Happy independence day? bad admin :( - post offers if you want.

edited July 2020 in General

Sorry, being all British and stuff I never considered it.

So if anyone wants to post any independence day deals that's fine, no rules, they won't count towards your current offer post quota's.

Thanks to the sweed who reminded me on skype :)

I am a bad admin, probably completely missed the boat now.


Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

Thanked by (4)mikho Ouji Pwner beagle


  • mikhomikho AdministratorOG

    Thanked by (1)havoc

    “Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg

  • https://inceptionhosting.com
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • Intelpentium0Intelpentium0 Hosting Provider

    I don't have a provider tag here (only in LET). Could have posted my small UK shared hosting offer.

    ✓✓Only shared hosting-both DA and cPanel Still in 2006

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    Sorry, being all British and stuff I never considered it.

    You guys gotta learn how to let go =)

    Thanked by (2)skorous bugrakoc

    "A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)

  • @Intelpentium0 said:
    I don't have a provider tag here (only in LET). Could have posted my small UK shared hosting offer.


    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • HostSlickHostSlick Hosting Provider
    edited July 2020

    Happy independance day :tongue:

    VPS deals - VERY LIMITED

    LowEnd Small Summer KVM I (2020)
    1vcore @ (Intel XEON E5)
    50GB SSD-RAID10
    2TB Bandwidth
    1Gbit Uplink
    Complimentary Corero Anti-DDoS
    1x IPv4
    /64 IPV6
    OS: Any Linux OS
    Virtualizor Control Panel

    Location: Lelystad, Netherlands
    20€/ year

    LowEnd Small Summer KVM II (2020)
    2vcore @ (Intel XEON E5)
    75GB SSD-RAID10
    4TB Bandwidth
    1Gbit Uplink
    Complimentary Corero Anti-DDoS
    1x IPv4
    /64 IPV6
    OS: Any Linux OS
    Virtualizor Control Panel

    Location: Lelystad, Netherlands
    30€/ year

    Looking for monthly commit and/or bigger plans?
    Receive up to 50% on our regular deals at https://hostslick.com/vps.php
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    50% on Annually - COUPON: LET6DK6XLVHC0


    RIPE LIR Service deals - VERY LIMITED
    /48 IPv6 only 7€/year

    ASN Registration Only 100€ ONE TIME

    Dedicated Server Special

    Intel XEON E5-2620v3
    2x 1TB SSD
    10TB Bandwidth
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    100Gbps Complimentary Anti DDoS Protection
    Location: Lelystad, Netherlands
    1x IPV4 and /64 IPv6
    55,- € / m

  • RickRick Hosting ProviderOGServices Provider

    I do not have a Provider tag here, but I have consent by our Lord Ant to post this here :)

    Our offer
    RIPE ASN request
    ANY SIZE! Provider Aggregatable IPv6 assignment (minimum: /48 larger or more prefixes as long as you can justify)
    €40 one-time; €20/year recurring for the v6 prefix.
    Included: have a beer with your LIR! Come to the the great city of Groningen, NL to meet your LIR, the beers are on me!

    Who qualifies?
    If you are an entity (if person at least having reached age of majority) based within the RIPE NCC service region, you can order this deal! Please see: https://www.ripe.net/about-us/what-we-do/ripe-ncc-service-region to see if you are within the service region.

    I am in! I want to join the Bakker IT family! How do I order?
    Simply send a mail to sales[at]bakker[dash]it[dot]eu and we'll get you sorted from there.

    Why Bakker IT?
    We love our customers and want our customers to love us. The love for our personal yet efficient approach has resulted in our Excellent rating on Trustpilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/bakker-it.eu
    You can always reach out when you have any question. Albeit something about billing, the maintenance of your entries in the RIPE Database/PeeringDB, configuring your BGP router or just a nice chat to kill boredom. We are there for you! Always and everywhere!

    About Bakker IT
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    Disclaimer: May the RIPE NCC incur any charges for ASNs in the future, we obviously reserve the right to impose a similar charge to cover our sponsoring costs.

    Thanked by (1)Unixfy
  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @AnthonySmith said:
    Sorry, being all British and stuff I never considered it.

    Why should you celebrate colonies' independence? :)

    "Columbus, you curious bastard!" - old joke from the time my country was bombed by the US: :)

    Thanked by (1)bugrakoc

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • @bikegremlin that does not narrow much down, they bomb somewhere every 3 months.

    Thanked by (2)bikegremlin bugrakoc

    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • bikegremlinbikegremlin ModeratorOGContent Writer

    @AnthonySmith said:
    @bikegremlin that does not narrow much down, they bomb somewhere every 3 months.

    On the 4th, however, you can be most certain it's just the fireworks. :)

    It is an interesting phenomena - the "cultural export", with the Haloween and Valentine's day already being accepted into many countries who hadn't had those "holidays" before. Wouldn't be surprised to see 4th of July celebrations go worldwide as well. :)

    Thanked by (1)MaxKVM

    Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
    BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews

  • ClouviderClouvider Hosting ProviderOG
    edited July 2020

    We have a few of our sale servers remaining following our US launch ;)

    CPU RAM Storage Bandwidth Port Speed Location Price
    Intel Xeon E3v5 16GB 1 x 1TB HDD 30TB 1Gbps London, UK £39.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E3v6 16GB 1 x 240GB SSD 30TB 1Gbps London, UK £39.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E3v6 16GB 1 x 240GB NVMe 30TB 1Gbps London, UK £39.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E3v6 32GB 1 x 500GB NVMe 30TB 1Gbps London, UK £44.00 Order
    Intel Xeon Mystery Server 16GB+ Mixed 50TB 1Gbps+ London, UK £50.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E3v6 16GB 1 x 240GB SSD Unmetered 1G 1Gbps London, UK £77.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E3v6 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 1G 1Gbps London, UK £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 10G 10Gbps London, UK £428.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ Amsterdam, NL £55.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 960GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ Amsterdam, NL £65.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 1G 2.5Gbps+ Amsterdam, NL £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 10G 10Gbps Amsterdam, NL £428.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ New York, US £55.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 1.9TB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ New York, US £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2278G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ New York, US £109.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 1G 2.5Gbps+ New York, US £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 10G 10Gbps New York, US £428.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ Los Angeles, US £55.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 1.9TB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ Los Angeles, US £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2278G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe 50TB 2.5Gbps+ Los Angeles, US £109.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 1G 2.5Gbps+ Los Angeles, US £79.00 Order
    Intel Xeon E-2276G 16GB 1 x 512GB NVMe Unmetered 10G 10Gbps Los Angeles, US £428.00 Order
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