previous HelpMyIT business will also be done via.

As with HelpMyIT, I will continue providing the individual services through my own name, with the exception of the self-titled "BuildYourHost" plans. I will likely auction these domains in the coming months for anybody interested in that brand name.

BuildYourHost will no longer operate
I will continue providing services to my existing clients via michaelcee.com
I will continue my email services at OnePoundEmail
No customers, services or data will be lost, sold or transferred

Kind regards,
Michael C

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