Index Buddy Giveaway - Tool for Indexing Links/Generating Tier2 Backlinks

Hello Guys,
I want to give away 5 license keys for Index Buddy.
It's a simple tool to index your links/backlinks into search engines.
Index Buddy is in its early stages, so it would be nice if you could suggest the features you want / need, but you don't have to.
Send me a pm if you are interested in a license key.
It works on windows only (for now).
.Net Framework 4.7.2 is requiered. (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."
Look interesting! PM sent
Wait what? that looks like something that just spams profiles/forums/comment boxes with links?
The internet equivalent of throwing plastic bags and rubbish out of your car window while driving, something you would not do or want in your own neighbourhood.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
No, I would not name it spam.
It uses static links like whois, redirects etc. to link to your link. That will improve the chance to get your links/backlinks crawled by search engines.
Like all the neighbors talk about the Anthony's fresh lemonade, so google will check out the lemonade stand too. (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."
Pm send
Ok, 5 licenses sent out.
I might give away more licenses for the working people, just send me a pm if your are really interested and don't just want to collect free stuff (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."
I was under the impression that google is quite good at picking up and penalizing artificial links?
No, I would not name it spam.
Well, based on the URL's in your list, I would.
Do you know how long I have to spend here cleaning out shit on 0 post accounts that just abuse the site to post links on their profiles?
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Sorry but I am pretty sure this is considerably spamming, you are creating accounts on different websites using different name (which most likely is fake) just so that you can spam your link.
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Here is an example for a non deep-link backlink:
There will be no account created, no name used, no email entered, just static links.
But however you can use the tool to index every link you want e.g. index spam. (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."
So how would you explain: ?
From your examples list that is giving backinks to lowendbox?
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Let me explain how the little program works:
1. You import links you want to index
2. You press the index button
3. You can now export the generated backlinks as text file or csv (none of those generated links will be displayed on screen, because it would be useless to do so)
And if you pay $100 on PPH for "100% manually created article backlinks" you'll get this crap.
It's not that I wanted any spam profile backlinks. Could I clear this out now? (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."
So it is used to spam links as per the example above then, you just don't agree it is spam.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Might explain the sudden raise in traffic to that site.

“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
Guys, the link is lowendboxes, not lowendbox.
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Kool, never checked source. wish you all the best as admin.
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
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So here's the VirusTotal for the file:
Why this tool is messing with Windows Sound settings is a bit strange.
World domination plan step 1: ban javascript, step 2: ban google.
It's installforge it has the ability to play a sound while installing. (aff) (aff) Plant trees from home.
"If you are not paying for a product then you are the product."