VNC copy/paste

edited October 2020 in Help

Noob question I'm afraid. I have a VPS (Inception) with VNC only access. It does what I want so I rarely have to touch it. But I have had to update something today and can't remember what the deal with copy/paste is.

I've tried a couple of clients (built-in HTML5 one, UltraVNC, TigerVNC) and had no joy, making sure settings like "Accept clipboard from server" and "Send clipboard to server" were active. Does copy/paste have to be enabled on the server side? And if so, is there a reason why it wouldn't be?


  • SpeedBusSpeedBus Hosting ProviderOG
    edited October 2020

    It depends on the version of noVNC used, some of the versions off GitHub support a lot more features than the ones bundled with SolusVM / Virtualizor from what I've seen, for example the one that comes along with Proxmox has this clipboard feature enabled too.

    Sorry mis-read the question/text above.

    Thanked by (1)SomeGuy

    CrownCloud - Internet Services | Los Angeles, California | Frankfurt, Germany | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Atlanta, Georgia | Miami, Florida

  • Not possible sorry.

    Thanked by (1)SomeGuy
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    Not possible sorry.

    Thanks for clearing up the uncertainty.

    Any way around this - common workflows for getting lare amounts of text into the terminal without copy/paste?

  • @SomeGuy said:

    @AnthonySmith said:
    Not possible sorry.

    Thanks for clearing up the uncertainty.

    Any way around this - common workflows for getting lare amounts of text into the terminal without copy/paste?

    I usually use a simple netcat pipe.
    Or look into teleconsole for proper ssh access

  • I used Tigervnc ( for this a while back. Not the greatest but it did accept pastes through some nuisance that I don't remember. I'm sure there are other decent desktop vnc clients as well. No idea about web ones though.

  • I had this problem too. I had to connect to SSH and write an accessible .txt file and paste the content.

  • edited October 2020

    You shouldn't require to paste more than a password for first login on webvnc. (to install +enable openssh daemon for example, depending on the default vps template of the provider. )

    I use KeePassx/xc 's password paste virtual keyboard entry hotkey for this password entry on webvnc. (how it works: It 'types' the password into your last activr desktop window. Make sure webvmc textarea has key-entry focus with a mouse click before alt-tabing to KeepassXC)

    Logout once openssh is up and listening for passwords.

    Finish securing the host over a real ssh link, add your public keys etc (or have your ansible/other configuration management tool do its thing over ssh)

  • edited October 2020

    For non-sensitive stuff, I like

    Cheap dedis are my drug, and I'm too far gone to turn back.

  • Thanks everyone for the answers.

    I seem to remember that SSH is disabled for the storage VPS product offered by Inception by default (have I completely made this up?). I assumed that this was a technical limitation. I'd be much happier using this and avoiding VNC, but I thought it wasn't an option.

    @vimalware said:
    I use KeePassx/xc 's password paste virtual keyboard entry hotkey for this password entry on webvnc.

    I've used KeePass for years but it never occured to me to use Auto-type selected entry, I've always just used the Global auto-type shortcut. Thanks :)

    @foxone said:
    Or look into teleconsole for proper ssh access

    @CamoYoshi said:
    For non-sensitive stuff, I like

    Both of those are getting bookmarked for future :)

  • @SomeGuy said: I seem to remember that SSH is disabled for the storage VPS product offered by Inception by default

    It is not disabled no.

    By default, no OS is installed, what may be happening is that you may have caught one of the debian auto-updates perhaps? that sets root login as no, but that is fairly simple to resolve via vnc, I appreciate it is a pain to put the password in via VCN but this is only required once in this situation while you fix the config.

    Thats all I can think of, just guessing.

    Thanked by (1)SomeGuy
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • I think I must have dreamt it then... I'll just set up SSH like usual. Thanks again

  • I vaguely seem to recall a non-zero number of InceptionHosting /lowendspirit templates having surprised me by not having openssh installed /listening.

    It's not just you.
    I approve of it BTW. I think it's better for user security this way to generate the host keys in your own terminal session.

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