Looking someone to make minimal openvz templates for us

AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
edited November 2021 in Help


Hope you guys are doing awesome! :)
I'm looking for someone to make minimal openvz templates for us.
This will be used for nat vps, so expecting real minimal template ram/disk consumption by default.
Debian 9,10 and 11 , Ubuntu 18 & 20 , CentOS 7

no hurries but expecting to be completed in a week, incase more let me know.

payment - paypal or in kind (services from webhorizon) or some other way (?) as per your choice.

if any guys are got free time on hands / are interested to help please PM your price and expected completion. :)

Thanked by (1)Ganonk


  • I would strongly advice against using OS templates from random person from internet, as it creates huge security risk (some intentional backdoor or unintentional mistake) for your customers and your reputation

    see what happened in the past:

  • ShakibShakib Hosting Provider

    Why not just make them yourself?

    Install the OS on a VPS, remove everything you don't need, remove network config and make a gzip backup.

    This is how I modified my LXC templates.

    Thanked by (2)ehab Abdullah

    HostCram LLC - Web Hosting Built For Speed, Reliability, Security & Uptime! [We operate AS39618]

  • I would install the bare minimal, upgrade, if you need to install something else.
    zip and use.

    Thanked by (1)Abdullah
  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    yeah I get what you guys be saying, ... our existing templates are made by me.
    I feel they are not minimal enough.

    Perhaps I should've asked for idea on which packages be kept, I was to be checking the templates once made for such risks ...
    anyways just discovered this similar old thread and will continue with this https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/292/what-do-you-want-to-see-in-a-minimal-template-openvz-7

  • I don't care what's pre-installed, because I can clean them up:

    echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "no";
    APT::Install-Suggests "no";' >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80recommends
    echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list
    apt-mark auto $(apt-mark showmanual)
    apt update
    apt install bind9-host curl git htop initramfs-tools iptables iputils-ping jq locales net-tools openssh-server patch resolvconf screen software-properties-common sudo systemd-sysv tcpdump telnet traceroute ufw vim wget zip
    apt autoremove --purge
    apt full-upgrade

    The apt-mark auto $(apt-mark showmanual) marks every package to be deleted, and then apt install re-selects the packages I need.
    I hate that OpenVZ still wants deprecated net-tools

    Don't run this on your KVM because it would delete the kernel.

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
    edited November 2021

    We have a related post on our blog now, Reduce Debian 10 to Minimal Environment using you can make your install minimal yourself. instructions for both kvm & ovz Thanks for all you guys help :)

  • I use a modified https://github.com/frieder/dab-templates to create LXC templates for Proxmox LXC

    Thanked by (2)ehab Abdullah
  • howhow
    edited November 2021

    You can try alpine.
    I converted CentOS 7 to alpine in ovz7, and it works well.

    Thanked by (2)Abdullah Ganonk
  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    @how said:
    You can try alpine.

    Yup! I already added alpine yesterday on NAT & VZ VPS line. :)

    Thanked by (1)Ganonk
  • @Abdullah said:

    Yup! I already added alpine yesterday on NAT & VZ VPS line. :)

    nice ;)

  • I bought the NAT bundle, reinstalled all nodes with Debian 11.
    I noticed that all five containers have the same SSH host key, which means the host key was included in the template.
    This is not good because it allows MITM attack.
    The template should not contain any SSH host key.
    SSH server will automatically generate host keys upon first boot.

    Thanked by (2)iaecm pikachu

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • @yoursunny said:
    I don't care what's pre-installed, because I can clean them up:

    echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "no";
    APT::Install-Suggests "no";' >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80recommends
    echo 'deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main' >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list
    apt-mark auto $(apt-mark showmanual)
    apt update
    apt install bind9-host curl git htop initramfs-tools iptables iputils-ping jq locales net-tools openssh-server patch resolvconf screen software-properties-common sudo systemd-sysv tcpdump telnet traceroute ufw vim wget zip
    apt autoremove --purge
    apt full-upgrade

    The apt-mark auto $(apt-mark showmanual) marks every package to be deleted, and then apt install re-selects the packages I need.
    I hate that OpenVZ still wants deprecated net-tools

    Don't run this on your KVM because it would delete the kernel.

    This was written for Debian 10.

    In Debian 11, the apt install line must also include ifupdown.
    Otherwise, you'll lose access as soon as you get to apt autoremove line.

    Sadly, OpenVZ7 depends on this deprecated package…
    In Debian 10, ifupdown was a dependency of resolvconf so I didn't write it explicitly; in Debian 11, the dependency becomes an enhancement so it needs to be listed separately.

    HostBrr aff best VPS; VirmAche aff worst VPS.
    Unable to push-up due to shoulder injury 😣

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG

    thanks for pointing, I have corrected the Debian templates.

  • @Abdullah said:

    thanks for pointing, I have corrected the Debian templates.

    @Abdullah said:

    thanks for pointing, I have corrected the Debian templates.

    Alpine templates does not set ipv4 nameserver, It can't run apk update.
    And Sgp nat domain forwarding maybe not work.

  • AbdullahAbdullah Hosting ProviderOG
    edited December 2021

    @how said:

    @Abdullah said:

    thanks for pointing, I have corrected the Debian templates.

    @Abdullah said:

    thanks for pointing, I have corrected the Debian templates.

    Alpine templates does not set ipv4 nameserver, It can't run apk update.
    And Sgp nat domain forwarding maybe not work.

    please make a ticket to check.
    It works fine as I tested on another SG VM :)

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