Some hints to set up a ad free VPN on a nat vps.

Here is a super simple guide to set up a ad free vpn that come with a adguard interface on a nat vpn. The reason why I write this is because I see some others suffering with pi-hole on a nat vps.

This guide should be unreadable since I am bad in all Language. I just hope my experience worth 2 cents.

What is AdguardHome?

AdguardHome is a alternative of pi hole. If you dont know what is pi-hole, google it.

What is OpenVPN?

Openvpn is a VPN

My server: 256MB from @mrvm

  1. install AdguardHome, too simple,skip. Hints : I use [ipv6]:3000 to complete the install process
  2. Encryption settings for AdguadHome. Hints : you can get a let's encrypt cert very easy with
  3. config Adguardhome's Adguardhome.yaml ( -> your internal IP address), Like that

    bind_host: your internal IP address

  4. set up proxy from mrvm clients panel. (That domain forwarding bottom),this action give you a Adguard Home control panel

  5. install openvpn or any other vpns then point the dns to your internal IP

my suggestion is bash a script

Now, you get a ad-free VPN and a DNS over https.

Is it too short?

Action and Reaction in history



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